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[ Events ] Clarification about the "Release Schedule"


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  • Registered: 2018-02-05
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On 2018-07-18 13:09:57Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2018-07-16 07:31:56
  • My response to Oasis Games = Tencent Games stays same. I am sorry.

    selyl - Players are being too harsh and biased with Fuku deal. After that special one we had quiet some time ago, players expect it every single time and if it is not like that, it is automatically bad. Previous Fuku event with EDO Deidara was a special Fuku event that MIGHT but also MIGHT NOT happen from time to time. We are aware that players liked it and if there will be a chance to bring such offer again in the future, we will do so.

    Do I care? 2 - I do not think it is fair to say we overprice items or ninjas. Price changes according to in what event item or ninja can be redeemed. Same can be said about whole event cycle. If there are multiple spending rebates, it is normal you might spend a little bit more than last time BUT you get a lot of items in return. Everything has some value. I do agree with you that it is all about planning and how players handle their resources. I do not think it is a best example to compare mobile game with browser game. I do not play FGO but I really doubt they release their whole schedule with all details. They might announce that some new changes, features or characters are coming in next few weeks. We sadly can't do that. I don't understand your last question regarding time of feature development and change implementation. I do remember the Dosu thread. But the thing is - it was not first thread. When author posted it for a very first time, we have informed him that his suggestion will be passed to rest of the team. And that's it. We do not inform players what is current status of their suggestion or if their suggestion was rejected or not. Simply put, if team is even considering such change or implementation, from that point it is internal information and public will not be informed about it (unless it is confirmed and it's near its release date). There is nothing new I could tell you or anyone else about Dosu case. There are other things, more important things, that team should focus on right now. I know there are players who really really really love Dosu and that is completely fine. But in general, Dosu is not one of the most liked or wanted ninjas from the series. So if he will be added to the game, he will be most likely a side character. Side characters do not receive that much attention. I actually wanted to reply to his thread but I was busy and I had to take care of other things at that time and then I forgot about it.

    Fiyuri - Everything you suggest or request (of course if it is reasonable request) is discussed with rest of the team, that also includes developers. We are not the only version of the game so the process of processing information is a bit longer and sometimes it must be put aside if there are plans to release bigger updates or new big updates/features/ninjas are in development. You as players are able to make changes (to features, ninjas etc .. you might suggest changes but it does not mean it will be implemented). In the past we did polls but it was a failure and we learned our lesson. We promised something and we were not able to keep our promise. So no more polls in near future. Team is working on many features and updates. Mentioning them will make our community believe that it is close to its release date but reality is different (you might not see it for months). That's why we try to avoid such situations.

    Scarlettblue - There are indeed features that are only for players that buy ingots. But it is like that for a reason. It helps the game to survive and develop. Free to play players have the chance to obtain items from such features as well. But it will take them some time.

Price changes according to in what event item or ninja can be redeemed. Same can be said about whole event cycle. If there are multiple spending rebates, it is normal you might spend a little bit more than last time BUT you get a lot of items in return. Everything has some value. I do agree with you that it is all about planning and how players handle their resources.

Everything has some value, but releasing a lesser deal followed by a better deal of the same kind is basically ripping people off. What was even the point of buying week 1's stuff if it's completely outclassed by week 2? It's kind of an exaggeration, but that's the point I'm trying to make.

I do not play FGO but I really doubt they release their whole schedule with all details. They might announce that some new changes, features or characters are coming in next few weeks. We sadly can't do that.

...Why not? If you don't mind me asking, what's keeping you from doing what other companies can do easily?

I don't understand your last question regarding time of feature development and change implementation. I do remember the Dosu thread. But the thing is - it was not first thread. When author posted it for a very first time, we have informed him that his suggestion will be passed to rest of the team. And that's it. We do not inform players what is current status of their suggestion or if their suggestion was rejected or not.

Perhaps I was unclear. I meant to bring up the Dosu issue as a recent example of this kind of doubt I mentioned - specifically the doubt that we as players can have an effect on the game. I know that there's a small group of diehard Dosu fans. Dosu himself even talked to me about why he's such a diehard – because 95% of the fanbase either forgets about his favorite character or remembers him as a fodder.

But as derps likes to always tell me, we're getting off topic. The point is, every suggestion – not just Dosu's, but even more popular/more wanted suggestions – are not followed up on and that makes people feel like they can't influence the game. I don't have any examples on popular issues because I'm a hipster and don't follow that kind of thing to be honest, but hopefully what I'm trying to say is still conveyed.

Peace out, yo.


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On 2018-07-18 13:35:52Show this Author Only
  • Do I Care? 2 On 2018-07-18 13:09:57
  • Price changes according to in what event item or ninja can be redeemed. Same can be said about whole event cycle. If there are multiple spending rebates, it is normal you might spend a little bit more than last time BUT you get a lot of items in return. Everything has some value. I do agree with you that it is all about planning and how players handle their resources.

    Everything has some value, but releasing a lesser deal followed by a better deal of the same kind is basically ripping people off. What was even the point of buying week 1's stuff if it's completely outclassed by week 2? It's kind of an exaggeration, but that's the point I'm trying to make.

    I do not play FGO but I really doubt they release their whole schedule with all details. They might announce that some new changes, features or characters are coming in next few weeks. We sadly can't do that.

    ...Why not? If you don't mind me asking, what's keeping you from doing what other companies can do easily?

    I don't understand your last question regarding time of feature development and change implementation. I do remember the Dosu thread. But the thing is - it was not first thread. When author posted it for a very first time, we have informed him that his suggestion will be passed to rest of the team. And that's it. We do not inform players what is current status of their suggestion or if their suggestion was rejected or not.

    Perhaps I was unclear. I meant to bring up the Dosu issue as a recent example of this kind of doubt I mentioned - specifically the doubt that we as players can have an effect on the game. I know that there's a small group of diehard Dosu fans. Dosu himself even talked to me about why he's such a diehard – because 95% of the fanbase either forgets about his favorite character or remembers him as a fodder.

    But as derps likes to always tell me, we're getting off topic. The point is, every suggestion – not just Dosu's, but even more popular/more wanted suggestions – are not followed up on and that makes people feel like they can't influence the game. I don't have any examples on popular issues because I'm a hipster and don't follow that kind of thing to be honest, but hopefully what I'm trying to say is still conveyed.

    Peace out, yo.


lol doicare youre becoming a f2p activist XDDDDDD thanks for showing me this thread btw.

Now i see some comments here about f2p/p2w debates. both run on each other, comon guys weve been over this before. everyone here talks like they have this weird racism/prejudice towards the other side, with stuff like "you p2w" "your f2p" etc etc. its so accusatroy and just downright negative.

Both run on eachother. without the p2w thered be no cashflow into the game. without f2p the bulk of players would be gone. plus when p2w leave because of reallife things... divorce... family death... trauma in life... etc. life is traumatic. bad stuff happens. who's gonna replace them? if the f2p are so weak, so behind that theyre just not motivated to do anything to compete, there is no replacing those p2ws. come on guys, were all just players of this game and we kinda have no choice but to unite to at least try and make change.

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On 2018-07-18 19:57:34Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2018-07-18 12:06:29
  • I don't want polls like the old ones either, offering things that you can't 100% give is a bad idea because if you don't give it to us after offering it it will cause animosity.

    The type of polls I want would be for the small things that you have full control over and are easy to change/consistently changing like the monthly sign in ninja.

    Also I reiterate, the current format from the event feedback is incomplete to get a complete understanding for how players feel, it only asks about events for that week not other aspects of the game, and since the results aren't public we can't know if what we ask for is ever done. For all we know most people are asking for something and it's getting done but the people asking are being quiet on the forums because they are getting what they want and see no need to post(or people have given up because they don't feel like there is progress).

    At the very least I would like to see a public result list for the simple questions(non fill in the blank) that are in the event feedback and another feedback form for basic things about the game outside of the weekly events.

    When people have been talking about battle armor being too expensive they are saying that it is so expensive that any new person joining the game and spending $10k would be better off ignoring it because it isn't worth as much stats as other features that you can spend all of that money on. To be quite honest unless they are spending $50k+ on this game(just in power no ninjas) i would suggest they ignore battle armor because its worth that little that something else will always beat it in terms of gains. Even at 40% off with the buying thread event and the rank up rebate and an ingot spending event battle armor is still not worth the current price compared to summon cultivation or mt myoboku, and I'm at map 14 in mt myoboku where it costs 281 gifts per land.

    Our trust shouldn't impact your transparency in anyway. The main reason most people don't trust you guys is because of the LACK of transparency after all. The more transparent you are with us the more reason we would have to trust you, we might not like what you are saying, but most would accept it anyway, like when you said you couldn't use pictures on the event thread because of permission issues with whoever( i forget exactly what you said it was a while ago after all, feel free to specify the exact reason if you like), people who didn't see your response still question it(should have *ied it) and most of us thought "that *s, oh well, next issue" and moved on.

pretty much, i agree, if you woulda been transparent from day 1, i would have no issues with Oasis at all, instead i would be like from today "that's how they do business, fine, i can deal with that" but you guys took the shortcut and easy way out, besides if you're in this business you know you wont please everyone, but you need to please the masses, and people MIGHT be enticed to spend if you were clear from the beginning on what you want from us and what we want from you, we never lied to you, on what we want, some changes can happen, others not, it is what it is, and like i said we can deal with that if you dont have an answer to a specific question, cuz of the chain of command, and moderators usually take our frustrations on it, they are the messengers, allow them to make a good work and pass on a clear message to us, instead of being tackled everytime cuz there's no communication within the team.

P.S: I use to spend on this game, not anymore ever since the whole drama thing.

This post was last edited by UchihaShay on 2018-07-18 20:02:25.
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