I have mentioned it few times. Missing content from version 3.0 was pushed back/cancelled due to serious technical problems that needed required amount of time to create fix, then testing and it could delay version 4.0 for months. We (publishers and developers) have chosen the lesser evil. Now, since it had to be delayed with no ETA or set date because at that point no one knew WHEN and IF missing features will be added. With that being said, all missing features and content from version 3.0 are delayed until further notice. You might ask "Wait, does that mean we might not get them at all?" Absolutely, its an option (not final decision). Company reserves right to change in-game content. Right now it is up to developers to decide if missing content from version 3.0 should be added or not and if yes when. And I know, you might say "But you have promised us to add such features. We demand it right now and right here." It was listed as one of the features that were supposed to be added during version 3.0. However, nothing is promised and we always ask you to strictly focus only on our version. In very very rare occasions, content might be different from other versions and especially mother version due to version differences. CN works on very different system th*.
As for Ultimate Training and update to it - I don't recall it being promised or even mentioned somewhere. We are aware you would like to see new levels to Ultimate Training but at the moment there is no plan to update Ultimate training. We are currently focusing on other features and updates we would like to deliver to you.
Just because I do not reply to some comments or threads does not mean no one reads them. Other moderators always inform me and rest of the team if there is something really special or something they see you mention a lot. Plus, everything I see and I find reasonable and normal I always note and discuss with the rest of the team. What you need to understand is that changes and updates are not made overnight and it takes time. *, yea I know but there is nothing I can do about it. I see a lot of comments discussing what is the relationship between Oasis and Tencent. Honestly? That is something you guys really should not worry about. Sometimes you would like to talk about things that we can't talk about with you due to it being confidential information or simply not public information. I do not think it is necessary for you to know all inside information to be able to enjoy the game. It is probably that you are interested in it. So I am not going to comment or answer comments regarding Oasis and its relationship with Tencent.
Regarding update schedule:
Why we do not share it with you? For very simple reason - because we do not want to. First of all, it would ruin the surprise factor for you if you knew what is coming and when it is coming. Next reason could be that it is considered as confidential information and I really do not know any company that shares its schedule with its community. If there is such company, props to them.
If we were to share such thing with you, it is a huge risk we just don't want to take. There is a lot of changes and updates to our schedules that can happen anytime. So just imagine we release schedule that says version 5.0 will be released this year during September. BUT, 1 week before release of version 5.0, during last and final testing we discover serious bug that should not and will not be implemented to live servers. And what does it mean? Version 5.0 is going to be delayed. There would be a lot of negative and angry comments and discussions about it. Or for example we would make change to our schedule and you would would require us to explain the change or you will not like the change. There is a lot of factors, a lot of negative factors that will cause more problems than good if we were to do such thing. Take missing features from version 3.0 and real and live example and that is something we do not want to happen again.
Hope this clears all of the confusion.
What you do not seem to understand, maybe because you are part of the team, is that WE HAVE NO WAYS TO KNOW IF WHAT WE ASK FOR HAVE AN IMPACT OR NOT, we have no ways to know if actually happened that you really changed your plans because we asked for it and not because you decided to do it fully by yourself and would be happened the same even if none talked. We have no ways to know if you really do debugging and heavy testing on special servers or not because you do not show, not even after a feature is implemented, nor the logs of the testing servers nor the schedule of what you actually did.
As far as we know all our suggestions, requests and complaints are just smoke and screen added to let us think they matter and we have a voice in chapter(like chinese elections for the parliament) when is not true and there is nothing you can say to proof us is not so if you do not actually give us real tangible proofs that is so.
On the other hand what we know for sure is that the schedule we actually got implemented is extremely more p2w oriented than the original chinese version and we have to actually spend coupons or ingots to get everything (very often in higher quantities than the original version). Treasure tools are implemented since 4 months and still we never got a single event where is possible to redeem ability scrolls without using coupons or ingots, eight inner gates runes shops and the other common shops are never updated, you did not do anything to give us a way to reforge our old ninja tools after we got the nerf of sword of totsuka, paper shuriken and the other old gold tool (i forgot the name) with 4.0 implementation so all the people that had used their ninja tool essences on them got no way to reforge them because you are not adding ninja tool essences as common drop in TIs and other events and you do not seem to have any inclination to add kage TI, reaching even rank 7 BA is impossible without spending coupons or ingots and the number of skillbreaktrough currently available is excessively low to actually give a chance to f2p to have second hand options to replace 20k+ coupons worth ninjas they will never get without sacrificing unbearable amounts of power that leaves them with no hopes to be competitive even with f2p from older servers. That's what we see implemented in game while we have 0 reason to think you really hear to us if not your 'word'.
What you do not seem to understand, maybe because you are part of the team, is that WE HAVE NO WAYS TO KNOW IF WHAT WE ASK FOR HAVE AN IMPACT OR NOT, we have no ways to know if actually happened that you really changed your plans because we asked for it and not because you decided to do it fully by yourself and would be happened the same even if none talked. We have no ways to know if you really do debugging and heavy testing on special servers or not because you do not show, not even after a feature is implemented, nor the logs of the testing servers nor the schedule of what you actually did.
As far as we know all our suggestions, requests and complaints are just smoke and screen added to let us think they matter and we have a voice in chapter(like chinese elections for the parliament) when is not true and there is nothing you can say to proof us is not so if you do not actually give us real tangible proofs that is so.
On the other hand what we know for sure is that the schedule we actually got implemented is extremely more p2w oriented than the original chinese version and we have to actually spend coupons or ingots to get everything (very often in higher quantities than the original version). Treasure tools are implemented since 4 months and still we never got a single event where is possible to redeem ability scrolls without using coupons or ingots, eight inner gates runes shops and the other common shops are never updated, you did not do anything to give us a way to reforge our old ninja tools after we got the nerf of sword of totsuka, paper shuriken and the other old gold tool (i forgot the name) with 4.0 implementation so all the people that had used their ninja tool essences on them got no way to reforge them because you are not adding ninja tool essences as common drop in TIs and other events and you do not seem to have any inclination to add kage TI, reaching even rank 7 BA is impossible without spending coupons or ingots and the number of skillbreaktrough currently available is excessively low to actually give a chance to f2p to have second hand options to replace 20k+ coupons worth ninjas they will never get without sacrificing unbearable amounts of power that leaves them with no hopes to be competitive even with f2p from older servers. That's what we see implemented in game while we have 0 reason to think you really hear to us if not your 'word'.
I do definitely understand your frustration especially on the point regarding sometimes not knowing. Do know that your feedback and suggestions have and is in reality making changes whether it is written down or not. As stated above, schedule is not released due to a variety of reasons, which can include potential changes in the future due to either a specific situation (ie. potentially harmful bug), feedback from community, update from the development team, etc.
It definitely is easy to compare the different versions and only point out the negative aspect. However, the versions are different. There are also quite a number of positive implementations that gets missed.
We do definitely ask you to please focus on our version and if you do have any issues or concerns, to bring it to our attention with the reason why and suggestions so that we can work together to help in the constant improvement of Naruto Online.
I do definitely understand your frustration especially on the point regarding sometimes not knowing. Do know that your feedback and suggestions have and is in reality making changes whether it is written down or not. As stated above, schedule is not released due to a variety of reasons, which can include potential changes in the future due to either a specific situation (ie. potentially harmful bug), feedback from community, update from the development team, etc.
It definitely is easy to compare the different versions and only point out the negative aspect. However, the versions are different. There are also quite a number of positive implementations that gets missed.
We do definitely ask you to please focus on our version and if you do have any issues or concerns, to bring it to our attention with the reason why and suggestions so that we can work together to help in the constant improvement of Naruto Online.
The main, issue, jib, is that Oasis lack communication skills and transparency with their player ba
If they tell us they can't change or update core features would be fine, but they pretend to say they can do it, so if they can do it people expect they do it, overall for f2p matters just right now implemented and not only for new features, i'm talking about the common shops, monthly event, the rewards of TIs, of wanteds, of treasure hunts, of SA, of ninja exams, of ninja test and also of world boss.
Those things were never touched once since 4.0 introduction and they had a very little update even at that point in comparison with 3.0.
The only thing that really got an update was survival trial (a lot) and SA (a little, because was added advanced threads as sure rewards, a thing we should have had immediately with 3.0 and we had to wait treasure tool implementation patch, over 8 months after, to get it).
We lack updates of common every day in game activity, not updates of special weekly events or of new specific events.
I do definitely understand your frustration especially on the point regarding sometimes not knowing. Do know that your feedback and suggestions have and is in reality making changes whether it is written down or not. As stated above, schedule is not released due to a variety of reasons, which can include potential changes in the future due to either a specific situation (ie. potentially harmful bug), feedback from community, update from the development team, etc.
It definitely is easy to compare the different versions and only point out the negative aspect. However, the versions are different. There are also quite a number of positive implementations that gets missed.
We do definitely ask you to please focus on our version and if you do have any issues or concerns, to bring it to our attention with the reason why and suggestions so that we can work together to help in the constant improvement of Naruto Online.
Feedback from the community does indeed fuel changes in the future. It is true that there is no specific date, but changes do happen ba
A guideline/schedule has been given in the past, but changes to the schedule/guideline was met with both criticism and negative feedback, even though it was not set in stone. Things can definitely happen from when something is posted and when the event/feature gets released.
I understand that there are some opinions regarding transparency and we are trying to be as transparent as possible. We have let you guys know that we do not share the schedule of when events come because of many reasons including what was mentioned above. There are a lot of changes and updates that can happen in a moments notice and at the moment we are not sharing the schedule. This might be different in the future, but at the moment it is technically confidential information and we will definitely announce any new updates before it gets released.
Although some things may be similar with other versions, we are still our own separate version. Hopefully we can work together to make Naruto Online EN even better =]
Please do feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions!
My response to Oasis Games = Tencent Games stays same. I am sorry.
selyl - Players are being too harsh and biased with Fuku deal. After that special one we had quiet some time ago, players expect it every single time and if it is not like that, it is automatically bad. Previous Fuku event with EDO Deidara was a special Fuku event that MIGHT but also MIGHT NOT happen from time to time. We are aware that players liked it and if there will be a chance to bring such offer again in the future, we will do so.
Do I care? 2 - I do not think it is fair to say we overprice items or ninjas. Price changes according to in what event item or ninja can be redeemed. Same can be said about whole event cycle. If there are multiple spending rebates, it is normal you might spend a little bit more than last time BUT you get a lot of items in return. Everything has some value. I do agree with you that it is all about planning and how players handle their resources. I do not think it is a best example to compare mobile game with browser game. I do not play FGO but I really doubt they release their whole schedule with all details. They might announce that some new changes, features or characters are coming in next few weeks. We sadly can't do that. I don't understand your last question regarding time of feature development and change implementation. I do remember the Dosu thread. But the thing is - it was not first thread. When author posted it for a very first time, we have informed him that his suggestion will be passed to rest of the team. And that's it. We do not inform players what is current status of their suggestion or if their suggestion was rejected or not. Simply put, if team is even considering such change or implementation, from that point it is internal information and public will not be informed about it (unless it is confirmed and it's near its release date). There is nothing new I could tell you or anyone else about Dosu case. There are other things, more important things, that team should focus on right now. I know there are players who really really really love Dosu and that is completely fine. But in general, Dosu is not one of the most liked or wanted ninjas from the series. So if he will be added to the game, he will be most likely a side character. Side characters do not receive that much attention. I actually wanted to reply to his thread but I was busy and I had to take care of other things at that time and then I forgot about it.
Fiyuri - Everything you suggest or request (of course if it is reasonable request) is discussed with rest of the team, that also includes developers. We are not the only version of the game so the process of processing information is a bit longer and sometimes it must be put aside if there are plans to release bigger updates or new big updates/features/ninjas are in development. You as players are able to make changes (to features, ninjas etc .. you might suggest changes but it does not mean it will be implemented). In the past we did polls but it was a failure and we learned our lesson. We promised something and we were not able to keep our promise. So no more polls in near future. Team is working on many features and updates. Mentioning them will make our community believe that it is close to its release date but reality is different (you might not see it for months). That's why we try to avoid such situations.
Scarlettblue - There are indeed features that are only for players that buy ingots. But it is like that for a reason. It helps the game to survive and develop. Free to play players have the chance to obtain items from such features as well. But it will take them some time.
My response to Oasis Games = Tencent Games stays same. I am sorry.
selyl - Players are being too harsh and biased with Fuku deal. After that special one we had quiet some time ago, players expect it every single time and if it is not like that, it is automatically bad. Previous Fuku event with EDO Deidara was a special Fuku event that MIGHT but also MIGHT NOT happen from time to time. We are aware that players liked it and if there will be a chance to bring such offer again in the future, we will do so.
Do I care? 2 - I do not think it is fair to say we overprice items or ninjas. Price changes according to in what event item or ninja can be redeemed. Same can be said about whole event cycle. If there are multiple spending rebates, it is normal you might spend a little bit more than last time BUT you get a lot of items in return. Everything has some value. I do agree with you that it is all about planning and how players handle their resources. I do not think it is a best example to compare mobile game with browser game. I do not play FGO but I really doubt they release their whole schedule with all details. They might announce that some new changes, features or characters are coming in next few weeks. We sadly can't do that. I don't understand your last question regarding time of feature development and change implementation. I do remember the Dosu thread. But the thing is - it was not first thread. When author posted it for a very first time, we have informed him that his suggestion will be passed to rest of the team. And that's it. We do not inform players what is current status of their suggestion or if their suggestion was rejected or not. Simply put, if team is even considering such change or implementation, from that point it is internal information and public will not be informed about it (unless it is confirmed and it's near its release date). There is nothing new I could tell you or anyone else about Dosu case. There are other things, more important things, that team should focus on right now. I know there are players who really really really love Dosu and that is completely fine. But in general, Dosu is not one of the most liked or wanted ninjas from the series. So if he will be added to the game, he will be most likely a side character. Side characters do not receive that much attention. I actually wanted to reply to his thread but I was busy and I had to take care of other things at that time and then I forgot about it.
Fiyuri - Everything you suggest or request (of course if it is reasonable request) is discussed with rest of the team, that also includes developers. We are not the only version of the game so the process of processing information is a bit longer and sometimes it must be put aside if there are plans to release bigger updates or new big updates/features/ninjas are in development. You as players are able to make changes (to features, ninjas etc .. you might suggest changes but it does not mean it will be implemented). In the past we did polls but it was a failure and we learned our lesson. We promised something and we were not able to keep our promise. So no more polls in near future. Team is working on many features and updates. Mentioning them will make our community believe that it is close to its release date but reality is different (you might not see it for months). That's why we try to avoid such situations.
Scarlettblue - There are indeed features that are only for players that buy ingots. But it is like that for a reason. It helps the game to survive and develop. Free to play players have the chance to obtain items from such features as well. But it will take them some time.
it looks like to me you wholly misunderstood the point of scarletblue if this is your reply to what he said.
the problem is not the fact something is available immediately to high cashers and something is not, but may be achieved later by f2p, the problem is the fact you let f2p hope it could be achieved when is not at all even if they know in other versions of the game is actually possible.
Look at Battle Armor.
There's still no explanation to why rank 7 and 8 continue to be, de facto, unachievable not only by f2p but also by low cashers like me, even if the power and intiative it grants is no more and in any way worth the cost in coupons or ingots you require us to spend to achieve them.
If you introduce new features that overcome by far an older feature, should come the time when the old feature becomes more accessible, if not it will be simply left there untouched, even by new whales, for the simple fact is worther to go for the new ones.
Honestly speaking, explain to me why a player like me, that is right now at 150k power, should spend 100k ingots in battle armor to achieve rank 8 when, if i do it in ability treasure or in myoboku oil cultivation i get 3-5 times the initiative and total power i would get from BA rank 8 in comparison with BA rank 6, and when i know for sure within next 6-12 months you are going to add some new features that will be again better than BA. We will simply continue to leave battle armor behind because there's no reason for us to go for it.
My response to Oasis Games = Tencent Games stays same. I am sorry.
selyl - Players are being too harsh and biased with Fuku deal. After that special one we had quiet some time ago, players expect it every single time and if it is not like that, it is automatically bad. Previous Fuku event with EDO Deidara was a special Fuku event that MIGHT but also MIGHT NOT happen from time to time. We are aware that players liked it and if there will be a chance to bring such offer again in the future, we will do so.
Do I care? 2 - I do not think it is fair to say we overprice items or ninjas. Price changes according to in what event item or ninja can be redeemed. Same can be said about whole event cycle. If there are multiple spending rebates, it is normal you might spend a little bit more than last time BUT you get a lot of items in return. Everything has some value. I do agree with you that it is all about planning and how players handle their resources. I do not think it is a best example to compare mobile game with browser game. I do not play FGO but I really doubt they release their whole schedule with all details. They might announce that some new changes, features or characters are coming in next few weeks. We sadly can't do that. I don't understand your last question regarding time of feature development and change implementation. I do remember the Dosu thread. But the thing is - it was not first thread. When author posted it for a very first time, we have informed him that his suggestion will be passed to rest of the team. And that's it. We do not inform players what is current status of their suggestion or if their suggestion was rejected or not. Simply put, if team is even considering such change or implementation, from that point it is internal information and public will not be informed about it (unless it is confirmed and it's near its release date). There is nothing new I could tell you or anyone else about Dosu case. There are other things, more important things, that team should focus on right now. I know there are players who really really really love Dosu and that is completely fine. But in general, Dosu is not one of the most liked or wanted ninjas from the series. So if he will be added to the game, he will be most likely a side character. Side characters do not receive that much attention. I actually wanted to reply to his thread but I was busy and I had to take care of other things at that time and then I forgot about it.
Fiyuri - Everything you suggest or request (of course if it is reasonable request) is discussed with rest of the team, that also includes developers. We are not the only version of the game so the process of processing information is a bit longer and sometimes it must be put aside if there are plans to release bigger updates or new big updates/features/ninjas are in development. You as players are able to make changes (to features, ninjas etc .. you might suggest changes but it does not mean it will be implemented). In the past we did polls but it was a failure and we learned our lesson. We promised something and we were not able to keep our promise. So no more polls in near future. Team is working on many features and updates. Mentioning them will make our community believe that it is close to its release date but reality is different (you might not see it for months). That's why we try to avoid such situations.
Scarlettblue - There are indeed features that are only for players that buy ingots. But it is like that for a reason. It helps the game to survive and develop. Free to play players have the chance to obtain items from such features as well. But it will take them some time.
Daiske I would argue that you guys never really had any polls. I remember what you're talking about, but at best those "polls" were made in bad faith, you didn't give polls that we could truly influence, you gave polls that were basically asking "how excited are you for this feature?" and tried to disguise them as giving us a choice in whether or not we even got that feature.
We complained about that fact even before the XSWB poll that the community said no to. We were talking about it in the poll threads themselves asking if what we voted for would change anything, and as we found out the answer was, no.
We don't need polls that say what do you want next week. We would like polls that would give us options of what redeemable are in weekly events, what new ninjas will come out(people want a say in when their favorite ninjas come out, it doesnt need to be a fill in the blank, get the team to give us a dozen options of which ninjas they will give us and let us choose the order they get released in, hell hold back 5 ninjas after they are done and give us those 5 as the options and release them on a regular basis ba
The event feedback forms aren't good for this for a number of reasons, including: the results are not public so we can't see if Oasis is doing what we ask for, the threads don't give all of the options we want/need(ex, it asks as a multiple choice to pick your favorite reward but i might not like any and there is no way to skip it), it only asks about the weekly events which is a small part of the game, it doesn't ask about pricing which for some items is just too high. Also a lot of people are just disillusioned with it all and don't want to bother when it seems like there concerns aren't being listened to.
Giving us a poll for something simple and relatively quick like the monthly sign in ninja would go a long way toward showing the community that Oasis does listen. Again it doesn't have to be a fill in the blank give us a dozen options and let us choose, not everyone will be happy with it but it will likely have less people unhappy than the current system.
I have mentioned it few times. Missing content from version 3.0 was pushed back/cancelled due to serious technical problems that needed required amount of time to create fix, then testing and it could delay version 4.0 for months. We (publishers and developers) have chosen the lesser evil. Now, since it had to be delayed with no ETA or set date because at that point no one knew WHEN and IF missing features will be added. With that being said, all missing features and content from version 3.0 are delayed until further notice. You might ask "Wait, does that mean we might not get them at all?" Absolutely, its an option (not final decision). Company reserves right to change in-game content. Right now it is up to developers to decide if missing content from version 3.0 should be added or not and if yes when. And I know, you might say "But you have promised us to add such features. We demand it right now and right here." It was listed as one of the features that were supposed to be added during version 3.0. However, nothing is promised and we always ask you to strictly focus only on our version. In very very rare occasions, content might be different from other versions and especially mother version due to version differences. CN works on very different system th*.
As for Ultimate Training and update to it - I don't recall it being promised or even mentioned somewhere. We are aware you would like to see new levels to Ultimate Training but at the moment there is no plan to update Ultimate training. We are currently focusing on other features and updates we would like to deliver to you.
Just because I do not reply to some comments or threads does not mean no one reads them. Other moderators always inform me and rest of the team if there is something really special or something they see you mention a lot. Plus, everything I see and I find reasonable and normal I always note and discuss with the rest of the team. What you need to understand is that changes and updates are not made overnight and it takes time. *, yea I know but there is nothing I can do about it. I see a lot of comments discussing what is the relationship between Oasis and Tencent. Honestly? That is something you guys really should not worry about. Sometimes you would like to talk about things that we can't talk about with you due to it being confidential information or simply not public information. I do not think it is necessary for you to know all inside information to be able to enjoy the game. It is probably that you are interested in it. So I am not going to comment or answer comments regarding Oasis and its relationship with Tencent.
Regarding update schedule:
Why we do not share it with you? For very simple reason - because we do not want to. First of all, it would ruin the surprise factor for you if you knew what is coming and when it is coming. Next reason could be that it is considered as confidential information and I really do not know any company that shares its schedule with its community. If there is such company, props to them.
If we were to share such thing with you, it is a huge risk we just don't want to take. There is a lot of changes and updates to our schedules that can happen anytime. So just imagine we release schedule that says version 5.0 will be released this year during September. BUT, 1 week before release of version 5.0, during last and final testing we discover serious bug that should not and will not be implemented to live servers. And what does it mean? Version 5.0 is going to be delayed. There would be a lot of negative and angry comments and discussions about it. Or for example we would make change to our schedule and you would would require us to explain the change or you will not like the change. There is a lot of factors, a lot of negative factors that will cause more problems than good if we were to do such thing. Take missing features from version 3.0 and real and live example and that is something we do not want to happen again.
Hope this clears all of the confusion.
Shadoblaze, as much as cross SWB was unwanted change by the community, vast majority of servers (merged servers) wouldnt be able to participate if it wasnt for cross implementation. I didnt like the change back then, because Ive dropped from 1st place every swb to 3rd every 3 months at best (and its still like this). Players that were in the top can feel hurt, but for over 50% of the contestants it makes no difference if its server or cross server, since they are being farmed anyway. However I prefer it this way than no event at all, just because of game's server policy. In a long run, I believe that was a correct choice, although some tweaks here and there could improve matchmaking or other aspects of this feature. SWB change in 3.0 or 4.0 regarding refine distribution was already a nice change.
Shadoblaze, as much as cross SWB was unwanted change by the community, vast majority of servers (merged servers) wouldnt be able to participate if it wasnt for cross implementation. I didnt like the change back then, because Ive dropped from 1st place every swb to 3rd every 3 months at best (and its still like this). Players that were in the top can feel hurt, but for over 50% of the contestants it makes no difference if its server or cross server, since they are being farmed anyway. However I prefer it this way than no event at all, just because of game's server policy. In a long run, I believe that was a correct choice, although some tweaks here and there could improve matchmaking or other aspects of this feature. SWB change in 3.0 or 4.0 regarding refine distribution was already a nice change.
yes, you are indeed right, but there were ways and ways to implement the x-server version of the feature and they simply asked us if we wanted it or not, they never gave us the choice to talk in depth about how it would be implemented if we said yes.
Just look at the actual situation. If the number of partecipants per field instead of being 90 was 36-45, for example, x-server swb would be 100 times fairer, the number of rewards per person would be decent and a lot of people would enjoy it way more and many of the people that quitted the feature, would come back playing it.
So at the time i replied 'no' because i knew the situation would have been the one we have right now if they didn't decrease the cap and because my server was (and would still be even right now) perfectly able to make swb start by itself.
I would have replied 'yes', instead, if they gave us, for example, the choice to talk about the cap of people per field or if they gave us the simple option that one server would be added to the x-server version of the feature if and only if it the number of partecipants from that server was lower than the 21 minimum required to make it start by itself.
Since they didn't do nor the 1st neither the 2nd then was normal that we thought they simply wanted to make whales face eachothers while, at the same time, they would have reduced the total number of free refinements available to other players instead of actually caring for their playerba
@Garv, just to clarify: I don't support the way they used the poll and implemented it anyway. I agree with you about making it more balanced - somehow - but making it. I'm just trying to say, that sometimes things they implement (or dont implement) have a long range effect that community doesn't see. Change was required, thats for sure. I believe making cross swb was a right move, although the implementation was (is) nowhere near perfect. Could it be fixed to make it more balanced? Yes. Still, what we have is better than no swb at all for propably over 50% of the servers.
yes, you are indeed right, but there were ways and ways to implement the x-server version of the feature and they simply asked us if we wanted it or not, they never gave us the choice to talk in depth about how it would be implemented if we said yes.
Just look at the actual situation. If the number of partecipants per field instead of being 90 was 36-45, for example, x-server swb would be 100 times fairer, the number of rewards per person would be decent and a lot of people would enjoy it way more and many of the people that quitted the feature, would come back playing it.
So at the time i replied 'no' because i knew the situation would have been the one we have right now if they didn't decrease the cap and because my server was (and would still be even right now) perfectly able to make swb start by itself.
I would have replied 'yes', instead, if they gave us, for example, the choice to talk about the cap of people per field or if they gave us the simple option that one server would be added to the x-server version of the feature if and only if it the number of partecipants from that server was lower than the 21 minimum required to make it start by itself.
Since they didn't do nor the 1st neither the 2nd then was normal that we thought they simply wanted to make whales face eachothers while, at the same time, they would have reduced the total number of free refinements available to other players instead of actually caring for their playerba
my swb has 2 brackets, one has 12-13 people per land so 36-39 people total the other has about 22-26 people per land.
the 36 person total swb is boring since us strong people just farm the weaker people till they get knocked out and get 0 rewards, but we don't have much of a choice since we want to get 1st on our lands and for most of us its a risk to fight each other so we dont risk it until there are no weak people left, ive seen it go down to 5 people on a land still able to get rewards, so i don't know how thats fair.
the 66 person swb we at least have more options to attack so most people have a chance of getting a win here and there so they wont get knocked out and lose their possibility of rewards.
trust me no1 enjoys the 36 person swb more. not us strong people or the weak people. if they made xswb a 2ndary option like you sugested i would have voted for that as well, but right now my server can start a swb on its own so i would rather the weaker people on my server get more rewards instead of splitting them with other servers.
@Zathroth - a lot of people on my server stopped doing the event because they just get farmed by people they have no chance against, which leads to the problem of those 50% u said didnt care not using the event and then the remaining 50% get split because there arent enough people to fight and so we farm the bottom remaining 50% until they get knocked out which then repeats the cycle.
i personaly got helped from xswb since i can win the team point rewards more often since i can get a decent 2nd strongest on my land now where b4 i was the strongest and got the 6th strongest as my lands 2nd best(aka me vs every1 else and they farmed my whole land besides me), but most of m server was hurt by it and is still being hurt.
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