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Wheel of fortune.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-06 19:58:06Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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1. I know its RNg, but what is its drop rate?

2. No one gets minato in our server through wheel this week event, and many draw into this. Is it possible that no one can get him in the course of event?

3. Should someone continue spinning the wheel after he dumps so much coupons to get minato?

Pls reply. Im helping a desperate friend spending large amount of coupons and his f2p.

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On 2018-07-06 20:10:42Show this Author Only
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On 2018-07-06 20:13:15Show this Author Only

Dont' waste cp for rng events. If you want certain ninja- wait for his fragments to be available in some redeem shop of event. You might be one of lucky players, but reeally, too low chances anyway.

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On 2018-07-06 20:18:58Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2018-07-06 20:13:15
  • Dont' waste cp for rng events. If you want certain ninja- wait for his fragments to be available in some redeem shop of event. You might be one of lucky players, but reeally, too low chances anyway.

True, the best and safest way is to gather fragments from events in which they are, because the Rng events is the worst traps ever
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On 2018-07-06 20:20:08Show this Author Only
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On 2018-07-06 20:49:27Show this Author Only

1. I don't know the percentage of possibility drop rate of the said Prized Ninja of the Event but it will definitely at very low.

2. Yes, it is possible that no one will get him in the course of this event. Just like what happened before in our server where many player spent their resources but no one got even 1 player, no one got Hidan DPB.

3. First of all, if you have been playing this game for long, even for a couple of months, you should've know that spending in RNG events is a big risk. Someone can get it with few spins while other may end up with nothing even though he spent tons of cash. Specially, if you're a F2P this is not the event for you to take participate, unless you are willing to take consequences after draining your resources and get nothing. But if you are the type of person who holds grudge to something/someone after getting upset with something then keep away from this events.

If the system fails to change, then you, me, us, should be the one to adjust .. I experienced it spending so much without getting anything, but i have no regret since i know the risk and i'm willing to take the risk during that times. but now i learned enough and had enough and getting what i want thru buying its frags from redeeming is what i'm doing now, that's why im getting what i want now without worrying if RNG will favor me ..


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On 2018-07-06 20:53:45Show this Author Only
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You already know the fact that their interest is only that, but you still participated and spent your coupons in it .. Then now, who is left without nothing? them or you? In the end, the blame will be yours because no one from them told you to spend your coupons on that event, no one forced you or gave command to you, in short, your own choice and decision .. Next time spend where you can surely get what you want and do not take risk if you will hold grudge after failing to get something ..

But on some point, i do condemn this kind of events with such low chance of getting the prize .. Adjust it if you can or always put an Coupons Spending Rebate everyweek or in the week where this wheels also available.

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On 2018-07-06 20:59:04Show this Author Only

1. no one knows except for oasis

2. Yes it's rng based.

3. No, it's better to buy minato in treasure of the sage for 30%-40%(if you're really lucky)

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On 2018-07-07 00:40:11Show this Author Only

In my server s903, a player named lymsleia got 3 super rare ninjas from lucky wheel.

Shark kisame, Konan AOG and now Minato jonin all for a total of less than 2k coupons.

Then there is another from s912 which we got merge from and got Edo deidara and Minato jonin this week.

Idk what's wrong with this RNG but this week's lucky wheel gave 2 minato jounin on the 1st day with total spins from whole server which is less than 1k spins.

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On 2018-07-07 00:45:09Show this Author Only
  • Minku On 2018-07-07 00:40:11
  • In my server s903, a player named lymsleia got 3 super rare ninjas from lucky wheel.

    Shark kisame, Konan AOG and now Minato jonin all for a total of less than 2k coupons.

    Then there is another from s912 which we got merge from and got Edo deidara and Minato jonin this week.

    Idk what's wrong with this RNG but this week's lucky wheel gave 2 minato jounin on the 1st day with total spins from whole server which is less than 1k spins.

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On 2018-07-07 01:17:14Show this Author Only


there two guys get him in first day , one spend to get him and the second guy get it for free and he are an activated player

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On 2018-07-07 05:13:47Show this Author Only
  • Minku On 2018-07-07 00:40:11
  • In my server s903, a player named lymsleia got 3 super rare ninjas from lucky wheel.

    Shark kisame, Konan AOG and now Minato jonin all for a total of less than 2k coupons.

    Then there is another from s912 which we got merge from and got Edo deidara and Minato jonin this week.

    Idk what's wrong with this RNG but this week's lucky wheel gave 2 minato jounin on the 1st day with total spins from whole server which is less than 1k spins.

That being said, OP should know the other side of the medal- people who spin over 500 and dont get them. There was a mod on forum who posted spins (1500) and no jackpot. Recent Kaizer's video- 500 and no jackpot.

1. nobody knows the drop rate

2. server can get either 50 minatos or 0. There is no set ammount.

3. Make assumption, that you WONT GET minato or that there is no jackpot at all in this event. Would you still use your resources to spin that wheel for the items? If yes, keep spinning, if not- don't.

RNG events have one rule- use them only if you like common items that are inside (or redeemables in lucky stars case) so you have no regrets. Jackpot is an addition, not main goal itself. Since you are ftp and you seem to really care about getting minato, save more and buy his frags directly in evets like lucky board, mission dealer or treasure of the sages.

That being said, if you have a lot of ninjas and you dont really care if you get one more or not, because it creates JUST ANOTHER team, rng events tend to be one of the better events. I'm speaking from personal experience. Spending resources on power is good, and if you get ninja you dont have as an addition- even better. However most of the playerbase cant get it, that if you arent in a comfortable situation that you already have (one of) the best meta teams available, you should really avoid those kinds of events. First work for a solid base team, then you can experiment with RNG, because if you dont win, you arent left with nothing.

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2018-07-07 05:17:56.
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On 2018-07-07 05:59:19Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2018-07-07 05:13:47
  • That being said, OP should know the other side of the medal- people who spin over 500 and dont get them. There was a mod on forum who posted spins (1500) and no jackpot. Recent Kaizer's video- 500 and no jackpot.

    1. nobody knows the drop rate

    2. server can get either 50 minatos or 0. There is no set ammount.

    3. Make assumption, that you WONT GET minato or that there is no jackpot at all in this event. Would you still use your resources to spin that wheel for the items? If yes, keep spinning, if not- don't.

    RNG events have one rule- use them only if you like common items that are inside (or redeemables in lucky stars case) so you have no regrets. Jackpot is an addition, not main goal itself. Since you are ftp and you seem to really care about getting minato, save more and buy his frags directly in evets like lucky board, mission dealer or treasure of the sages.

    That being said, if you have a lot of ninjas and you dont really care if you get one more or not, because it creates JUST ANOTHER team, rng events tend to be one of the better events. I'm speaking from personal experience. Spending resources on power is good, and if you get ninja you dont have as an addition- even better. However most of the playerbase cant get it, that if you arent in a comfortable situation that you already have (one of) the best meta teams available, you should really avoid those kinds of events. First work for a solid base team, then you can experiment with RNG, because if you dont win, you arent left with nothing.

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On 2018-07-07 08:22:09Show this Author Only
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Probably because of the lack of incentive to do so. Even so, regardless if the drop-rates is known or not, people really need to have this mindset of what Zathroth said. As a f2p, are you really going to use your limited amount of coupons on something that is not guarantee? Learn on how use your coupons effectively rather than gamble it. In case people were wondering, people that were present when jonin and masked man appeared in our server should have gotten at least one of them for free by now via free points from events.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-07-07 08:25:42.
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On 2018-07-07 09:05:37Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-07-07 08:22:09
  • Probably because of the lack of incentive to do so. Even so, regardless if the drop-rates is known or not, people really need to have this mindset of what Zathroth said. As a f2p, are you really going to use your limited amount of coupons on something that is not guarantee? Learn on how use your coupons effectively rather than gamble it. In case people were wondering, people that were present when jonin and masked man appeared in our server should have gotten at least one of them for free by now via free points from events.

I managed to piece Jonin Minato 10 months after his release :c

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