Ok I had about 4k power advantage over this dude, but what I also had is almost full hp on all ninjas at the end.
4k power gap should mean 4% difference between us when we're both almost 100k. But this is 100% difference when looking at the hp bar. :(
When I told you Hokage Minato is just very, very bad in 1v1 and only good in Bonds or GNW (ps. only if tagged on enemy field) some of you didn't believe me. Coming from someone who actually has both Minatos.
The only ninjas I see Hokage Minato in 1v1 is with those in the team above (although it doesn't seem to work :/ ), or along Shark Kisame/ Angel Konan/ Edo Deidara/ Shisui/ Madara/ Masked Man, all with Wind Main of course, yep... having to play as a girl when I am a guy was pretty annoying. Maybe give Pakura a "clear 1 layer of debuffs and give 1 extra standard attack to wind ninjas"? Like Itachi Anbu is for Uchihas & Jinpachi is for Edo units, that would make him more viable.
Some people think I brag I'm just trying to be funny at this point.
PS: Immobile chase that can't be interrupted because they're dodge units + immobile mystery + jonin minato mystery every round (if you're lucky) OP
PS2: Still waiting for my Kid Kakashi and Bond Mystery
EDIT: Hmm, Hokage Minato needs to go back to ninja school... couldn't even destroy Iruka's shield who is there literally just for buff and to take hits
I always want to use your lineup in sage and im using jonin Minato, masked man and Murenai with wind main, my problem is when i face Kushimaru blitz teams kushi keeps on attacking because most of the time he 1 hits my clones and keeps on attacking eventually baiting masked man and Minato's dodge, so most of the time i have to play smart and not pop Murenai's mystery before the lighning main accupuntures minato.(.My question is how does your lineup fare against Kushi blitz teams? with my lineup im having more trouble with kushi blitz than shisui teams(with iruka, but if they have masked main its a pain especially if Fire main). any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah, sure, hokage minato is bad in 1vs1... That's the reason why in top swb fields if there's a minato is hokage, because 130k+ people like to go in with subpar options.
The team you faced works but requires high playing skills and an overstacked move 1. A 70k hokage minato with two stacks of selfbuff literally lands twice the damage jonin minato does in the same situation and also grants +40% resistance to the whole team. The reason why your enemy lineup do not work is bad playing skills and too low bp on hokage minato.
Right now, actually, hokage minato is one of the best options as the 3rd ninja to add to kisame samehada + angel god konan lineups and is so exactly because of his passive + his insanely high tai attack that is what misses in that team.
I agree with Scarlettblue, Hokage Minato > Jonin Minato every day of the week.
His passive tag ability baits dodge or does a *ton of damage, his 40% resistance passive is crazy good, his scaling is so much better and his standard attack hits really hard.
Jonin Minato on the other hand dies from one hit and hits as hard as a wet paper towel. I wish I had Hokage and not Jonin version. I used to think that his bond skill would make a huge difference but I'm not so sure about that anymore. He's still going to be as tanky as a straw of grass in the wind.
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