Hi guys.I have HK Minato .How much can I take jonin minato frags with bond chats(maksimum) ?Anyone know that ?
I don't know or i'm not sure if all ninjas with bond gives the same amount of ninja fragments when it got maxed .. ba
I got my Hashirama twice, on different occasions from Mission Boxes, so the second time i got him, i decided to skillbreak his skills, namely Ninja God to +1 and Giant Tree Breaker to +1 .. But i only have 80 fragments so i breakthroughed his Ninja God first, from that day, i regularly giving Hashirama gifts to make the bond level-up fast and when i finally maxed him, i breakthroughed his Giant Tree Breaker to +1 .. And now, i still have excess 5 fragments of him .. If maxing his bonds only gives 20 fragments then i must have left with no excess .. since both skillbreaks cost 50 fragments each .. so i guess and i think ..
Bond Lv 5 = 5 Frags
Bond Lv 10 = 5 Frags
Bond Lv 15 = 5 Frags
Bond Lv 20 = 10 Frag (i clearly remember this, getting 10 frags)
Here's the image of my Hashirama ..
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