Does anybody know what stats will new clothing provide?
Jib Edit: Please try to not use all capitals in your title, thank you so much for understanding =]
Why not free ;(
Actually, you may consider it as a Free, just piece it using free point from events that gives free points .. But if you wanna have the cloth fast and early, then you may have to pay the price for wanting it .. Just like what i did with my Yes! Master Cloth, pieced it everytime it appears in an event, this last saturday, i just bought 12 frags of it to finally complete it .. Tho i honestly lose my patience, if i waited till today, i should've only paid for 8 frags and not 12 frags ..
that cloth supossed given for free. Its just so wrong to sell free stuff.
It is not "Supposed" given for free if the Developers or Team of EN servers are really not planning to give it for free .. Just what i've said before this reply, you may consider it as free since you can piece it slowly thru different events by redeeming it with free points that you can get ..
Another thing about that is, this Clothing is given for free and yes it is on CN servers .. CN servers and EN servers has different management if i'm right .. So don't expect them to give the same thing and release the same way they did with other server .. You can't have Strawberries in Chocolate Cake just because they are both Cakes ..
just because its free in china it should be free here?
Actually, you may consider it as a Free, just piece it using free point from events that gives free points .. But if you wanna have the cloth fast and early, then you may have to pay the price for wanting it .. Just like what i did with my Yes! Master Cloth, pieced it everytime it appears in an event, this last saturday, i just bought 12 frags of it to finally complete it .. Tho i honestly lose my patience, if i waited till today, i should've only paid for 8 frags and not 12 frags ..
Actually, you may consider it as a Free, just piece it using free point from events that gives free points .. But if you wanna have the cloth fast and early, then you may have to pay the price for wanting it .. Just like what i did with my Yes! Master Cloth, pieced it everytime it appears in an event, this last saturday, i just bought 12 frags of it to finally complete it .. Tho i honestly lose my patience, if i waited till today, i should've only paid for 8 frags and not 12 frags ..
You can that about anything but its not true at all. You pay with points and those points can be used for something else. Free is when you get it on release date or loging in without much effort. You can say you can get itachi susano for free but those scrolls obtainable for free will probably take you couple of years. Or put your account into your will so your kids can continue the journey for getting such a rare ninja.
Hi! You will be able to see the stat of the new clothing when it gets released tomorrow. I also cannot wait =p I will post an update with an image of the clothing stats for you when it gets released!
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