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On 2018-05-18 01:54:48Show this Author Only
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It's better than nothing and stop comparing English Servers to other servers .. The management and teams between the two server regions are both different so expect that the ways how the game will work, events and other features will not be same from each other .. If the Ninja Tool is useless for you then don't participate in this Time Limited Team Instance, other people might need it, it's just individual preference .. And it's free so, nothing to worry about ..

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On 2018-05-18 02:26:07Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-05-18 01:54:48
  • It's better than nothing and stop comparing English Servers to other servers .. The management and teams between the two server regions are both different so expect that the ways how the game will work, events and other features will not be same from each other .. If the Ninja Tool is useless for you then don't participate in this Time Limited Team Instance, other people might need it, it's just individual preference .. And it's free so, nothing to worry about ..

All we're saying is that the new tool is useless man, you really fail to see the point here.
But, please, allow me to help you understand.
Now imagine i come to you offering you 10L of pig blood. Then you be like "WTF MAN, what in the hell should I do with 10L of pig blood", and I'll be like "Don't expect me to give you anything else, stop complaining, it's free pig blood after all", then you will do as you said and just don't accept, and the whole thing that happened was a nuissance...
Now you see the problem??The problem is exactly this nuissance.

This post was last edited by NarutoHokageSam on 2018-05-18 02:27:38.
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On 2018-05-18 04:03:38Show this Author Only
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dont challenge them, man. They can put all the new nice update on hold for next year :P

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On 2018-05-18 04:26:39Show this Author Only

Bring ninja exam 220

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On 2018-05-18 06:01:14Show this Author Only
  • NarutoHokageSam On 2018-05-18 02:26:07
  • All we're saying is that the new tool is useless man, you really fail to see the point here.
    But, please, allow me to help you understand.
    Now imagine i come to you offering you 10L of pig blood. Then you be like "WTF MAN, what in the hell should I do with 10L of pig blood", and I'll be like "Don't expect me to give you anything else, stop complaining, it's free pig blood after all", then you will do as you said and just don't accept, and the whole thing that happened was a nuissance...
    Now you see the problem??The problem is exactly this nuissance.

Useless for you yes, but not for players who can't get asuras sword such as myself. My battle power is only 10k and with this new ninja tool, I am cooking with fire.

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On 2018-05-18 06:31:03Show this Author Only

What is even the point of this TI, the scaling is worse and you waste 10 runs just to get 1 tool when you could be farming other TIs for more stuff. At the very least give the frying pan the gold stat RNG from before that one patch that nerfed the tools, then it'd actually be legitimately useful for almost anyone to get.

I'm still so irked they waited 6 months to nerf those old tools by saying "Oh it was a mistake" I was a few days away from unlocking Bros TI while the people above me had a field day with fantastic Ninja Tools. It's dumb.

This post was last edited by Immortal Utsuro on 2018-05-18 06:31:40.
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On 2018-05-18 06:33:59Show this Author Only

I only had 5 TI rewards left, so I won't be able to get it.

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On 2018-05-18 06:36:29Show this Author Only
  • Jatx On 2018-05-18 06:33:59
  • I only had 5 TI rewards left, so I won't be able to get it.

I assume it'll at least last until next week's events so you should be good to go on Monday.

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On 2018-05-18 12:48:05Show this Author Only

For people who got Asura's Sword, this pan is not worth it. :)

Might as well wait for Reaper's mask ;)

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On 2018-05-18 14:52:25Show this Author Only
  • Slowpoke On 2018-05-18 12:48:05
  • For people who got Asura's Sword, this pan is not worth it. :)

    Might as well wait for Reaper's mask ;)

I find this to be false.

One gives more HP the other gives more Attack, depending on your line up depends on the tool you want.

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On 2018-05-18 14:58:32Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-05-18 14:52:25
  • I find this to be false.

    One gives more HP the other gives more Attack, depending on your line up depends on the tool you want.

Due to scaling differences, at lvl 15+, asura's sword gives both more attack and hp than the pan.

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On 2018-05-18 20:00:10Show this Author Only

I don't understand why they didn't simply implement kage TI and wholly avoid this.

There are a ton of people in older servers than mine that are full of tools with old BF hard mode secondary gold stats (overall those +4 resistances) that have no reasons to destroy them to reforge the theoretically better ones that came after the various nerfs and they continue to go on like if they altogether removed them.

If, at least, this TI granted red natures would be somehow a decent tradeoff for people in old servers, but grants only yellow ones.

Personally speaking i'll just get the pan for collection (i have a very good sword from pain ti), but considering it scales like a gold tool and not like a red tool is not worth to go for it for any other reasons.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-05-18 20:01:57.
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On 2018-05-18 20:09:38Show this Author Only

I still prefer my shura broad sword than the useless pan.


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On 2018-05-18 20:09:53Show this Author Only

I think its only good for early game players who doesn't have Ashura's sword yet

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On 2018-05-18 22:19:10Show this Author Only
  • NarutoHokageSam On 2018-05-18 02:26:07
  • All we're saying is that the new tool is useless man, you really fail to see the point here.
    But, please, allow me to help you understand.
    Now imagine i come to you offering you 10L of pig blood. Then you be like "WTF MAN, what in the hell should I do with 10L of pig blood", and I'll be like "Don't expect me to give you anything else, stop complaining, it's free pig blood after all", then you will do as you said and just don't accept, and the whole thing that happened was a nuissance...
    Now you see the problem??The problem is exactly this nuissance.

Man, you don't need to .. I fully understand what the situation here is and what i said has some sense in it .. But i find that pig blood example of yours ironic, give me 10L of Pig Blood and i will accept it, you know why? .. with 10L of Pig's Blood, i can feed a lot of people with that, here in our country we have a dish made of Pig's Blood called Dinuguan .. And i'll be happy with that ..

Not everybody in this game has the Ashura Sword already, and the target of this event is not only you people, who sees the new tool as useless .. Think about the other players here who can still use and appreciate that tool and not only about your OWN personal situation .. Instead of helping me to understand the situation, better for you if you educate yourself from determining such things and situations with rational thinking .. or maybe just a little common sense will do .. You will not LOSE something even you get the new tool, but then if the new tool is useless for you and you chose to get it and complain then the blame is on you, you have your freedom to choose what TI you will do and don't ..

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On 2018-05-18 22:22:39Show this Author Only
  • Slowpoke On 2018-05-18 12:48:05
  • For people who got Asura's Sword, this pan is not worth it. :)

    Might as well wait for Reaper's mask ;)

You mean the Grim Reaper's Mask? .. It's already available ..


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On 2018-05-18 23:19:39Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-05-18 22:19:10
  • Man, you don't need to .. I fully understand what the situation here is and what i said has some sense in it .. But i find that pig blood example of yours ironic, give me 10L of Pig Blood and i will accept it, you know why? .. with 10L of Pig's Blood, i can feed a lot of people with that, here in our country we have a dish made of Pig's Blood called Dinuguan .. And i'll be happy with that ..

    Not everybody in this game has the Ashura Sword already, and the target of this event is not only you people, who sees the new tool as useless .. Think about the other players here who can still use and appreciate that tool and not only about your OWN personal situation .. Instead of helping me to understand the situation, better for you if you educate yourself from determining such things and situations with rational thinking .. or maybe just a little common sense will do .. You will not LOSE something even you get the new tool, but then if the new tool is useless for you and you chose to get it and complain then the blame is on you, you have your freedom to choose what TI you will do and don't ..

You're actually not understanding the situation at all, people are advocating for something better and there is nothing wrong with that, telling people to "Stop and be happy with what they have" is the dumbest thing I hear people say & it's spouted a lot round here, which irritates me to no end that you don't want a "better" game, a "better" overall experience.
There's nothing wrong with striving to be better- or striving for something else to be better stop advocating for people to be content, just because you're happy with garbage doesn't mean everyone else has to be, you lay in your garbage let us advocate for better.

The tool as it stands has no actual use- the sword is better FULL STOP.
The argument that the pan has some use to those that don't currently have the sword is pointless as the sword isn't that hard to get, and there are other tools for that/lower level- why implement a patch that does overall nothing, I do all 25 TIs every week near enough & I've had countless swords, masks & other rare ones that I just merge into my current tools- there's already a journey in reaching this, adding a tool that does nothing to further ANYONE is overall a pointless thing to add..

This post was last edited by CarlTian on 2018-05-18 23:25:45.
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On 2018-05-19 13:25:40Show this Author Only
  • CarlTian On 2018-05-18 23:19:39
  • You're actually not understanding the situation at all, people are advocating for something better and there is nothing wrong with that, telling people to "Stop and be happy with what they have" is the dumbest thing I hear people say & it's spouted a lot round here, which irritates me to no end that you don't want a "better" game, a "better" overall experience.
    There's nothing wrong with striving to be better- or striving for something else to be better stop advocating for people to be content, just because you're happy with garbage doesn't mean everyone else has to be, you lay in your garbage let us advocate for better.

    The tool as it stands has no actual use- the sword is better FULL STOP.
    The argument that the pan has some use to those that don't currently have the sword is pointless as the sword isn't that hard to get, and there are other tools for that/lower level- why implement a patch that does overall nothing, I do all 25 TIs every week near enough & I've had countless swords, masks & other rare ones that I just merge into my current tools- there's already a journey in reaching this, adding a tool that does nothing to further ANYONE is overall a pointless thing to add..

Man, use brain before responding .. Eat your own words ..

"There's nothing wrong with striving to be better- or striving for something else to be better stop advocating for people to be content, just because you're happy with garbage doesn't mean everyone else has to be, you lay in your garbage let us advocate for better."

There is nothing wrong to be contented for what they give, just because you're not happy with the so called garbage tool doesn't mean everyone else has to be" .. The target of the said event and tool is not only for you people who has already have the best tools .. Wait for the events that can make you happy .. And again, there's nothing to lose having this event, it will not hurt you or make you broke, it's your choice if you'are gonna do it or not ..

And last, for you to understand well what i'm talking about, my concern here is for the WHOLE community, from the lowest to highest level players of the game, high-level players will have their own choice whether to get it or not, just like what i said earlier while on the other hand, low-level players will have something good for them to use in their early days in the game, giving them good power to do their tasks,missions and events .. Unlike with your reasoning which i find SELFISH since you only talk about your OWN situation of having that tool as a garbage ..


This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2018-05-19 13:39:54.
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On 2018-05-19 13:44:07Show this Author Only
  • CarlTian On 2018-05-18 23:19:39
  • You're actually not understanding the situation at all, people are advocating for something better and there is nothing wrong with that, telling people to "Stop and be happy with what they have" is the dumbest thing I hear people say & it's spouted a lot round here, which irritates me to no end that you don't want a "better" game, a "better" overall experience.
    There's nothing wrong with striving to be better- or striving for something else to be better stop advocating for people to be content, just because you're happy with garbage doesn't mean everyone else has to be, you lay in your garbage let us advocate for better.

    The tool as it stands has no actual use- the sword is better FULL STOP.
    The argument that the pan has some use to those that don't currently have the sword is pointless as the sword isn't that hard to get, and there are other tools for that/lower level- why implement a patch that does overall nothing, I do all 25 TIs every week near enough & I've had countless swords, masks & other rare ones that I just merge into my current tools- there's already a journey in reaching this, adding a tool that does nothing to further ANYONE is overall a pointless thing to add..

I think you just need to accept that not all content is created to be endgame content. A good game should focus more on endgame content but not 100%.

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On 2018-05-19 13:46:39Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-05-19 13:25:40
  • Man, use brain before responding .. Eat your own words ..

    "There's nothing wrong with striving to be better- or striving for something else to be better stop advocating for people to be content, just because you're happy with garbage doesn't mean everyone else has to be, you lay in your garbage let us advocate for better."

    There is nothing wrong to be contented for what they give, just because you're not happy with the so called garbage tool doesn't mean everyone else has to be" .. The target of the said event and tool is not only for you people who has already have the best tools .. Wait for the events that can make you happy .. And again, there's nothing to lose having this event, it will not hurt you or make you broke, it's your choice if you'are gonna do it or not ..

    And last, for you to understand well what i'm talking about, my concern here is for the WHOLE community, from the lowest to highest level players of the game, high-level players will have their own choice whether to get it or not, just like what i said earlier while on the other hand, low-level players will have something good for them to use in their early days in the game, giving them good power to do their tasks,missions and events .. Unlike with your reasoning which i find SELFISH since you only talk about your OWN situation of having that tool as a garbage ..


I guess what they're trying to say is, well, the event itself takes up a spot. Now this couldve been a different one (i dont know if china has a variety of these but lets say they do) and couldve possibly be worth while. With that being said in my opinion it probably shouldve been a different tool perhaps.

Quicky Post

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