All we're saying is that the new tool is useless man, you really fail to see the point here.
But, please, allow me to help you understand.
Now imagine i come to you offering you 10L of pig blood. Then you be like "WTF MAN, what in the hell should I do with 10L of pig blood", and I'll be like "Don't expect me to give you anything else, stop complaining, it's free pig blood after all", then you will do as you said and just don't accept, and the whole thing that happened was a nuissance...
Now you see the problem??The problem is exactly this nuissance.
Useless for you yes, but not for players who can't get asuras sword such as myself. My battle power is only 10k and with this new ninja tool, I am cooking with fire.
You're actually not understanding the situation at all, people are advocating for something better and there is nothing wrong with that, telling people to "Stop and be happy with what they have" is the dumbest thing I hear people say & it's spouted a lot round here, which irritates me to no end that you don't want a "better" game, a "better" overall experience.
There's nothing wrong with striving to be better- or striving for something else to be better stop advocating for people to be content, just because you're happy with garbage doesn't mean everyone else has to be, you lay in your garbage let us advocate for better.
The tool as it stands has no actual use- the sword is better FULL STOP.
The argument that the pan has some use to those that don't currently have the sword is pointless as the sword isn't that hard to get, and there are other tools for that/lower level- why implement a patch that does overall nothing, I do all 25 TIs every week near enough & I've had countless swords, masks & other rare ones that I just merge into my current tools- there's already a journey in reaching this, adding a tool that does nothing to further ANYONE is overall a pointless thing to add..
I think you just need to accept that not all content is created to be endgame content. A good game should focus more on endgame content but not 100%.
"Man, use brain before responding.. Eat your own words.. "
This is the problem for me when debating straight forward & basic concepts on the internet, there's always that one person that lacks not only communication skills in the language but is also clearly too young to the point they're unable to understand such basic concepts.
Sure, there's nothing wrong with being content (this isn't even the point but I'll address it)- but those who're content should usually shut up & be content, those that want to strive for better game content are realistically the only people who need to talk as they're the only ones with the problem, the situation would be different if we were debating differences to core game play changes/aspects of the game but this isn't even the case, you're literally confused on why we aren't happy about meaningless content that was added.
You lack such an understanding that you don't understand that you're not here to help anyone but hinder- which actually fking *s my mind.
The premise of your whole argument is that you're happy/content with the content provided (or lack off content) and for some reason everyone else should be too, even though the content is clearly lacking. If you think the content is that great why are you here? You're currently happy with the content, so why aren't you off being happy & if what is said here changes things for the better then you'll be even happier- it's ALMOST like you're rtarded or something.
The fundamental issue is this tool doesn't help anyone in the long run (Another concept you don't understand)- sure it boosts lower powered players in the early steps of the game, but they'd have reached that anyway there were already stepping stones(Previous content) for them to reach previously, what they've done is replace every other tool (basically took out previous content) that went in the sword slot previously but you STILL require the sword to reach end game, they replaced rather than added- I'm wondering if you understand that at all.
This kind of content actually has a name, it is similar to a "placebo", it added something, but it didn't actually add anything to the game as a whole, it's just a "placebo content patch". It's added and those that don't know any better think something more was added, when realistically nothing of substance was added.
Most people here I'm sure play league, so to make it easier to understand it's similar to a "placebo" nerf, if people think something is OP when it's probably not- they'll edit the champion slightly to make it appear like a nerf happened but It'll be something negligible, like 5 damage off an ability early game or a few seconds added to an ultimate that already had a long cool down something so negligible but it creates the "Appearance" that something has changed, in our case added.
If they put something better than the sword & made it harder to obtain, then there would have effectively been MORE content added, there would have been another stone added to the stepping stones moving forward for EVERYONE, this is clearly lost on you lol.
There is no, choose sword or pan, the sword is better.
I wonder if you'll even admit you're wrong here, regardless what has needed to be said has been said you can't possibly add anything constructive, (not that you ever did) to the core problem here, so I wont reply after this as it'll probably just end up being completely non-constructive to the issue as a whole.
Your right, we shouldn't add in the new shop update as well. The ninja's in there are not endgame content and can be aquired from other places anyway( previous content). Whats the point in getting a ninja that will be replaced by something better? It doesn't help anyone in the long run.
-insert sarcasm-
Everyone just seems to be annoyed that the content made doesn't help them so it shouldn't of been made. Are you the same person who sees a ninja in the monthly event and says "Shino gnw, give us a ninja we don't already have!". Some content is made for new players get over it, who cares if they may only use it for a short period of time. The player ba
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