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[ Suggestions ] some modifications to current azure fang set.


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-05-15 19:24:20Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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1) I suggest that poison cloud actually adds toxic to the enemy and not only poison and that its cd becomes 2 or 1 round instead of the actual 3.

Reason: the mystery right now is wholly useless and its cd makes no sense. adding toxic (that is what you experience in hanzo sa) would make it at least a bit more appealing.

2) I suggest that you modify poison tai to take in account the fact the eventual enemy may be immune to debuffs, something like that if the enemy is immune to debuffs then the damage landed on it by tai and nin/tai effects is increased by at least the same quantity anbu special tactics grants.

Reason: poison is nice and very useful in many situations, but while is a pretty nice addition when you fight not immune enemies is wholly useless when you fight immune ninjas. Modifying the passive to become at least decent in any situation would be indeed the right thing to do considering the fact is the only buff af grants to not water ninjas and is the only main that miss something that work in any situation.

3) I suggest also to rethink reserve seal and to actually let azure fang self heal with it even if is under ignition or to bring the critical bonus per stack to 3%, like kushina habanero, or to actually let her first remove debuffs and then heal with healing standards or mysteries that target her when that passive is selected.

Reason: The reason why none uses this passive is because does not reach at all its intended purpose and that is because is too easy to get ignited and wholly see denied the healing part or because the quantity of critical rate granted is too low to think to trade it for one mystery every round, for poison tai or even for the clone.

4) I suggest that water style - flowing whip becomes the same as the clone one and that monster strength bonus to damage coming from hp part becomes similar to dbp hidan's.

Reason: taijutsu attack high critical property makes it pretty fearsome with neurotoxin while healing jutsu does its job pretty well, so why should i select the other two standard attacks if they are not even remotely close to the first two? Water style - flowing whip does pretty nicely its job when used by the clone but the version used by azure fang herself misses wholly the goal because does not own the high combo rate property that would make it comparable with taijutsu attack and healing jutsu in usefulness. About monster strength i understand the fact that owning the high combo rate property with high float is appealing, the problem is that the self damage endured is meant to work in synergy with reserve seal that, sadly, as i explained before, does not reach its goal at all as is now, so, the part that should make it appealing when not in synergy with reserve seal is the additional damage landed based on actual hp vs total hp (that works like dbp hidan or naruto 4 tails or fuguki), but here again the problem is that the % of hp that becomes damage is too low. Even at 4% hp the additional effect is just a 20% of the total hp (before any reduction comes in play of course). I do not say to make it as op as dbp hidan or lee gate of joy one, but at least half that effect would not be bad.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-05-15 19:24:20.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-15 21:37:06Show this Author Only

well if they update bani chakra, if it will like water main is poison tai, here is "Ignition nin".

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On 2018-05-16 19:10:04Show this Author Only

From what I know, poison will be removed in the future and Shark Bomb is going to start draining chakra, like Kisame. I read thats how it works in China.

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On 2018-05-16 21:03:45Show this Author Only
  • Castnicke On 2018-05-16 19:10:04
  • From what I know, poison will be removed in the future and Shark Bomb is going to start draining chakra, like Kisame. I read thats how it works in China.

China still has the poison talent i dont know why people say that it gets removed when its still a thing there but people just dont use it anymore cause their are past the water main poison meta

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On 2018-05-16 21:30:43Show this Author Only

People look at the older china servers as the meta when they have had years to rack up their stats, if you want to know what the real china meta is go to one of the more newer servers instead of the really old servers that are 2 to 3 years old by now so those servers are gonna be our first ~100 servers.

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On 2018-05-16 23:03:55Show this Author Only

For the first one, yeah poison mystery kinda useless atm with those status (i still use it though sometimes, depend on the situation)

For the other, that would make water main too easy too play, playing according to the enemy, outsmart the enemy with your tactic, pick the best passive, mystery, ninja, etc, all is what you need to play this game. Make water main became that easy is not fair to the other main. Every main got it's own strong side and weakness after all. If you take out the weakness you will make the game too easy to play, and it won't be interesting anymore. Unless if.... Sorry to say this, unless if you didn't smart enough to find the best gameplay. If that's so, better play offline game instead of competitive online game.

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On 2018-05-17 18:25:34Show this Author Only
  • ☪Anderム☪ On 2018-05-15 21:37:06
  • well if they update bani chakra, if it will like water main is poison tai, here is "Ignition nin".

If they remove the 15% nin buff + leach and if they make 4th mystery with a starting cd of 1 round, i am not against it.

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On 2018-05-17 18:27:35Show this Author Only
  • Castnicke On 2018-05-16 19:10:04
  • From what I know, poison will be removed in the future and Shark Bomb is going to start draining chakra, like Kisame. I read thats how it works in China.

No, if you read their actual simulator poison tai stays as is now and poison cloud just gets a cd of 2 rounds instead of 3. They use shark bomb because it's just too good in comparison with skewering and poison cloud if you go for a damaging azure fang.

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On 2018-05-17 18:37:03Show this Author Only
  • darkness000 On 2018-05-16 23:03:55
  • For the first one, yeah poison mystery kinda useless atm with those status (i still use it though sometimes, depend on the situation)

    For the other, that would make water main too easy too play, playing according to the enemy, outsmart the enemy with your tactic, pick the best passive, mystery, ninja, etc, all is what you need to play this game. Make water main became that easy is not fair to the other main. Every main got it's own strong side and weakness after all. If you take out the weakness you will make the game too easy to play, and it won't be interesting anymore. Unless if.... Sorry to say this, unless if you didn't smart enough to find the best gameplay. If that's so, better play offline game instead of competitive online game.

I do not see how making reserve seal self healing even if you are ignited (i am only talking about the 3% hp healed back, not about other eventual healings) would make playing af easy to play.

You would still have to go without poison tai and experimental ninjutsu just to have a bit higher survivalability (and healing back 900 when you get hit for 7000 is not that op... ) that is exactly what happens for a CF that use super armor, self shield standard and selfbuff passive, with the difference that the shields are not denied if you are ignited while the eventual healing jutsu would be and that the quantity healed back does not increase the more you are hit, while the cf for every stack added suffers less damage.

The same is if stays as is now but instead of 1% per stack in crit you get 3%.

Would just be a trade off between a decently higher chance to chaos somebody in round 2-4-6 vs a basic chance to chaos somebody every round with shark bomb used together with experimental ninjutsu. 80% of the people would still choose the chance every round.

Nor i see why would be easier to play af if she gets a +60% combo chance with water style flowing whip like her actual clone owns now. Acupuncture may be reflected back, would still be useless against immune ninjas and if you start a combo you do not want to start you may ignite your whole team or you may overstack your enemy and still this is at the cost of not being able to heal with healing jutsu.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-05-17 18:43:00.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-17 22:07:22Show this Author Only

objectively speaking, some adjustments need to be done.

On next patch poison cloud becomes with 2 rounds cd, Reserve Seal gets replaced by a 40% chance to dodge an attack twice per round and Shark bomb steals chakra too, like kisame's.

But i don't actually think this solve the issue of the missing availableness of a crossteam buff nor the fact that poison tai is too easy to be negated (by healing, debuff removal and also immunity).

About reserve seal i think it should have stayed, just with a higher boost to critical rate than that 1%. 3% would be actually fine.

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On 2018-05-18 11:01:01Show this Author Only

Removing debuffs (ignition) then heal would defeat the purpose of ignition which is to prevent healing.

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On 2018-05-19 01:44:11Show this Author Only
  • Rom Reckt On 2018-05-18 11:01:01
  • Removing debuffs (ignition) then heal would defeat the purpose of ignition which is to prevent healing.

he was saying that it should happen if and only if you select reserve seal as a passive and only for azure fang, not for the whole lineup. It's just another way to get healed regardless the ignition if and only if reserve seal is selected (beware that if you select reserve seal you can't select poison tai, clone or experimental ninjutsu, that makes really hard to actually play azure fang as a full healer).

Just try to think about the fact that the whole point of reserve seal is to grant azure fang more survivability, but if the healing part is negated (and is really too easy for it to happen even without targeting her directly) then its very purpose gets wholly negated, so why should somebody select it if basically every current meta lineup is able to make that passive wholly useless?

In the meanwhile we have wind and lightning main that get two rounds of full immunity, earth main that gets a stacking defense passive and fire main that reflects 1 debuff per round and makes immune the lineup once every 3 rounds.

Beware that also his other proposal would actually be not out of mind because, depending on the situation, would be actually worse to get healed by a standard attack/mystery than by the actual effect of reserve seal (for example if you are shielded by an 11k shield from gakido and you get comboed 10 times, reserve seal heals 30% of azure fang hp, there's no standard attack/mystery that is able to do something like that) so his proposal is not out of mind if you want to keep the actual purpose of granting more survivability to azure fang when that passive is selected.

As i said, personally speaking, i would just make the passive stack 3% critical per hit endured instead of the actual 1%, considering that critical rate is actually also a defensive stat. That would be more than enough to make the passive appealing if you want to play on the shark bomb/taijutsu attack/neurotoxin style.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-05-19 02:03:25.
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