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[ Midnight Blade ] Taijutsu Attack


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On 2018-05-13 19:26:51Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Midnight blade taijutsu attack says "this skill is not subject to the opponent's defensive skills" what are these defensive skills? Does that mean it goes through hinata's eight triagram defense? Or through dodge? Or han's first standard attack defense?

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On 2018-05-13 19:40:29Show this Author Only

It wont go through han. Han gonna dodge 100% standard attack. But if youre higher combo than hinata then your attack gets through. I tested in swb so many times early days when old good blitz team with iruka, darui, asuma wind blade still very trending. I can ignore hinata mystery, if only you have higher combo.

I believe that he ignores defence and resistance buff with his taijutsu attack.

If you play dota 2, theres what you called PURE damage like pudge * or enchantress impetus. They basically ignores all defences, all item buffs even immunities and get full damage no more no less.

I basically run midnight for 4months and thats what i observe. Im water main now.

This post was last edited by Oujingbing on 2018-05-13 19:45:09.
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On 2018-05-13 20:07:45Show this Author Only
  • Oujingbing On 2018-05-13 19:40:29
  • It wont go through han. Han gonna dodge 100% standard attack. But if youre higher combo than hinata then your attack gets through. I tested in swb so many times early days when old good blitz team with iruka, darui, asuma wind blade still very trending. I can ignore hinata mystery, if only you have higher combo.

    I believe that he ignores defence and resistance buff with his taijutsu attack.

    If you play dota 2, theres what you called PURE damage like pudge * or enchantress impetus. They basically ignores all defences, all item buffs even immunities and get full damage no more no less.

    I basically run midnight for 4months and thats what i observe. Im water main now.

okay I get it now. So it just basically ignores defensive buffs. Thanks

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On 2018-05-13 21:44:23Show this Author Only

I thought it just mean ignoring Taunt from Hinata and Neji but good to know that it actually ignore Defense/Resistance also. :)

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On 2018-05-14 04:01:41Show this Author Only

Even though Midnight Blade's first standard is called "Taijutsu Attack", it actually does both Taijutsu and Ninjutsu attribute damage. So if someone got higher Defense but lower Resistance it will deal a lot damage because it ignores that Defense. If the enemy however has higher Resistance and lower Defense than it doesn't matter at all.

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On 2018-05-14 09:25:24Show this Author Only

goes basically only through evasion skills granted by mysteries (so basically, only hinata. do not go past passive effects like kimimaro's or han's nor through full evasions like shisui or masked man).

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On 2018-05-14 09:28:36Show this Author Only
  • pizzas On 2018-05-14 04:01:41
  • Even though Midnight Blade's first standard is called "Taijutsu Attack", it actually does both Taijutsu and Ninjutsu attribute damage. So if someone got higher Defense but lower Resistance it will deal a lot damage because it ignores that Defense. If the enemy however has higher Resistance and lower Defense than it doesn't matter at all.

ehm no.

if an effect is half tai half nin then, damage-wise, is like if you hit the enemy with two separate attacks, one full nin with half effect and one full tai with half effect. the first one/part gets reduced by the enemy resistance, the second one/part gets reduced by the enemy defense.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-05-14 09:29:55.
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On 2018-05-14 12:36:10Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2018-05-14 09:28:36
  • ehm no.

    if an effect is half tai half nin then, damage-wise, is like if you hit the enemy with two separate attacks, one full nin with half effect and one full tai with half effect. the first one/part gets reduced by the enemy resistance, the second one/part gets reduced by the enemy defense.

Yeah that's what I thought as well at first but then I discovered that certain enemies with high resistance like Akatsuchi (in his SA where he stacks a lot of shields due to his resistance being so high) take no damage from either ninjutsu or nin-tai attacks. They're not like two seperate attack entities, they're melted together into one attack. A ninjutsu attack only effected by resistance deals about 150 damage to Akatsuchi, a nin-tai attack might do a little more like 200 or so. An attack that is pure taijutsu however deals about 12K damage to this guy.

Another example are the elemental puppets in the Ninja Exams. If you use GNW Tenten's mystery that has all attributes on it, it will hit the enemy with full power regardless of which elemental attribute the puppet is. This, in my opinion, can only be explained as the attack not being seperated by its attributes but instead counts all into one singular attack.

Edit: I guess you can take the standard puppets as an example as well. A nin-tai attack won't do only half the damage to a taijutsu puppet. As long as the taijutsu attribute is in the attack it will hit the taijutsu puppet regarless of the rest of the attributes. And it works the same as with defense and resistance. As long as the ninjutsu attribute is in the attack it will be affected by the enemies resistance, and as long as the taijutsu attribute is in the attack it will be affected by the enemies defense. If it's a nin-tai attack it will be affected by either resistance or defense, depenging on which is higher (e.g. Akatsuchi, look above)

This post was last edited by pizzas on 2018-05-14 12:51:24.
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On 2018-05-14 19:05:56Show this Author Only
  • Oujingbing On 2018-05-13 19:40:29
  • It wont go through han. Han gonna dodge 100% standard attack. But if youre higher combo than hinata then your attack gets through. I tested in swb so many times early days when old good blitz team with iruka, darui, asuma wind blade still very trending. I can ignore hinata mystery, if only you have higher combo.

    I believe that he ignores defence and resistance buff with his taijutsu attack.

    If you play dota 2, theres what you called PURE damage like pudge * or enchantress impetus. They basically ignores all defences, all item buffs even immunities and get full damage no more no less.

    I basically run midnight for 4months and thats what i observe. Im water main now.

Han does not dodge 100% on standard attack.

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On 2018-05-15 14:15:41Show this Author Only
  • Rom Reckt On 2018-05-14 19:05:56
  • Han does not dodge 100% on standard attack.

As i fought han even though i have high power and higher stats like combo, he always dodges. My hokage minato cries all the time.

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On 2018-05-15 14:17:14Show this Author Only
  • Oujingbing On 2018-05-15 14:15:41
  • As i fought han even though i have high power and higher stats like combo, he always dodges. My hokage minato cries all the time.

I have Han and there'll be times where he doesn't "dodge".

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On 2018-05-15 14:48:56Show this Author Only
  • Rom Reckt On 2018-05-15 14:17:14
  • I have Han and there'll be times where he doesn't "dodge".

Oh good to know.

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On 2018-05-15 17:52:00Show this Author Only
  • pizzas On 2018-05-14 12:36:10
  • Yeah that's what I thought as well at first but then I discovered that certain enemies with high resistance like Akatsuchi (in his SA where he stacks a lot of shields due to his resistance being so high) take no damage from either ninjutsu or nin-tai attacks. They're not like two seperate attack entities, they're melted together into one attack. A ninjutsu attack only effected by resistance deals about 150 damage to Akatsuchi, a nin-tai attack might do a little more like 200 or so. An attack that is pure taijutsu however deals about 12K damage to this guy.

    Another example are the elemental puppets in the Ninja Exams. If you use GNW Tenten's mystery that has all attributes on it, it will hit the enemy with full power regardless of which elemental attribute the puppet is. This, in my opinion, can only be explained as the attack not being seperated by its attributes but instead counts all into one singular attack.

    Edit: I guess you can take the standard puppets as an example as well. A nin-tai attack won't do only half the damage to a taijutsu puppet. As long as the taijutsu attribute is in the attack it will hit the taijutsu puppet regarless of the rest of the attributes. And it works the same as with defense and resistance. As long as the ninjutsu attribute is in the attack it will be affected by the enemies resistance, and as long as the taijutsu attribute is in the attack it will be affected by the enemies defense. If it's a nin-tai attack it will be affected by either resistance or defense, depenging on which is higher (e.g. Akatsuchi, look above)

Puppets are like madara/tendo they just are immune to one kind of attack so if you use a nin/tai effect they get hit fully by both the parts because the 'two' attacks are separated just for the resistance/defense purpose.

About the example you made with akatsuci sa that's not what i am experiencing. If i get 150 with a full nin effect and 12k with a full tai effect i do not get 200 with a half nin half tai but 4-5k.

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On 2018-05-15 17:55:30Show this Author Only
  • Rom Reckt On 2018-05-15 14:17:14
  • I have Han and there'll be times where he doesn't "dodge".

Evasion depends on combo stat. If the difference in combo stat is high enough evasion do not work. Han's/Kimimaro's kind of evasion begins to fail with some constance when the difference in combo stat between the attacker and han is over 5000. I am pretty sure this applies also to full evading ninjas like masked man just that the difference in combo stat needs to be higher (10000 maybe?). A difference in level too may be the reason since an higher level means that you start with a reduction in basic chances (every secondary stat but initiative) and the wider the difference in level is the higher this chance is.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-05-15 17:59:47.
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