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World Tree Inquiry


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-07 03:32:43Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Just to clarify, the World Tree event is suppose to only show the rewards of your server for the current week the event is out for right?
Where it says "Your blessing's" and "Other's Blessings" Is meant for the time it went up for the current event week with what other people on your server earn?

Jib Edit: Qv2 explained it well. The Konoha Tree is working as intended. If you do find any issues in the future though, please screenshot it and report it to our bug/support section found here. Thanks!

This post was last edited by Jiburiru on 2018-05-07 03:32:43.
  • Registered: 2017-08-24
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On 2018-05-06 21:26:11Show this Author Only

Your blessings = list of what you've gotten from the tree .. Other's blessings = list of the players who gotten the special prizes of the tree, also serves as a history list of the previous tree rewards too ..

Quicky Post

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