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[ Other ] Question about ninja fragments.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-30 03:49:31Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I'm only curious, since I don't see this anywhere. I know it's not really possible for people to have 5 star ninjas yet (unless they did something silly like paying a lot of money to get them), so I'm just wondering.. Do ninja fragments still drop for ninjas in the treasure pulls if the ninjas are already 5 starred? If so, what do you get instead of fragments as compensation? I've noticed the Summon treasure gives you Summon Points if you already have the summon (I have all of them except for the ones that can be bought in the Summoning Store), so I'm imagining the ninja fragments do the same thing if you have the ninja fully upgraded to 5 stars.

Quicky Post

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