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[ Suggestions ] battle armor rank 7 and 8


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-04-13 05:33:21Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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When do you think to make battle armor rank 7 and 8 available also to the other 99.998% of the population?

What is the point in going on showing a battle armor rebate every month when, except for new servers, none else can make any use of it?

What is the point of going on selling a 10k boost in power at 20times the price of the same exact outcome with other features like myoboku cultivation, treasure tools essences, charms and summon cultivation?

How many new and better features, power-wise, have to appear before you put advanced threads in monthly event or before you begin to multiply by 5 if not 10 the number of them gained by strong approaching or before you cut by 10 the cost of them in space time shop (by making available at 800 currency the pack with 10 of them)?

It is really very dejecting to see that as soon as the issue ceases to be brought back you simple cease to care, thinking that giving us a little consolation by adding less than one wish credit per week in sa solved the issue when we need 250 of them, if we are lucky, to reach rank 8.

Leave rank 9 to whales, but let us get rank 7 and let us hope to reach rank 8 in perspective without literally wasting tens of thousands of coupons.

This post was last edited by Tobei on 2018-04-13 05:33:21.
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On 2018-04-12 20:58:30Show this Author Only

ehm... BA lvl 7 costs $1000 and lvl 8 costs a lot. I wonder how would people feel if they were to give stuff they spent thousands of dollars for free? If they want to make spenders quit , really nice thing to implement. Unless you are 1% in terms of power, high lvl BA is not very useful. Very poor cost/power.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-04-12 20:59:19.
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On 2018-04-13 04:33:02Show this Author Only

its not meant to be something everyone gets quickly, most of my server doesn't have it, and i got lvl 9 ba before you could farm adv threads at all so think how i feel now that i have 370 adv threads i cant use at all.

you get about 1 point per week from SA farming, yes it will take a while but some events(like the current time limited shop) also let you get cheap/free adv threads, you c*so farm them from spacetime shop and from spacetime packs. they have been adding more ways to get these threads for free, if you want to finish faster, try recharging for it instead of complaining.

14*500 = 7000 spacetime points a month. 7000/800=8.75 adv threads a month

25 possible threads from winning spacetime a month

~32 adv threads from sa a month

so you get about 65 adv threads a month if your strong enough, you should get at least 32 a month for free from sa. which while it will take time to do for free(this game needs money to keep the servers running so they want to encourage you to pay) it is possible. also you get hundreds of adv threads for leveling during the rebate which makes it alot easier than you think at first glance.

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On 2018-04-13 05:33:43Show this Author Only

Edited towards Suggestions ~ as it's not a Update issue.

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On 2018-04-13 15:48:54Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2018-04-12 20:58:30
  • ehm... BA lvl 7 costs $1000 and lvl 8 costs a lot. I wonder how would people feel if they were to give stuff they spent thousands of dollars for free? If they want to make spenders quit , really nice thing to implement. Unless you are 1% in terms of power, high lvl BA is not very useful. Very poor cost/power.

Spend the same 76000 ingots in myoboku cultivation or in the ability treasure or in charms and tell me the outcome. Only a whale that is not much smart would spend them there now. Whoever did it did it in 1.0 or 2.0 when there was no other way to get a better outcome.

That said your logic makes no sense. How do they feel people that cashed to get gold orbs when they appeared as a reward available to everybody in cave key rebate? How do spenders felt when hokage minato, edo deidara or similar ninjas were put in wheels people got for free with less than 500 coupons when they spent 20k+ to get them? How did they feel when purification pills were put in myoboku wheel and in refine rebate after they spent a lot to get them? How did they feel when they spend 20k for a shisui and last event was available for 7500 coupons with a 40% discount?

The point is that made sense in the past that rank 7 and 8 were available only to whales, but not now and exactly as any other feature has to come a time when from whale only becomes accessible to everybody for the simple reason that a new feature appeared that is not accessible to everybody at that moment. So why has battle armor to be the only feature that do not get any significative discount over time when ALL THE OTHER FEATURES, even better ones than that got it?

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-04-13 16:37:07.
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On 2018-04-13 16:03:42Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2018-04-13 04:33:02
  • its not meant to be something everyone gets quickly, most of my server doesn't have it, and i got lvl 9 ba before you could farm adv threads at all so think how i feel now that i have 370 adv threads i cant use at all.

    you get about 1 point per week from SA farming, yes it will take a while but some events(like the current time limited shop) also let you get cheap/free adv threads, you c*so farm them from spacetime shop and from spacetime packs. they have been adding more ways to get these threads for free, if you want to finish faster, try recharging for it instead of complaining.

    14*500 = 7000 spacetime points a month. 7000/800=8.75 adv threads a month

    25 possible threads from winning spacetime a month

    ~32 adv threads from sa a month

    so you get about 65 adv threads a month if your strong enough, you should get at least 32 a month for free from sa. which while it will take time to do for free(this game needs money to keep the servers running so they want to encourage you to pay) it is possible. also you get hundreds of adv threads for leveling during the rebate which makes it alot easier than you think at first glance.

Tell me one single reason why, if i am a whale now and i want to cash even 200k ingots, i should even think about battle armor.

If i spend 80k in myoboku cultivation i get 5 times the power and initiative battle armor rank 8 in comparison to 6 grants me, and i am talking about page 11-18, eh...

If i spend 80k in the ability treasure i get 100 purple orbs from the redeem shop and around 150 purples from the treasure itself that is how much, hm, 4 times minimum the power and initiative ba 8 gives me in comparison with ba 6?

If i spend 80k in charms i get 20 packs with 1000 charm per kind in total that makes the average level 6-7 charms common people have in leve 8-9 in all the slots. How much is that? 3 times minimum what i get with battle armor 8 in comparison with 6.

I just spent 250k and i am still nowhere near thinking to buy one single advanced thread.

Before thinking about it i have to reach page 20 in myoboku cultivation, all level 9 charms, two full level 14+ treasure tools and level 11 summon cultivation.

So to whom is the actual policy oriented? To people that spent more than 600k ingots in the game? How many of them exist in servers younger than 400?

P.S.: a rebate meaning is to exist for the large majority of the population, not for 20 people in 1000 servers. The average decently strong person and i am talking about top100s spacetime, get 400 currency per day for 2 weeks out of 3 (you foget that during finals there is no currency delivered. It is a whole week every 3 weeks). So every two months, 9 weeks, they get 400*6*7 = 21 threads from the shop. In the same 9 weeks they get 7*9 = 63 threads from sa. So they get 85-90 threads every two months that means 5-6 wish credit per month. After 1 year of playing they are not yet close to level 7 ba even if they made ba rank 6 during the rebate and got the free 90. To reach rank 8 takes 4 years and i am talking about top100 spacetime.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-04-13 16:30:01.
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On 2018-04-13 16:33:59Show this Author Only
  • Tobei On 2018-04-13 05:33:43
  • Edited towards Suggestions ~ as it's not a Update issue.

It is an hoped future update :D, anyways i would like to get a reply to the question.

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On 2018-04-13 18:19:56Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-04-13 15:48:54
  • Spend the same 76000 ingots in myoboku cultivation or in the ability treasure or in charms and tell me the outcome. Only a whale that is not much smart would spend them there now. Whoever did it did it in 1.0 or 2.0 when there was no other way to get a better outcome.

    That said your logic makes no sense. How do they feel people that cashed to get gold orbs when they appeared as a reward available to everybody in cave key rebate? How do spenders felt when hokage minato, edo deidara or similar ninjas were put in wheels people got for free with less than 500 coupons when they spent 20k+ to get them? How did they feel when purification pills were put in myoboku wheel and in refine rebate after they spent a lot to get them? How did they feel when they spend 20k for a shisui and last event was available for 7500 coupons with a 40% discount?

    The point is that made sense in the past that rank 7 and 8 were available only to whales, but not now and exactly as any other feature has to come a time when from whale only becomes accessible to everybody for the simple reason that a new feature appeared that is not accessible to everybody at that moment. So why has battle armor to be the only feature that do not get any significative discount over time when ALL THE OTHER FEATURES, even better ones than that got it?

Wow so much logic i can't even. Asking to give everything free in a p2w game not like people need to make money.Oh * whale, how dare you to have something better than me even when you are paying.Give me a free frearri right meow :V

Wow those dumb whales spending money and wining sage,matsuri,spacetime,and plunder instead of whining and throwing passive aggressive rants about nerfing super rares or asking stuff for free or lvl freezing.

How would you feel if someone stole your car and gave it to someone for free?Apply same logic to people who spent on getting BA lvl 8. BA lvl 8 costs more than 76000 ingots. In fact from lvl 8, 25% of the way to lvl 9 costs $2500. How about free edo hashirama for people who already have BA 8 . You get BA and they get edo hashi to 1 shot 12

Way to give threads is by updating the shop or spacetime,I wonder how strong will whales get by adding more ways to get power for free. :V

They don't even give Ay for less than 40k ingots because they know that will make people who spent 100k ingots on him will get mad and quit.You want rank 8 BA? lol only few big spenders have BA 8 or 9.

BA 8 is not available for the same reason why purification break through pills are so hard to get.

Every game has an item that is not easily obtainable, you don't see people running around asking for dragon lores in csgo. Want everything? get a job and pay.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-04-13 19:12:52.
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On 2018-04-13 21:19:52Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-04-13 16:33:59
  • It is an hoped future update :D, anyways i would like to get a reply to the question.

Hopeful updates are called Suggestions.

In my personal opinion, Advance Threads will only be more and more available to either purchase at discounted prices, or event wise.

But the grind to completely get Level 7-8-9 isn't gonna change considering the vast investment some players already put into that feature.

Outside of that, it's decided by our developers in case of any core changes.

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On 2018-04-14 01:23:15Show this Author Only
  • Tobei On 2018-04-13 21:19:52
  • Hopeful updates are called Suggestions.

    In my personal opinion, Advance Threads will only be more and more available to either purchase at discounted prices, or event wise.

    But the grind to completely get Level 7-8-9 isn't gonna change considering the vast investment some players already put into that feature.

    Outside of that, it's decided by our developers in case of any core changes.

he is not asking to get rank 9 (he actually said is right that rank 9 is whale only and i think so too), he is asking just to get within reasonable amounts of time rank 7 and an hope to get rank 8 before the game goes out of business, because right now is not even possible to get rank 7 without investing an unreasonable amount of coupons/ingots considering what you get back after you made the investment.

EDIT: i doubt exist more than 10 people that got rank 9 BA since 3.0 onwards for the simple reason is not worth considering all the other features we have right now that grant more power and initiative than it for a way lower cost. 99% of the people that got it got it in 1.0 or 2.0, as Scarlettblue said, and are the same people that spent 50k to buy hokage minato. Now hokage minato costs 15-20k and there are a lot of people (i'm one of them) that got him with less than 1000 coupons by spinning a wheel.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-04-14 21:29:22.
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On 2018-04-14 14:59:04Show this Author Only

Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 2

Agreed with OP. This is germany's lucky board. For people who say our lucky board is good, it is only ok at best. Oasis used to give 3 purification runes now they nerf it down to 1. It keeps getting worse. My suggestion would be to replace medium thread with adv thread. And if Oasis doesnt mind, increase the rewards a little.

This post was last edited by UchihaItachy on 2018-04-14 15:01:19.
  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-04-18 20:02:55Show this Author Only
  • Tobei On 2018-04-13 21:19:52
  • Hopeful updates are called Suggestions.

    In my personal opinion, Advance Threads will only be more and more available to either purchase at discounted prices, or event wise.

    But the grind to completely get Level 7-8-9 isn't gonna change considering the vast investment some players already put into that feature.

    Outside of that, it's decided by our developers in case of any core changes.

Btw, i still have to see one single event where you can buy a decent number of them for a decent price by not being a whale.

51 coupons each one is not a decent price (and is the lowest price so far we had since the price of the pack with 10 is 509 and is so since months and months).

Not even 38 ingots each one is a decent price for what they grant to tell the truth, but since that panic buy is meant for whale only is not that i care much.

Just begin to put them as redeemable items in events for real decent redeemable currency prices (14points in time limited shop is in no way a decent price. 4 would have been a decent price considering is limited to 50 items).

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-04-18 20:04:18.
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