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[ Suggestions ] Plundering Abuse


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-24 07:51:52Show All Posts

You are not the first one, I made similar post, or maybe not a post but I went to support page to report with evidence...All they can do is just warn the person and no ban administrated at all... they ask "we need more evidence to issue a ban"..........................just ban the person to 3 days with enough evidence and that's it, personally not asking to ban forever you know, but hey, like someone said, they don't care, they just pretend they do by posting posts of "Hey, post here your issues, we give bans out to people misbehaving" in reality it just seems like a cover to laziness, since OG is so secretive about whatever they are doing, they are totally anti-transparency policy of whatever they are doing, either orders from Tencent or just themselves.

I sent many times report with evidence, but you said...1000% concrete bs evidence required when on LOG FILE that they CAN still not enough of a that's a pure bs to me, if you, as an administrator of servers and technical staff, or moderator, you can easily check the persons account for it in the database, check the log file of the date you are given, and especially time, and you can see how the IP's match. But nope, they just don't want to bother with the righteousness and fairness, they will just ask for more evidence....

Here is a line from a wise man a long time ago... - "If you can't beat them, join them." /very wise man/ Lets just promote the pay to win factor, and lets generate the unfairness to complete madness and utter bs level, people will want more to pay to beat others...ain't that right, OG? You know that I know. (comment probably will be taken down, judging by experience).

That alone is the problematic factor of this game, since that one fact (pay to win) alone is which determines the onward mental and moral thinking about us, the players, product users, consumers, No respect towards us. Worse than EA (Electronic Art) with their bs microtransactions and overpriced DLC content that offers nothing of that value.

This post was last edited by smaddeus on 2018-05-24 08:10:27.
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