Server:S3 Sakura
I just purchase monthly card but i can't claim it's coupon
As far i know . if u purchase it , your Monthly will start a day after it , so you will never miss a day or losing any coupons .
I have also had this problem.
WTF oasis why make us miss a day.
happened the same exact thing to me...
I can forgive not receiving 50 coups on 1 day even though it's outrageous cause this never happened and i bought monthly pack before but i can forgive not receiving it in 1 day...
BUT if i don't receive it tomorrow i am DONE! it says on the image 0 days left, it better be just a visual bug or i am done with this, there are enough things that make me mad on this game already, but i won't be scammed out of my money
I contacted support about this and they told me that it skips a day so that players can't claim 50 coupons 2 times the first day... You don't collect coupons the day your monthly pack runs out so this makes no sense to me... I feel like it's another issue of, "We said so, so deal with it!" while dealing with customer support. Tomorrow it should start working for you though.
As far i know . if u purchase it , your Monthly will start a day after it , so you will never miss a day or losing any coupons .
no, when you buy the monthly fee you get 300 coupons and also the *on gets enlighted and you c*so claim the 50 coupons in the same day.
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