So I pull Madara. Someone else pulls and gets Kurama Naruto after. Everyone in server says don't pull cause madara will be next to drop. Thoughts on this. Pull and everything will be fine or pull and i get madara dupe. Which would really really *. I thought pulls didn't work like that. And what's with me getting Naruto kurama single fragments have like 2 of those.
From what I know, the bigger treasures (400 and 1k style ones) both alternate. You get one and you decide to go again, you'll get the super you didn't get originally.
So for example. You get Hashirama and go for another super rare, Tendo. Go for Ay, get Ay, go again, you'll get Susasuke.
The same applies to GNW Treasure. (But I know it doesn't apply for Edo Tensei treasure, I got Rasa and Rasa for my supers.)
Hi! I know of the confusion and you do not need to worry! I have already asked and your second super rare would not be a duplicate. What this means is, players who obtained Madara first, will get Kurama next. While those who got Kurama first, will get Madara second. What other players pull will not affect your own, so you need not worry.
I hope I could shed some light in this confusion. Please let me know if you have any questions, you c*so reach me through private message.
Hi! I know of the confusion and you do not need to worry! I have already asked and your second super rare would not be a duplicate. What this means is, players who obtained Madara first, will get Kurama next. While those who got Kurama first, will get Madara second. What other players pull will not affect your own, so you need not worry.
I hope I could shed some light in this confusion. Please let me know if you have any questions, you c*so reach me through private message.
:P i would almost rather have a dup madara instead of the first kurama naruto lol :P :P :P
everyone's over there talking about dupe super rares when I don't even have any 700-1200 supers, the only dupe super I have is Rasa ;-;
but I wouldn't mind my first Tendo super being a Tendo, I only need 20 frags for him to be 4*, and I don't have Hashi, so it'll be good regardless
Hi! I know of the confusion and you do not need to worry! I have already asked and your second super rare would not be a duplicate. What this means is, players who obtained Madara first, will get Kurama next. While those who got Kurama first, will get Madara second. What other players pull will not affect your own, so you need not worry.
I hope I could shed some light in this confusion. Please let me know if you have any questions, you c*so reach me through private message.
Lets try to clear the doubts, because seems to me there are a lot here.
How Kage and GNW treasures work NOW, in 4.0?
Every single draw we do in the treasure grants us a chance to pull one rare ninja.
That chance is somehow between 1% and 2% (hard to say because oasis don't tell us the exact numbers, but we know from tencent that in china is 1.5% so is reasonable to think is so here too, since matches with what we are used to see in game).
To prevent long streaks of really bad luck (80+ rolls with no rares) the game developers introduced in the treasure a hidden counter.
That counter, once reached, grants a sure rare the next draw we do in the treasure, works more or less like the wish credits in charms and refinements, just that we do not see it (the counter, right now, seems to be somehow between the 70th and 80th draw, hard to say what's the real number, 75 seems most likely).
Beware that every time we pull a rare, doesn't matter if is by a lucky roll or by reaching the preset counter, the counter itself RESETs.
What happens when we are so lucky to get the dice showing that 1 or 2 out of its 100 faces?
We get a fully random rare.
Can be any of the potential rares (that in GNW treasure are 8: Jinin, Jinpachi, Kushimaru, Sasori, Ayumi, Zetsu, Zabuza, Mangetsu. Pakura and Toroi, even if are purple framed are not considered rares in the treasure for the mechanics of the counters and is the reason why we do not get a server message when we pull them).
That rare can be a new one or a dupe, it's fully random.
What happens when we are not lucky at all and we hit the hidden counter?
We get a rare, but, differently from the other case, is not a random rare at all.
If possible, it's always a rare we do not own.
Now that is clear how the rare pull work, how does super rares pull work?
For the super rares too exist the lucky draw chance, like for the other rares, just that the chance is way lower.
Every roll we do in the treasure has a chance around 1/1000 to be a super rare (tencent tells us is actually 1/1000, so we can consider is so here too, very likely).
How does super rares interact with the mechanic of the hidden counter?
Before the 1000th (i say 1000th because seems to be quite realistic, but could be instead that is the 900th or the 950th, we have no sure infos about this) draw the super rares are locked and we can't get them even if we own all the other rares, so, if we hit the counter in that case we will get a dupe.
After the 1000th draw the super rares simply get added to the potential pulls of the rares.
Basically we can consider that after the 1000th draw the number of rares is no more 8 but becomes 10.
To be clearer, after the 1000th draw, as soon as we hit the hidden counter the first time is sure that we get one of the super rares if we own all the other 8 rares and as soon as we hit it again is sure that we get also the other one.
So why not everybody gets the super rare between the 1000th and the 1075th draw?
Simple, because they got a lucky draw before hitting the counter that resetted it, but since those rolls, at that point, have only 2/10 chances to be one of the super rares, they were not lucky enough to pull one of them and so they got a dupe.
This may happen more than once, of course, and is the reason why somebody may be compelled to wait to reach the 1100s or even the 1200s to get their first super rare.
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