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[ Character ] Fanmade Ninja Talentset Thread Episode II: The Revival


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On 2018-04-29 12:11:08Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Okay, so the other thread clearly needs sorting. So... New thread.

Nern Guan (The Talker)

Mystery: True Ghost Story (0 Chakra, Nin, 2 CD, 0 battlefield CD)

Nern tells a terrifying story. Target enemy and the rest of the enemy team is paralyzed in fear.

Standard: Shoot (Tai)

Nern takes out his gun and shoots people. Causes 1 hit, high chance of Crit and Ignite.

Chase: Relevant Story (Nin)

Nern sits himself down next to a Knocked Down enemy and tells them a story full of interesting relevant things. The enemy is so enthralled that they are Immobiled in boredom and get Knocked Down once more, and Nern's mystery cooldown goes down 1.

Chase: Finger Beam (Nin)

Nern shoots a kibeam out of his finger. Chases Knockdown, causes Repulse.

Passive: Superb Historian

Nern's Defense and Resistance is multiplied by the number of turns passed divided by 2. ex: on turn 1 his attack would be 50%, on turn 2 100%, on turn 3 150%, etc etc

Nern would have middling stats - not enough to be a tank, but not enough to be a Damage Dealer. He'd become a Late Game Tank type of character.

Terry Hintz (The Hint Lord)

Mystery: The Hottest Dance (0 Chakra, 2-round CD, 5 battlefield CD) (Neither nin nor tai, uncertain damage)

Terry does his Hottest Dance and literally breaks the game because the game itself does not understand why it's so hot. Target enemy dies instantly and all others get Ignite and Knockdown. This Mystery's CD cannot be reduced.

Standard: Knuckle Drop (Tai)

Terry performs a Knuckle Drop, chance of 1 hit. EXTREMELY Slim chance of Knockdown, and high chance of Terry Slipping and doing no damage.

Chase: Verbal Bash (Nin)

Terry throws a dirty insult at a Knocked Down enemy, giving them Chaos and Knockdown.

Passive: The Hintlord and his Best Friends

If all allies are alive, Terry will regenerate 30% of his HP per turn. (This doesn't mean much since his max HP is miniscule)

Passive: Helpful Hintster

Whenever a ally (not Terry) receives healing, they will also get an attack buff.

Terry would have pitiful HP and Attack, mediocre Defense, but ridiculously high Ninjutsu and Resistance. He's more of a joke character. Keep him alive long enough to get the Hottest Dance going, and Terry will be on a roll though..

D!ck D!ckson (The Pink Ranger)

Mystery: Party Time! (40 chakra, 0 battlefield CD, 3CD, Nin)

D!ck starts an awesome party in the middle of the fight. Everything on the battlefield except D!ck gets Chaos for 1 turn; this ignores debuff immunity. The following turn, D!ck's team receives an Attack, Ninjutsu, and Critical Hit Rate boost for 2 turns.

Standard: Machinegun Thrust

D!ck unleashes a series of wicked pelvic thrusts. Always does a 4 combo, chance of 7 Combo, Repulse, Interruption, and Poisoning. During Joy Withdrawal, D!ck cannot trigger a combo.

Chase: Head Spin

D!ck spins on his head, causing Repulse and Interruption to a Knocked Down Character.

Chase: Awesome Backflip Kick! (Tai)

Chase Repulse, cause High Float

Passive: Joy Party Boy (Nin)

On odd-numbered turns, D!ck takes the drug Joy, increasing his Health a little bit and giving himself an attack and defense buff. This buff increases as turns pass. On even-numbered turns, D!ck suffers from Joy Withdrawal, which drops his Taijutsu damage to practically 0, temporarily removes all Joy buffs, and GREATLY decreases all other stats. When suffering from withdrawal, D!ck cannot use his Mystery.

D!ck would have medium HP, medium high Attack, high Defense, but low Ninjutsu and Resistance. He hosts a plethora of quirky and fun moves. But the obvious downside to using D!ck is his drug addiction; he's useless every other turn.

Ehh, I don't know if this was a good idea or not. But imo it's better than digging through 35 pages of characters.

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2018-04-29 12:11:08.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-20 10:07:19Show this Author Only

Shocklord (The Face-First Guy)

Mystery: Big Shock! (0 Chakra, 3-round Cooldown, 1 Battlefield Cooldown. Taijutsu.)

Shocklord falls on his face, dealing heavy damage to all enemies. This attack ignores effects like Hinata's barriers, but dodges are 15% more likely to trigger.

Standard: Big Shock!

Shocklord falls on his face, dealing heavy damage to all enemies. This attack ignores effects like Hinata's barriers, but dodges are 15% more likely to trigger.

Chase: Big Shock!

Shocklord falls on his face, dealing heavy damage to the Knocked Down enemy and all other enemies and ending the combo. Dodges are 15% more likely to trigger.

Passive: Stumbling Gutso

Shocklord has an increased Critical Hit Rate. (+20%)

Shocklord is a simple man. He has high HP and very solid Attack, but the rest of his stats are mediocre at best. In addition, he has only one move since his mystery is identical to his standard – it's simple, but effective and deals good damage. His chases and passives, on the other hand, are lackluster compared to other characters.

Fly Minetti (Weird Fly Guy)

Mystery: Puke (20 Chakra, 2-round Cooldown, no Battlefield CD). TaiNin.

Fly pukes onto one enemy. Target opponent has a high chance to receive two to five random status effects (both debuffs like paralysis, and buffs like stat boosts).

Standard: Drive-By (Tai)

Fly rides by the opponent on his shopping cart and riddles the enemy with bullets. Attacks the enemy in front of him and all enemies behind; always causes 3 Combo on each one, chance of 6 Combo and Repulse on the front enemy.

Chase: Cart Slam (Tai)

Fly slams his shopping cart into a Low Floated enemy, causing Repulse and dealing double damage to all enemies in the same row as the Repulsed enemy.

Passive: Revolting Stench

Because he's wearing a fly cosplay, Fly smells like crap. Thanks to this, the first time each enemy approaches Fly and tries to attack him, they will be initially disgusted by his stink and do no damage. This only works the first time Fly takes damage from each ninja on the opponent team.

Passive: J3rk @ss

Fly openly hates his teammates. Whenever a teammate dies, Fly gains an Attack and Defense boost.

Fly is an AOE master. He has moderate HP, solid Attack, tr@shy Defense, and medium Ninjutsu and Resistance. He shines best when dealing with tanky characters who are protecting people behind them; when facing individual characters he struggles a bit.

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2018-03-20 10:07:42.
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On 2018-03-20 12:30:44Show this Author Only


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On 2018-04-20 13:09:34Show this Author Only

Harvey Alibastor (Fish Lawyer Guy)

Mystery: Water Spout (20 chakra, 2 round Cooldown, 1 Battlefield CD. Nin)

Harvey spits a burst of water at a row of enemies. Causes Repulse to the front enemy, or the target. Puts out Ignition and removes all buffs.

Standard: Uzi Splatter (hybrid damage)

Harvey fires bullets from his Uzi. Always causes 8 Combo, chance of 16 Combo, Low Float and Crit.

Chase: Slander (Nin)

Harvey throws legal do3uments at the Repulsed enemy, causing Repulse. The enemy is so confused by the legal lingo that they get Chaosed. They also get paper cuts from the paper, but since there's no Bleeding debuff, Poison will have to do. So this attack gives Poison and Chaos but does no damage.

Chase: Restraining Order (Nin)

Harvey throws legal do3uments at the enemy. Triggered by a 20 Hit Combo, causes Immobile and Poison to 3 random Ninja on the enemy field. Does not do any damage.

Passive: Lawyer Fish Guy

Harvey is a master of laying down the Law. All status effects Harvey receives is reflected onto the sender.

Harvey's primarily a debuffer. He's got OK stats in almost all areas, but strong Ninjutsu. His Chases give out all sorts of debuffs, but don't actually do any damage.

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2018-04-20 13:09:55.
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On 2018-04-20 13:19:53Show this Author Only

Fardy Hernandez (Depressed Guy)

Mystery: Call Truck (40 Chakra, 2-round CD, 1 battlefield CD)

Fardy calls his Truck over. Only 1 Truck can be on the field at a time. The Truck cannot attack. When the Truck is already on the field, this Mystery changed to Truck Keys.

Standard: St1ck Wack (Tai)

Fardy hits an opponent with his */club/whatever. Deals 1 hit, chance of Triple Combo and Knockdown

Passive: Fardy's Truck

At the beginning of battle, Fardy summons his Truck. The Truck does not have a Standard Attack. When the Truck is alive, Fardy's Standard Attack changes to Truck Slam.

Chase: Peel Out (Tai)

Fardy peels out hard with his truck. Chases a 25 Hit Combo, dealing damage, Interruption, and Knockdown to all enemies. Can only be triggered when the Truck is alive.

Passive: Weep

Every turn, Fardy will cry to himself, removing 2 Debuffs and healing himself a bit.

Alternate Mystery: Truck Keys (20 Chakra, 2-round CD)

Fardy bails out to a better place. He and all team members get 1 dodge for this turn. Can only be triggered when the truck is alive

Alternate Standard: Truck Slam (Tai)

Fardy peels out hard with his truck, hitting all enemies. Chance of Knockdown or Interruption. Can only be triggered when the truck is alive.

Fardy is primarily an AOE damage dealer. He's got mediocre HP, Ninjutsu, and Resistance, but great Attack and Defense. His Truck Slams are easy to dodge though!

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2018-04-20 13:20:15.
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On 2018-04-20 19:13:24Show this Author Only

Might as well contribute :P

Ruby Rose[Reaper]

Mystery[Prompt]: Crescent Rose Barrage: Attacks 7 of the opponents unit and causes Taijutsu damage and Tag. The selected unit will suffer from Knockdown.

Chakra: 40

BCD: 1

CD: 3

Standard: Scythe Strike: Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance to cause 6 COMBO and Low Float.

Passive: Speedy Rose: This unit has a chance to evade a Mystery, Standard or Chase. Triggered once per round.

Chase: Gravity Dust Shot: Chases Low Float and causes Knockdown and Immobile.

Chase: Fire Dust Shot: Chases High Float and causes Repulse and ignition.

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On 2018-04-21 10:33:42Show this Author Only

Rooster Coleman (Chicken Guy)

Mystery: Bustle Dropkick (20 Chakra, 2 CD, 0 battlefield CD) (Tai)

A missile dropkick propelled by the flapping of Rooster’s arms. Deals damage, Acupuncture, and Repulse to one enemy. This attack ignores Initiative and will always go first.

Standard: Slap (Tai)

Rooster slaps his opponent. Causes 1 hit, chance of Paralysis and Repulse. This attack ignores Initiative and will always go first.

Chase: Rolling Hurricane (Tai)

Rooster performs a front-flipping head*, smashing the Repulsed enemy and causing Knockdown and Immobile.

Chase: Rooster Storm (Tai/Nin)

Rooster summons a flock of chickens and stuff. Triggered by a 15-hit combo, causes damage to 4 opponents and gives Rooster a Shield. Can be triggered twice per turn.

Passive: Leader of the Flock

Despite his reclusiveness, Rooster is an individual of initiative. He will deal +25% damage against any enemy who he outspeeds.

Most of Rooster’s stats are mediocre, with Attack being his only notable stat. This is (hopefully) counteracted by Rooster’s initiative-ignoring abilities.

If you can't tell, all of these characters I'm trying to make all have some kind of gimmick. For Rooster, it's initiative. Terry's got the Hot Dance. D!ck can Chaos all characters on the field, etc etc.

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On 2018-04-29 12:25:00Show this Author Only

Dixon (Welding Mask Guy)


Mystery: Dumb@ss Smasher 3000 (20 chakra, 2-round CD, 0 round battlefield CD. Tai.)

Deals damage, Knockdown, and Immobile to one enemy. If an enemy has already been Knocked Down earlier this turn, activate the "Dumb@ss Smasher 4000": deals damage, Knockdown and Immobile to three enemies. The enemy who was Knocked Down earlier is immune to this attack. In addition, if any enemies are wearing a cowboy hat, the "Dumb@ss Smasher 4000" additional effect cannot be activated and this Mystery will automatically target the enemy with the cowboy hat.

Standard: Bash (Tai)

Dixon runs at an enemy and clubs them to death. Chance of 3 Combo and Knockdown.

Chase: Jumpscare (Tai)

Dixon raises his bat in the air and intercepts a Low Floated enemy, somehow jumping behind their back and w*ing them hard. Causes Knockdown and lowers Defense.

Passive: Tr@sh Talk (Nin)

Before each of Dixon's actions, he'll talk some serious tr@sh. A random enemy has a chance to get enraged and Chaosed for 1 turn.

Passive: Weird@ass Arsenal (Nin)

Dixon's Wood Bat is one of the tools that a warrior c@n use to create the Weird@ss Arsenal. After turn 2, any characters wielding a weapon, Dixon included, will receive a heavy Ninjutsu and Attack buff as he creates the Weird@ss Arsenal.

Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at 5

...I think this is the dumbest character I've ever made. Oh well.

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2018-04-29 12:27:50.
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On 2018-05-11 04:10:32Show this Author Only

6 Paths Chiyo (The Legend)

Mystery: Stare no Jutsu (0 Chakra Points)

Chiyo looks at the selected opponent and causes enough damage to kill them. If the opponent dodges, this mystery's cool down is set to 1

Standard: Goddess' Curse

Chiyo causes certain heavy damage to the opponents entire lineup with high chances of killing the units

Chase: Miracles of the Ultimate

Chases and attacks a unit with less than half of their life points, Causes this unit to die, can be triggered 2 times each round

Passive: Pure World Reincarnation

When ever someone from your unit dies, Chiyo instantly resurrects them for 50% of their original HP immune to unresurrectable moves

Passive: Heaven

Before someone attacks, Chiyo gain 100% attack and ninjutsu which lasts for the whole battle and gain 50 chakra points. Can be triggered whenever someone attacks

Quicky Post

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