One problem I see is that if you your Main's mystery to Dance of the Impetus, you're going to have to find another character with an AOE to do significant damage to the entire team. Might not be a problem if you have a tanky Hinata, but Kakashi is notoriously squishy, even if he's great for combos. Karin is decent, with her poison debuff/healing, although Kabuto is better in my opinion as a clone spammer/healer. Also might be worth trying out some high combo chasers like Tenten or Sasuke or GNW Kiba.
I personally don't * to a certain team, but have a variety that I use depending on the situation. I run a team with Neji, Guy, and Kakashi if I'm looking to win fights quick, but I use either Hinata, Kurenai, and Karin or Hinata, Kabuto, and Kakashi if I'm playing a waiting game and trying to outlast.