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[ PVP ] Arena Matchmaking (Also I'm sorry Random LM)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-23 01:54:13Show All Posts
  • Feral Shade On 2018-02-22 23:49:36
  • What frustrates me about the Arena matching is something different...the types of players. I generally see 2:

    1) players (often like myself) that create god-awful teams to so they can complete the 2 missions.

    2) players that create OP teams for "testing".

    Personally, I don't like the Arena. I wanna get my 2 missions done, and leave. I'm often embarassed about making terrible teams, but it's what the missions require of me, so I make the best of it with the ninja I have. But most of the time, it takes over an hour (sometimes 2-3) to get through it. It seems like more and more players use the Training section to showcase their competitive teams--teams I couldn't beat even WITHOUT the mission constraints.

    The result is, both the Ranked section and Training section are used competitively, making the activity unplayable for those of us just trying to get Activity/Arena Points.

    My suggestion:

    Either create a 3rd section for getting points...maybe give it an AI opponent,


    restrict Training battles to players that satisfy at least 1 mission requirement.


    give a non-buff penalty to players that don't satisfy mission requirements: --1 requirement met: all ninja acupunctured for the 1st round; --no requirements met: all ninja chaosed for the 1st round.

so what about players who have finished their missions we shouldnt be able to play on arena until next day?

And most of the times the game during midday is boring with no events or dailies to do so i and probably even others play on arena with our "OP" teams just out of boredom its not that we (at least myself) are bragging about our teams everyday and 10 times a day

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-23 03:22:37Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-02-23 02:15:03
  • But do you ignore the fact that there are others who want to finish the missions? If I see the same person multiple times, I know that they are trying to do their missions. If you figure out that your opponent is trying to do missions but you don't want to help them just because you are trying to brag/try out your team/bored or any other reasons, then you should listen to the people here instead of thinking about yourself.

when i see any team that seems to be made for missions or when i get same guy twice or more of course i retreat but not when i see meta lineups because theres not much chance that team is for missions and when complaining that me and other people ruin their missions remember the ranked part and how unfair it is so better to ruin someones missions which can be done many times in a day or ruin someones rank?

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