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[ Events ] Ok so i got a question?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-21 10:27:31Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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How are we suppose to compete with players that every event they get a ninja for free... tell me how... cause today was the end for me... i had to buy all my ninja so other players can get them for free and beat me to a bloody pulp.. cause ofcourse they gonna spend their ingots on power...

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On 2018-02-21 11:48:32Show this Author Only

Only buy 1 or 2 Event Ninjas, Then the rest of the time you spend on power. That is how you compete

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On 2018-02-21 14:22:30Show this Author Only

Hey man, a lot of stuff is RNG-based...

Well, why do you need more ninja anyways? Are you dissatisfied with your current roster? Do you actually use the characters you buy?

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On 2018-02-21 14:58:49Show this Author Only

Save your coupons for good events.

Buy only 1 or 2 good event ninjas.

Don't go for RNG events.

Focus on spending on power.

You can never compete fully with spending players, but if you do it right you can get a lot of power for free in this game.

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On 2018-02-21 15:20:59Show this Author Only

Yeah this is a concern that made me quit on a previous server, and I'm contemplating quitting on my current server too.

It's problematic when you play conservative on your coupons and want to maximize value. In the long run you will win with this strategy. But it's a massive slap in the face from the game when someone who has poor impulse control gets rewarded by receiveing a god-tier ninja, like Minato from the Wheel of utter nonsense. They get a 20k value ninja with like 1k spending. What am I supposed to do? The only options I have, is to quit or recharge a massive amount. Obviously, I have no incentive to reward developers for this kind of a game mechanic, so I'd rather quit.

I don't understand why they cant just settle to giving manageable ninja from the wheel. Like Tobirama, Sage Naruto, Tendo Pain, Roshi, 100pp Sasori, Hiruzen.

Why the heck are the Shisui and HK-Minato put there? Well yeah of course, to make money. But it seriously makes people quit, because it feels bad when you can't compete when people are like "hurr durr, I have bad impulse control. Oh look a free Minato. Well I guess you should have also spent your money on the wheel, lul"

You'd get a medium spender from me (someone who would spend 50-100$ a month on this game) if you'd just stop pulling this nonsense, like putting s-tier ninja on RNG events, pulling out Bait & Switch moves like with Shinobi Feast. But I guess big whales make up over 50% of their revenue, so they don't care.

Oasis does alot of things right, but the things they do wrong are so absurd that it really ticks me and most likely other people off pretty badly.

This post was last edited by Rexxy on 2018-02-21 15:22:32.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-21 15:29:46Show this Author Only
  • Rexxy On 2018-02-21 15:20:59
  • Yeah this is a concern that made me quit on a previous server, and I'm contemplating quitting on my current server too.

    It's problematic when you play conservative on your coupons and want to maximize value. In the long run you will win with this strategy. But it's a massive slap in the face from the game when someone who has poor impulse control gets rewarded by receiveing a god-tier ninja, like Minato from the Wheel of utter nonsense. They get a 20k value ninja with like 1k spending. What am I supposed to do? The only options I have, is to quit or recharge a massive amount. Obviously, I have no incentive to reward developers for this kind of a game mechanic, so I'd rather quit.

    I don't understand why they cant just settle to giving manageable ninja from the wheel. Like Tobirama, Sage Naruto, Tendo Pain, Roshi, 100pp Sasori, Hiruzen.

    Why the heck are the Shisui and HK-Minato put there? Well yeah of course, to make money. But it seriously makes people quit, because it feels bad when you can't compete when people are like "hurr durr, I have bad impulse control. Oh look a free Minato. Well I guess you should have also spent your money on the wheel, lul"

    You'd get a medium spender from me (someone who would spend 50-100$ a month on this game) if you'd just stop pulling this nonsense, like putting s-tier ninja on RNG events, pulling out Bait & Switch moves like with Shinobi Feast. But I guess big whales make up over 50% of their revenue, so they don't care.

    Oasis does alot of things right, but the things they do wrong are so absurd that it really ticks me and most likely other people off pretty badly.

Lucky Wheel isn't that bad since the rewards are better than what they were. Also you can save a whole 5 coupons for Med Refines off of 1 spin! Don't use the wheel to try and get Minato or some other powerful ninja. Just think of him as a bonus if you do get him.

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On 2018-02-21 18:02:18Show this Author Only

Als here, everything would be fine if they put 10 fragments as the top reward, not 80. put 10 with 8times higher the chance to get them and would be fine.

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On 2018-02-21 19:01:21Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-02-21 18:02:18
  • Als here, everything would be fine if they put 10 fragments as the top reward, not 80. put 10 with 8times higher the chance to get them and would be fine.

Really good point. I'm fine with even 20 or 40 frags, just not one hit one kill kind of nonsense.

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On 2018-02-21 21:31:36Show this Author Only
  • Rexxy On 2018-02-21 15:20:59
  • Yeah this is a concern that made me quit on a previous server, and I'm contemplating quitting on my current server too.

    It's problematic when you play conservative on your coupons and want to maximize value. In the long run you will win with this strategy. But it's a massive slap in the face from the game when someone who has poor impulse control gets rewarded by receiveing a god-tier ninja, like Minato from the Wheel of utter nonsense. They get a 20k value ninja with like 1k spending. What am I supposed to do? The only options I have, is to quit or recharge a massive amount. Obviously, I have no incentive to reward developers for this kind of a game mechanic, so I'd rather quit.

    I don't understand why they cant just settle to giving manageable ninja from the wheel. Like Tobirama, Sage Naruto, Tendo Pain, Roshi, 100pp Sasori, Hiruzen.

    Why the heck are the Shisui and HK-Minato put there? Well yeah of course, to make money. But it seriously makes people quit, because it feels bad when you can't compete when people are like "hurr durr, I have bad impulse control. Oh look a free Minato. Well I guess you should have also spent your money on the wheel, lul"

    You'd get a medium spender from me (someone who would spend 50-100$ a month on this game) if you'd just stop pulling this nonsense, like putting s-tier ninja on RNG events, pulling out Bait & Switch moves like with Shinobi Feast. But I guess big whales make up over 50% of their revenue, so they don't care.

    Oasis does alot of things right, but the things they do wrong are so absurd that it really ticks me and most likely other people off pretty badly.

Yeah you do get me... i mean the problem is not me having ninjas.. i wanted to say that every ninja that i needed no wanted i had to buy it fully and never get anything from an event.. while other players my power they would get all the ninjas.. and they are not dumb they know that their acounts have luck by now and they go head on and get a ninja for 500cps for 100cps for free.. on a roll like 5 ninjas.. and those ninjas are expensive if i were to get them id need 50k... at least.. and while they are getting ninjas for free they are putting eveyrthing on power and this week i got passed while 3 months ago i was 20k over them... not because i go for ninjas.. no no i went for power and only bought 2 ninjas that i needed.. and you were right.. you cant compete with lucky accounts like that.. they are destroying the game with these jackpots and as you said you cant do much ..and just quit.. because this game like every game should be fun.. and me recharging like crazy is not.. and i wont do it because it is like a forcing thing.. some accounts are blessed and ours are *.. thx for understanding.. i talked with GLs.. they said they would put it in report that its destroying the game.. but dont think anyone is listening at this points same as Shisui fiasco where a ton of people got him for free and i had to buy him straight up.. if the fragments werent there id uit.. but ill just quit now.

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On 2018-02-21 21:52:32Show this Author Only

There problem with those winning an amazing ninja like Minato/Shisui for 100 coupons for example is that they can focus on power after that!

While the rest of us who simply have to buy/piece together will have to stop getting power and focus on a ninja. It's only natural that after 1-2-3 months you get left behind in both power+ninja.

Right now any guy with minato/shinui can rek an opponent with even 15-20k power more if his team isn't that good! So yes...this RNG totally ruins the game and the experience for many! They should reconsider before it's too late!

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On 2018-02-21 22:40:37Show this Author Only

Aren't all the events like cross server now? Who cares if they got it for free if they are way above you in power then there is a high chance you won't meet them in sage, In arena power doesn't matter as long as it's not like 20K+ difference (then the base stats get jumpy due to the 10% boost). As long as there's a couple of players getting these ninjas for free it shouldn't matter to be honest. Besides think of it this way if they hadn't gotten them for free they would 100% most definitely have bought those ninjas and spent more on bp, you are just looking at it the wrong way.

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On 2018-02-21 22:53:39Show this Author Only
  • Rexxy On 2018-02-21 15:20:59
  • Yeah this is a concern that made me quit on a previous server, and I'm contemplating quitting on my current server too.

    It's problematic when you play conservative on your coupons and want to maximize value. In the long run you will win with this strategy. But it's a massive slap in the face from the game when someone who has poor impulse control gets rewarded by receiveing a god-tier ninja, like Minato from the Wheel of utter nonsense. They get a 20k value ninja with like 1k spending. What am I supposed to do? The only options I have, is to quit or recharge a massive amount. Obviously, I have no incentive to reward developers for this kind of a game mechanic, so I'd rather quit.

    I don't understand why they cant just settle to giving manageable ninja from the wheel. Like Tobirama, Sage Naruto, Tendo Pain, Roshi, 100pp Sasori, Hiruzen.

    Why the heck are the Shisui and HK-Minato put there? Well yeah of course, to make money. But it seriously makes people quit, because it feels bad when you can't compete when people are like "hurr durr, I have bad impulse control. Oh look a free Minato. Well I guess you should have also spent your money on the wheel, lul"

    You'd get a medium spender from me (someone who would spend 50-100$ a month on this game) if you'd just stop pulling this nonsense, like putting s-tier ninja on RNG events, pulling out Bait & Switch moves like with Shinobi Feast. But I guess big whales make up over 50% of their revenue, so they don't care.

    Oasis does alot of things right, but the things they do wrong are so absurd that it really ticks me and most likely other people off pretty badly.

Dude what are you talking about? the pvp events are cross server anyway so the chance that you get the same guy from your server (who got the free ninja) in a pvp match is very low so it should't matter if he gets free stuff or whatever as long as he/she isn't directly effecting your gameplay or enjoyment it shouldn't matter to you. Also ninjas like tobirama Hanzo roshi are NOT manageable (all it takes for roshi to enter God mode is 2 Heals! 2 frikin heals in a water team, and he also Heals himself too!, and after that the only way to take him down is sand dust or something that removes buffs).

I don't know how you spend your money on this game but if I had the ability to spend 50-100$ each month I would be well over 90K bp WITH a couple of event rares like edo deidara or masked man etc. I am currently 69k (No joke intended) and have a pretty decent roster of event rares including Hanzo kushina Jonin minato sailor sakura nagato and I rarely spend money on this game like maybe when it's like new year or Eid etc.

This post was last edited by Attac an Respec on 2018-02-21 22:55:11.
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On 2018-02-22 19:20:40Show this Author Only

Ok so if u get HM for then i guess u will be not complaining? i don't get the point of this thread

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