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[ Help ] How time consuming is Naruto Online


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  • Registered: 2018-02-12
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On 2018-02-14 22:11:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I started playing the game recently but from the first 2 days so far seems like it takes quite a while to be done with your dailies. Can someone explain how much time Naruto Online takes you everyday?

I greatly appreciate any help!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-14 22:21:08Show this Author Only

Doing personal daily stuff takes about 15minutes+-, convoys about 5. Once you get a good team, you can finish team instances and wanted missions in 10-15min as well, but for that you need tendo teams, which you wont be able to obtain for months. Evening dailies take more time, about 30min-1h on average depending on the day. Strong approaching (depending on your teammates and coordination) takes less than 5minutes per run. The issue for most people isnt the ammount of time, but the specific hours you need to be online at to not lose out on too much free stuff from daily events.

Beginning is entirely different because you have a lot of pve content to go through, like manually all instances, rich field, ultimate training. After you are done with that (or unlock sweep otion for rich field) it goes even faster.

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On 2018-02-14 22:23:07Show this Author Only

Me less than 2 hours all done dailies stuffs(100% frog purse rewards) then afk hotsprings or log off and comeback till its time for sage world battle/Jinchu/9tails/Catquiz/GNW/xGNW(all set in different days)

That's all unlock on certain levels if your just starting, most of the server events are still lock for yah.

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On 2018-02-18 03:20:52Show this Author Only

I think "daillies" can be completed in 30mins if you skip the timed events.

But events are where you gain more resources from, so if you skip those then you will find yourself falling behind in power.

If you are casual, this may be acceptable but if you want to be a top f2p then you need to spend at least 1 - 1.5hrs a day on this game daily.

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On 2018-02-18 23:01:17Show this Author Only

If you get the medal, you can do daily tasks in 2-3 mins after hitting lvl 80.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-02-18 23:46:28.
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On 2018-02-19 05:17:21Show this Author Only

Welp Sat night for GNW coiuld be my longest night when you to fight and wait for 3 rounds.

Usually when Im done my last event, ie SWB or fox and Im out.

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On 2018-02-19 08:58:59Show this Author Only

To answer the question regarding how time consuming this game is...

....It'll consume everything if you go to far (True story, this game takes up 1/2 my free time at this point.)

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On 2018-02-19 15:29:09Show this Author Only
  • Resilliance On 2018-02-19 08:58:59
  • To answer the question regarding how time consuming this game is...

    ....It'll consume everything if you go to far (True story, this game takes up 1/2 my free time at this point.)

I have to agree with this statement.

For me non timed dailies take about 45 minutes a day. I used to spend 14 hours a day playing, but I been cutting back cause there isn't much I can really do at this point.

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On 2018-02-19 16:27:04Show this Author Only

Most that play are pretty casual and don't have to be on that long. That's fine - it's just a game afterall. But if you're like me and feel a need to do everything then it can sorta consume your life and just as much as the time spent, it's that the game can make you schedule every day around it. I've been out and totally told my friends I have to leave for 30 mins just so I can do Sage on my phone...

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On 2018-02-19 20:40:51Show this Author Only

if you work, and have any free time, you can install puffin browser to do some daily/events so when u get home u have more time

i take 5 min in morning to use stamina and events lime spins

i gty during my work to do ninja exam, survival, and some other stuff where u can do auto fights.

when i get home i finish all in 1 h+ 30 min if war is that day

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