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treasured tools


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-26 09:58:58Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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can someone help me with this new function treasured tools, what am i supposed to do with it

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-26 15:03:38Show this Author Only

Go to your home and click the mine option on the right. Set up a team to mine. When in your mine, you can click STEAL at the bottom right of client and fight 2 people a day for free and get some extra ore. Then go to Power Up>Treasured tools>Forging at the top right and start making 1 of the items for 50 iron ore and some coins. You can make 1 every 24 hours or 2 if you have jonin medal. Each one has 2 different stats they will grant so choose the 1 with the stats you like. Then at the top right go to BESET and make sure you've done your free pull here. This is where you'll get scrolls to put on your tools and stuff to level your tools up. Also in BESET, you can add the healing scroll you got to 1 of your tools for an added battlefield bonus. What you'll wanna do is make 4 tools right away and equip 1 to each ninja in your team. Then you can keep making them until you get better quality ones like S and A rank ones. After that it's just a slow process of free pulling items that can help level your tools and more scrolls to give better battlefield effects. You c*ways spend money to get your tools and items faster, but that's everything in this game lol. Hope this helps.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-26 15:26:28Show this Author Only
  • Brandenlol On 2018-01-26 15:03:38
  • Go to your home and click the mine option on the right. Set up a team to mine. When in your mine, you can click STEAL at the bottom right of client and fight 2 people a day for free and get some extra ore. Then go to Power Up>Treasured tools>Forging at the top right and start making 1 of the items for 50 iron ore and some coins. You can make 1 every 24 hours or 2 if you have jonin medal. Each one has 2 different stats they will grant so choose the 1 with the stats you like. Then at the top right go to BESET and make sure you've done your free pull here. This is where you'll get scrolls to put on your tools and stuff to level your tools up. Also in BESET, you can add the healing scroll you got to 1 of your tools for an added battlefield bonus. What you'll wanna do is make 4 tools right away and equip 1 to each ninja in your team. Then you can keep making them until you get better quality ones like S and A rank ones. After that it's just a slow process of free pulling items that can help level your tools and more scrolls to give better battlefield effects. You c*ways spend money to get your tools and items faster, but that's everything in this game lol. Hope this helps.

ou c*ways spend money to get your tools and items faster, but that's everything in this game

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