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Susanoo Itachi is still king


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On 2018-01-15 23:01:45Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys! So I have decided to make videos for everyone. Mostly showing strategies within the game ninja exams, general gameplay teach you guys how to beat meta teams especially with F2P ninja etc. I've been working hard to create this content for everyone so please give me some feed back:) As a whole, I really enjoy the community, and would love to be able to play along with some of you and try new things. So come head over to my channel and hangout! Also, please no trolling. I really wanna bring something new and educate the community about the game. This game is my passion and I am still working hard to become better. So come hang out with me and Itachi. I am sure his beloved little brother Sasuke would agree.

This post was last edited by Michgefragt on 2018-01-15 23:01:45.
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On 2018-01-16 02:49:07Show this Author Only

Perhaps you should not start out by doing 2 videos that are heavy on P2W ninjas if your goal is to help out especially people with F2P ninjas. And for the ninja exam part you might want to use an account with lower power cause no F2P player will ever have 77k power on lvl 81 (and unlikely those ninjas) making both of your current videos useless for the things your text claim you want to help out with.

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On 2018-01-16 03:24:24Show this Author Only

> "teach you guys how to beat meta teams especially with F2P ninja"

> Has ninjas 50k worth

Also you have no idea how immobile or chaos works, and you pay no attention to the other ninjas in the team. Chaosing 1 ninja only to have Jinpachi clear it is suicide.

I suggest learning how the game works before making any more videos...oh, and next time try truly f2p ninjas. Not a 4 star Itachi Susanoo!

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On 2018-01-16 04:28:24Show this Author Only

the other guys aside i think it was a good vid. swb is about having fun (also this is a game its meant to be fun, stop with all them serious comments) mistakes happen even with the most seasoned players, you'll ge better with time so pay little mind to that apar from that it was a great vid.

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On 2018-01-16 12:00:19Show this Author Only
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On 2018-01-16 12:14:13Show this Author Only

I tried to watch the linked video, but the music was too annoying. Try uploading videos without music? It's always nice to actually hear the ninjas and original gameplay sound.

This post was last edited by CynicalRave on 2018-01-16 12:14:44.
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On 2018-01-16 14:37:49Show this Author Only

The videos themselves aren't bad, but I would agree that the music should probably be left out in favor of the original game sounds, or maybe even commentary, if you're up for it. However, as has been already said, the videos you have up currently do not help F2P players, as you stated one of your aims was. Masked Man is a ninja that F2P can acquire after a while of playing and/or saving coupons, but in that same lineup, you used Itachi and Shisui. Very, very few F2P have these ninjas. So far, in 3 videos, you haven't helped F2P at all.

That being said, I know you just started, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you just uploaded these to get your channel going, and are planning to stay true to one of your goals, which is helping F2P. It'll be difficult though, seeing as your power is not what a typical F2P's power would look like. And I know your only goal isn't to help F2P. You did say one goal was to show ninja exam strategies, which you did show one, so that's good (even if it's a strategy that most players cannot use, but you basically stated this when you called it "P2W style", which is good).

In the future, if you decide it's too difficult to help F2P, then it's ok not to help (as long as you say so). Not helping F2P is fine (as bad it sounds), but claiming to help them yet not doing so, is not fine. But again, you just started, so I'll have faith.

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On 2018-01-16 15:20:02Show this Author Only
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ahahaha really severe :'D

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On 2018-01-16 17:18:06Show this Author Only
  • Nyte On 2018-01-16 04:28:24
  • the other guys aside i think it was a good vid. swb is about having fun (also this is a game its meant to be fun, stop with all them serious comments) mistakes happen even with the most seasoned players, you'll ge better with time so pay little mind to that apar from that it was a great vid.

Why, what is wrong with these "Serious Comments"?
A game is certainly played for fun & is meant to be fun, but tell me this- if we sat down and played monopoly & you rolled the dice, took your icon & moved the "wrong" way around the board, when people told you it was wrong would your reply be "But I'm playing for fun!"?

Games have a structure, a frame work in which their built upon, there's normally a defined rule set or even a set of mechanics in place that force people to play the game a certain way, to get better at a game is to learn to use & abuse said mechanics and rules to the best of your ability, take advantage if you will, for someone to imply they're going to teach others when they themselves do not fully grasp these mechanics of the game themselves is why some people took issue & they're not wrong in doing so.

You're free to play the game sub-optimally, or with one eye closed, I don't care- but don't take issue with people who are merely pointing something out, that was done wrong that could be done better, especially in a board of discussion.

This post was last edited by DigitalRelease on 2018-01-16 17:20:15.
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On 2018-01-16 21:57:56Show this Author Only

Complains about f2p in a susano itachi thread. What???????????

Agree with op, he is really good . Really like how dodge ninja's can't dodge his attack.

Jib Edit: Let's respect each other!

Sorry if i offended anyone didn't meant to. Peace

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-01-19 12:30:41.
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On 2018-01-16 23:00:06Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2018-01-16 21:57:56
  • Complains about f2p in a susano itachi thread. What???????????

    Agree with op, he is really good . Really like how dodge ninja's can't dodge his attack.

    Jib Edit: Let's respect each other!

    Sorry if i offended anyone didn't meant to. Peace

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On 2018-01-16 23:24:48Show this Author Only

As of yet i am trying to get my foot in the door. definitely will work on the audio. i actually find the game sounds annoying having heard them a bagillion times already so i figured music would help. my recording *ed out and i fought that person again and smoked him after i realized what i needed to do. i wish i had it still so you could see but he is right next to me and he had a rage lvl 1. that was from me. as the f2p aspect you gotta realize i dont use them so most are still lvl 1 so i need to culti awaken etc before i c*e them. for now i posted some stuff to see how everyone will react and get some feedback. i love how you guys are interested though so i will definitely listen to anything else you guys may have. bear with me, im working hard to bring more f2p friendly videos especially the how to beat metas with f2p ninja. just takese a little time. thank you for your criticisms.

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On 2018-01-16 23:29:23Show this Author Only
  • Erevos On 2018-01-16 03:24:24
  • > "teach you guys how to beat meta teams especially with F2P ninja"

    > Has ninjas 50k worth

    Also you have no idea how immobile or chaos works, and you pay no attention to the other ninjas in the team. Chaosing 1 ninja only to have Jinpachi clear it is suicide.

    I suggest learning how the game works before making any more videos...oh, and next time try truly f2p ninjas. Not a 4 star Itachi Susanoo!

you're missing the biger picture. i do not use f2p ninja and many are lvl 1 still. it's going to take time for me to get them all up to par. as far as chaos works i am actually very familiar with the mechanic. i even said in the video i made a few mistakes because i never faced that team before. after the first fight that i humbly lost, i realized how to beat the team. i will post a video showing how to do it. (not with f2p ninja) i am working very hard to bring my f2p ninja up to snuff so please hang in there.

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On 2018-01-16 23:34:56Show this Author Only
  • Spanktastic On 2018-01-16 02:49:07
  • Perhaps you should not start out by doing 2 videos that are heavy on P2W ninjas if your goal is to help out especially people with F2P ninjas. And for the ninja exam part you might want to use an account with lower power cause no F2P player will ever have 77k power on lvl 81 (and unlikely those ninjas) making both of your current videos useless for the things your text claim you want to help out with.

Working on getting there. You are absolutely right I should not have started out with the F2P claims, and bring nothing but P2W lineups to the table. For that I am sorry. I didn't think that through. However, if you would be patient with me, I will have F2P friendly content for you soon. Just need to finish with a few cultivations. Thank you for the feedback.

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On 2018-01-16 23:40:45Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2018-01-16 21:57:56
  • Complains about f2p in a susano itachi thread. What???????????

    Agree with op, he is really good . Really like how dodge ninja's can't dodge his attack.

    Jib Edit: Let's respect each other!

    Sorry if i offended anyone didn't meant to. Peace


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On 2018-01-17 04:55:21Show this Author Only
  • Erevos On 2018-01-16 03:24:24
  • > "teach you guys how to beat meta teams especially with F2P ninja"

    > Has ninjas 50k worth

    Also you have no idea how immobile or chaos works, and you pay no attention to the other ninjas in the team. Chaosing 1 ninja only to have Jinpachi clear it is suicide.

    I suggest learning how the game works before making any more videos...oh, and next time try truly f2p ninjas. Not a 4 star Itachi Susanoo!

How do you know it is 4*?

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On 2018-01-17 07:12:02Show this Author Only
  • UchihaItachy On 2018-01-17 04:55:21
  • How do you know it is 4*?

Dude you have nothing to worry about. Mr. 120k BP in a lvl 80 SWB. You have literally nothing to worry bout.... Not yet at least ;P And it's my 4* Shisui he was talking about. My itachi is only 3*.

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On 2018-01-17 08:40:16Show this Author Only
  • AyiriHino On 2018-01-16 14:37:49
  • The videos themselves aren't bad, but I would agree that the music should probably be left out in favor of the original game sounds, or maybe even commentary, if you're up for it. However, as has been already said, the videos you have up currently do not help F2P players, as you stated one of your aims was. Masked Man is a ninja that F2P can acquire after a while of playing and/or saving coupons, but in that same lineup, you used Itachi and Shisui. Very, very few F2P have these ninjas. So far, in 3 videos, you haven't helped F2P at all.

    That being said, I know you just started, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you just uploaded these to get your channel going, and are planning to stay true to one of your goals, which is helping F2P. It'll be difficult though, seeing as your power is not what a typical F2P's power would look like. And I know your only goal isn't to help F2P. You did say one goal was to show ninja exam strategies, which you did show one, so that's good (even if it's a strategy that most players cannot use, but you basically stated this when you called it "P2W style", which is good).

    In the future, if you decide it's too difficult to help F2P, then it's ok not to help (as long as you say so). Not helping F2P is fine (as bad it sounds), but claiming to help them yet not doing so, is not fine. But again, you just started, so I'll have faith.

i consider shisui as a f2p ninja..many ppl got him through the wheel by using 1k or less coupons

This post was last edited by ThunderCat. on 2018-01-17 09:20:06.
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On 2018-01-17 09:19:49Show this Author Only
  • ThunderCat. On 2018-01-17 08:40:16
  • i consider shisui as a f2p ninja..many ppl got him through the wheel by using 1k or less coupons

That's a weird definition of f2p ninja then since you're pretty much encouraging people to spend their coupons for the ninjas in the RNG events without knowing the consequences.

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On 2018-01-17 09:23:52Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-01-17 09:19:49
  • That's a weird definition of f2p ninja then since you're pretty much encouraging people to spend their coupons for the ninjas in the RNG events without knowing the consequences.

im just saying what really happenned and i didnt encourage anyone to do nothing.I know ppl who got shisui by using 400 coupons the first day..i also know ppl who spent 10k or more in order to get him.Dont say words i never said

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