So, having been playing for awhile now, I have noticed that when Shinobi feast comes by once a month, the Itachi frags seem to be disappearing ever so slowly and that kinda bothers me. Going from 5* an 1* frags, to 1* and some random event ninja that can be totally pieced together somewhere else. I love that Oasis tries to mix it up, but they chose the worst event to mix things up in. Shinobi Feast should solely remain as *ternative way of obtaining Susano'o Itachi frags. I saved over $2,000 for this specific event, because this is how I want to obtain my frags. 1 Itachi frag= 800 ingots, an so this event is pretty much the most equal way of obtaining his frags. But lately they have been cutting out the 5* prize, and filling it with some other junk to the point where I have been holding onto my money, because I dont want to waste it on only 1 chance to get 1 frag. And his rate has dropped as well. The event desc
Shinobi feast is great for refines, since they cost 25/each. The recharge wheel isn't that good, except for the random 100/500 coupons, like every other pure RNG events. One time i even got only purification runes and keys out of 50 spins ( besides the sc
You get 1-2 fragments every 60 rolls in jinchurikis, kage or edo tensei treasure. Soon edo tensei will be split in two too.
You get 1-2 fragments every 60 rolls in jinchurikis, kage or edo tensei treasure. Soon edo tensei will be split in two too.
This has literally nothing to do with the post.
We are discussing about why the need to take Susano Itachi frags away from the shinobi feast wheel.
Agree 100% with op. Make itachi wheel great again Next time it comes tell them to change it back in feedback thread.
Thank you! My whole point is that that wheel should remain for those who want to pretty much directly acquire his frags. That wheel would make Oasis so much money. They need to see that. 5* and 1* is a really big incentive to want to recharge. If they don't fix it I will definitely give feedback. But I hope I dont have too. Make Itachi Wheel Great Again '17
Thank you! My whole point is that that wheel should remain for those who want to pretty much directly acquire his frags. That wheel would make Oasis so much money. They need to see that. 5* and 1* is a really big incentive to want to recharge. If they don't fix it I will definitely give feedback. But I hope I dont have too. Make Itachi Wheel Great Again '17
I agree I have been piecing together Susano Itachi mostly from this wheel. Last time we had it was the first time I think they taken away the 5 frags.
Also all my seal scroll has been saved towards new GNW treasure and that treasure doesn't give any itachi frags. :(
This has literally nothing to do with the post.
We are discussing about why the need to take Susano Itachi frags away from the shinobi feast wheel.
Has to do with the post because the reason why they were removed is pretty blatant: there were not enough people as mad as the opener that wanted to spend the common monthly wage of a G7 country there knowing gnw treasure was there and knowing another whale tool like sage hashirama was going to be introduced.
Do you think they didn't plan this?
Oasis just wants that ultrawhales like the OP, if they want so much that ninja, buy seal scrolls and waste them in the treasures Garv talked about.
3 Fragments in average every 120 scrolls means 1 fragment in average every 40 scrolls so with around 2500 scrolls the OP gets his shining pet if he owns 0 fragments (and also a person like me that couldn't care less about itachi sits on 32 fragments gained while going for the other treasures rares, so at most if he is in my same situation he just needs to get the missing 48, not 80).
Seeing as I have almost every super rare anyways, why would I want to waste my Seal Scrolls in a treasure that I don't need to pull in? I will spend again within GNW to piece together Hashirama. And I am 100% ok with that. I also want the ability to obtain Itachi frags once a month within Shinobi Feast as well. Why put the same ninja in 3 different wheels. People don't care because the ninja seems rather easy to get. Spend my money on a ninja that I already have? No. I want to spend my money on a ninja i don't have. Like everyone else. They recharge and obtain some spins, when in reality they are using those ingots somewhere else so of course they won't say anything. But anyone who is trying to piece together Itachi, will want what I want. To have access to him within the Shinobi Feast wheel. It's always been him. I don't want that to change. Hashirama is going to have to pieced together within GNW and that's fine. I'll do that. But Itachi should remain within the Shinobi Feast wheel. End of story.
This has literally nothing to do with the post.
We are discussing about why the need to take Susano Itachi frags away from the shinobi feast wheel.
i said it because now they want it to be way harder to get. With the introduction of Madara, the team itachi susano'o, madara, sasuke susano'o would be too strong otherwise, imho.
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