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LA GL Recruitment (Updated 1/31/2018)


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  • Registered: 2017-12-18
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 11
On 2018-02-01 09:43:32Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello Ninjas!

We're looking for responsible, reliable players to join our team of game liaisons. Game liaisons provide event feedback, report bugs, misbehavior, and updates on server conditions.

This is a position that requires communication with other players on your server, and a report is done every week based off of the feedback you receive from them. Liaisons are compensated for their time and effort in coupons.

If you're interested and have a desire to contribute to the success of the game, check the list of available servers below and apply HERE (if your server isn't listed, the position has already been filled.)


*Applying for a position on an available server does not guarantee that you will be hired. A two-week trial period is required for all potential game liaisons.

*QQ is required, as we are unable to communicate with you without it.

For further questions please contact Astro on Discord (Astro#9999). Please know that we will never ask for sensitive personal information or for credit card numbers, please inform the staff if you encounter anyone that asks you for this information.

This post was last edited by LA-GL-Manager on 2018-02-01 09:43:32.
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