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[ Help ] Server Merges and Low Populated Servers


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On 2016-08-25 12:30:31Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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My main is on S1 which is an amazing server, no wait times and tons of groups during the war event. A friend of mine made a character on a 'recomended server' (S44) when I sent him the URL but told him to make sure to change it to S1. Of course he didn't listen and ended up leveling on S44. So I decided to make *t on his server when my mains energy is out. Let me tell you, this server is NOTHING like S1. I have to wait 3-5 mins to get someone in the arena, no one talks in world chat and only 4 groups participated in the ninja war today. While 2 out of the 4 groups are the *best* groups and everyone joins them vs. joining other groups.

-Why are they making more servers when other servers aren't full yet?
-Will there be future server merges? Because I don't see how its fun playing on a dead server.

Curious to get everyone elses thoughts and concerns as I thought that other servers were just as populated as S1 but then found out I was totally wrong.
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On 2016-08-25 12:52:10Show this Author Only
If you are telling the truth... then that server is probably a gold mine. Gauranteed free rewards during war. Eh anyways back to the topic. Maybe many people started to quit the game. Alot of my guild mates did sadly :/. I don't wanna make too many assumptions.
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On 2016-08-25 12:57:27Show this Author Only
They should definitely slow down a bit on the servers release, i think with 2 servers per week is enough but we can't do much about it really they will start realizing this sooner than later but personally i dont think they will start merging servers until October (its just a prediction).
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On 2016-08-26 18:46:12Show this Author Only
if you support server merging you are a f*ggot (sorry)
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On 2016-09-28 16:22:47Show this Author Only
Hey i am in S44, in Akatsuki of course lol, wonder who you are.
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On 2016-09-28 16:55:23Show this Author Only
you are not even playing on that server why are you so *hurt lol,dont compare s1 with other newer servers lmao,so you wait 3-5 mins at mid day when not so many play the game and say the server is dead?
also only 4 groups participate at gnw?you know every group can have about 100 members at a decent high lv right?so thats 400 people right there what's the point of this thread?and no one wants 1239102329 people on the server either so I think the server is more th*ive
I hope server will never be merged in this game because that only will be a mistake that will make people quit This post was last edited by at 2016-9-28 16:56 This post was last edited by at 2016-9-28 16:59
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On 2016-09-28 21:10:01Show this Author Only
there is no dead servers for now =\
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On 2016-09-28 22:47:00Show this Author Only
Being a p2w on a dead server has so much advantages though
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On 2016-09-28 23:31:52Show this Author Only
Don't see why everyone is complaining and getting angry here? He asked a simple question out of curiosity.

But to answer your question simple profits. When there are fewer people on a server you're far more likely to dominant that server and for a premium member isn't that what you want instead of competing with 100+ other premium members. For this there is always going to be 1-2 people that will jump to a new server and dump money into it.

As for a merge; Not anytime soon, and if it is to happen it wont be for at least another year most likely and that if it's taken into consideration. To counter balance this they will have cross server PVP events.

The pros to being on a lowly populated server are shown clearly by videos like kaizer taking down the world boss, as a preium member when you take down the world boss being in the top 10 with 5%+ dm down you earn yourself 1,000,000+ Exp and around 15,000,0000 coins, where as here on Server 1 being the 1 dmg dealer at 1.8% yields us 350,000exp & 200-300,000 coins. Thats a drastic difference not to include your chances of obtaining items in GNW events and sage events has drastically increased. With this they have the ability to stockpile and grow at a much more faster rate of other players in populated servers and not needing to spend as much.(Unless you're dumping thousands into the game like some)

I personally enjoy a populated server, but to each there own and if they enjoy the small server then let them.
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On 2016-09-29 02:53:47Show this Author Only
I am on S109.
One dominating group, others are *, a very low population (less than 30 peoples in sage for exemple), and only 5 groups in ninja war.
2 weeks! This server is only 2 weeks old and is already empty! The only reason why I don't leave is coz I put some money on my char and I am the leader of Immortal. But seriously, there is nothing to enjoy. This post was last edited by Cyrcalia at 2016-9-29 02:55
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On 2016-09-29 03:09:20Show this Author Only
  • Cyrcalia On 2016-09-29 02:53:47
  • I am on S109.
    One dominating group, others are *, a very low population (less than 30 peoples in sage for exemple), and only 5 groups in ninja war.
    2 weeks! This server is only 2 weeks old and is already empty! The only reason why I don't leave is coz I put some money on my char and I am the leader of Immortal. But seriously, there is nothing to enjoy. This post was last edited by Cyrcalia at 2016-9-29 02:55
free packs everyweek.... legends packs/week..
i wish dat.
ull have more and better ninjas .
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On 2016-09-29 03:26:47Show this Author Only
There's definitely great benefits to being on a less densely populated server!

I'm sure cross server events as well as merges will come into play when the game developers think it appropriate. Like mentioned before, it's too early yet.
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On 2016-09-29 04:01:55Show this Author Only
I personally feel merging servers is unnecessary.

Fixing issues such as low amount of groups in GNW could be done by having two separate GNWs. One is the server only GNW, and then a cross server GNW. To qualify for the cross server GNW, the top 2 should be able to attend for each server, maybe only #1 group actually, since theres quite a lot of servers already.

To be fair I'd much rather a low density population server than a crowded server, sure it's great to have lot more talkative people as well as active groups for competitiveness, but having less people is great as well. Especially if you're a P2W, you have less to compete with. Even F2P would have less people to compete with because there isn't as much people, there wouldn't be as much P2W either.
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On 2016-09-29 04:10:33Show this Author Only
  • dlp2323 On 2016-09-29 04:01:55
  • I personally feel merging servers is unnecessary.

    Fixing issues such as low amount of groups in GNW could be done by having two separate GNWs. One is the server only GNW, and then a cross server GNW. To qualify for the cross server GNW, the top 2 should be able to attend for each server, maybe only #1 group actually, since theres quite a lot of servers already.

    To be fair I'd much rather a low density population server than a crowded server, sure it's great to have lot more talkative people as well as active groups for competitiveness, but having less people is great as well. Especially if you're a P2W, you have less to compete with. Even F2P would have less people to compete with because there isn't as much people, there wouldn't be as much P2W either.
As an f2p the only people I have to compete with are huge spenders, there is no one near my power that is f2p and no one above my power that isn't a spender..Its extremely boring especially with how slow the updates for the game is there's nothing to do on a dead server.
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On 2016-09-29 04:25:26Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-29 03:09:20
  • free packs everyweek.... legends packs/week..
    i wish dat.
    ull have more and better ninjas .
Actually, nop.
Coz we have 40 participants where the others groups have less than 10. So they are the ones whos get a package every week.
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On 2016-09-29 04:51:27Show this Author Only
  • Cyrcalia On 2016-09-29 04:25:26
  • Actually, nop.
    Coz we have 40 participants where the others groups have less than 10. So they are the ones whos get a package every week.
ok. so they'll have better ninjas.
Merges ic ompletely inncecesary right now. maybe next year.
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On 2016-09-29 05:12:30Show this Author Only
The thing is that when you join up older server you mostly can't catch the people in the higher lvl ever. Well if you really put whole lot money in the game. I would join newer server myself if I had to start the game cause I can be at least in the higher guys.

This is just me, but I see way more good things in new server than old ones, as a new player.
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On 2016-09-29 06:38:56Show this Author Only
  • YuriScarlet On 2016-08-25 12:52:10
  • If you are telling the truth... then that server is probably a gold mine. Gauranteed free rewards during war. Eh anyways back to the topic. Maybe many people started to quit the game. Alot of my guild mates did sadly :/. I don't wanna make too many assumptions.
What's the point of playing a mmo game if there's no one to play with? You can't even complete dailies (no one to fight in arena, etc). Even if it's a gold mine what's the joy when there's no one to show off your treasures.
They keep opening new servers because whenever new servers open ppl flock to it and spend money on medals and such.
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On 2016-09-29 06:49:54Show this Author Only
  • spacedog On 2016-09-29 06:38:56
  • What's the point of playing a mmo game if there's no one to play with? You can't even complete dailies (no one to fight in arena, etc). Even if it's a gold mine what's the joy when there's no one to show off your treasures.
    They keep opening new servers because whenever new servers open ppl flock to it and spend money on medals and such.
dats the idea.
now u know.
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On 2016-09-29 06:53:56Show this Author Only
I'm form s58 (HK server) and it seems were really @ disadvantage due to the fact that we can't kill nine tails. However because of a dead server I can easily manipulate the group instance rankings where you can get 25-50 coupons by surpassing the record. For example at 1* on level 65 group we will beat it like 15 rounds and then the next day we beat it again @ 14 rounds and so on and to the rest other instance & stars. This post was last edited by Dreks at 2016-9-29 06:56
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