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[ Bugs ] Crimson Fist's Pose of Duel


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-25 03:08:36Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey there, I am not sure if this is most certainly a bug or not but it does bother me some.

I am SarutobiKanji, Crimson Fist of S17:Zabuza Server, and I have a passive called Pose of Duel. At first I thought it is normal but once I saw Guy's This is Youth (for example), I realized it's not. While I do have this passive "Used", the Crimson Fist doesn't seem to apply the bonus like he does with Earth Enchantment or Midnight Blade doing Lightning Enchantment OR Pose of Warrior (or something similiar, which adds attack and ninjutsu to blade weidling allies).

Again, I am not sure if it is or not a bug.
Quicky Post

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