If you scroll over the stats, they tell you what the stat is supposed to do, however because of the broken translations and no real manual....it's confusing. (At least to me anyway). It's stated as,
Life: "Detemines max.life during fights."
Attack: "Decide to make stamina damage to target."
Defense: " Lower the stamina damage suffered from the target."
Ninjutsu: "Cause ninjutsu damage to target."
Resistance: "Lower the ninjutsu damage suffered from the target."
Now, the "Life" stat is easy to understand. However, I am confused on the other 4. When you highlight your characters, under their skills will have labels named "Nin" and "Tai". I assume that the ninjutsu stat increases the damage/effects of skills labeled with "Nin" while attack does the same with "Tai". In which case"Defense" will lower the damage done from taijutsu based attacks and "Resistance" will lower the damage from ninjutsu based attacks.
From the way it's written however, it seems that defense lowers all physical damage E.g. chase skills, mysteries, and regular attacks while resistance will lower the damage from status effects such as poison, ignite, prison, etc. I consider this very important information especially with the introduction of moods.
Take Hinata for example. Her passive states that "The higher the loss of life, the higher the defense and resistance." Now depending on how the stats work, I would assume that a +defense mood would benefit her best if defense lowers the dmg from combos, mysteries, and auto attacks so you can just cleanse the debuffs. However, If defense only reduces damage from "Tai" based attacks, I would prefer a +Life mood so she gains an overall higher defense/resistance thanks to her passive.
If there is a thread or guide somewhere that explains exactly what the 4 stats do, I would appreciate it greatly if you could link me to it. If you've played the CN version or just know what they do from experience, clarification would be greatly appreciated.