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[ Suggestions ] Server Merge disapproval


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-14 14:25:09Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I recently found out that my server 507 will be merging with 494 and 514, quick question as to why because people from those servers are waaaaay stronger than the one I'm in. I could understand if it was a population issue or something along those lines but the bp difference between our highest and either of their 2 highest is around 40k bp. It doesn't make much sense putting us with extremely overpowered players unless all you wanted to do was make people from 507 quit from constantly getting destroyed. Not sure if someones been feeding you wrong information about the power averages from each server but its pretty clear we aren't anywhere near theirs. If we could be placed with some other servers that are close in bp instead of 40-50k higher then that would have been greatly appreciated but I guess that won't be happening.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-14 15:25:58Show this Author Only

Technically speaking, top BP doesn't mean much. Because when there is a huge gap like this, it's merely a case of them having the misfortune of having ptw and you guys have been lucky thus far and not have one. It is, therefore, reasonably fair still as... well.. why should you always be lucky? And besides, some random person in your server could win the lottery and become super ptw too, it would result in the same situation. That's just the basic nature of a ftp ptw game, nothing new at all.

What could really be a problem is when there is a huge age gap between the youngest and oldest player. Because then it's not a matter of luck but a difference in raw opportunities. In this case, it's about two weeks, that's reasonable tbh. And if anyone is going to complain, it should be 514, being the youngest. Personally, I think the maximal age gap should be roughly 10% of the youngest servers age. In this case, the youngest server is about 6 month of age, so the maximal gap should be around 18 days, which this is within, therefore it's reasonable.

Quicky Post

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