1. NY Merge: 502,508,525,538 Merge;505,512,518,532,535,545 Merge;522,528,542 Merge"
My server NY 545 recently got merged in the latest batch but I have to ask, what was taken in consideration there?, was there any mistake?
I mean sure we needed a merge because our numbers were decreasing, but we went from a server where I was the 5th in power with 54k, to being in a server where the top 5 are over 70k power and the top 2 players are over 80k, why ask what the average power is if we are going to be sent to the wolves anyway?, I feel we are just there to be taken advantage of from now on.
So I have to wonder, was there a mistake?, or could we be moved into another clutch of servers where the power difference is less obvious? I don't see how we are supposed to compete anymore.
Hopefully you guys can at least give me a reply.
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