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[ Help ] Ways to get Seal Scrolls


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  • Registered: 2017-09-21
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On 2017-10-30 21:36:11Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello guys,

So, I am a semi p2w player where I only buy gift cards once-twice a month (paycheck). My question is, what are the best ways to get seal scrolls without having to buy them for 125cp a piece which i find very expensive for only one. Like which events I shouldn't miss that gives them, and any tricks to get them faster.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-30 21:46:28Show this Author Only

from monthly (2 each week), from weekly event (random), daily login (2), weekend mission for each week(random), matsuri (1 each day), sage (1 each day)

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On 2017-10-30 21:49:54Show this Author Only

Hi! Lucky board gives quite a bit of seal scrolls for using lucky dice, it also allows you to redeem ninjas or material for power. It is quite a popular event.


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On 2017-10-30 21:53:01Show this Author Only

Don't forget the "Ninja Missions and Survival Trial Missions" that gives a lot of Seal Scroll Fragments, I think if im not mistaken, you can get atleast 6 or 8 fragments per day by sweeping the Survival Mission and Breakthrough Trial .. From the Weekend Missions, Scroll of Truth from "Searching for the Scroll of Truth", Seal Scroll Fragments from "Ninja Puzzle", Sealing Package from "Lucky Roll or Dice" .. Redeeming from the Space-Time Strongest Redeem Shop, 5k Exchange Points for a Seal Scroll Fragment .. :D

EDIT : Here, screenshot of prizes from today's Fighting Matsuri Challenge :D


This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2017-10-30 22:09:22.
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On 2017-10-30 22:04:47Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2017-10-30 21:53:01
  • Don't forget the "Ninja Missions and Survival Trial Missions" that gives a lot of Seal Scroll Fragments, I think if im not mistaken, you can get atleast 6 or 8 fragments per day by sweeping the Survival Mission and Breakthrough Trial .. From the Weekend Missions, Scroll of Truth from "Searching for the Scroll of Truth", Seal Scroll Fragments from "Ninja Puzzle", Sealing Package from "Lucky Roll or Dice" .. Redeeming from the Space-Time Strongest Redeem Shop, 5k Exchange Points for a Seal Scroll Fragment .. :D

    EDIT : Here, screenshot of prizes from today's Fighting Matsuri Challenge :D


Plus even without Survival mission u also can gt seal scrol if u lucky by doin Survival n Breakthrough Trial

This post was last edited by Kuro하돌 on 2017-10-30 22:11:50.
  • Registered: 2017-09-21
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On 2017-10-30 22:12:47Show this Author Only

nice, thanks guys.. does a free draw count as the rare pulls needed? like if you get a rare at 60-70 pulls that means if u do 70 free pulls u will get a rare?

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On 2017-10-30 22:14:29Show this Author Only
  • サムイ On 2017-10-30 22:12:47
  • nice, thanks guys.. does a free draw count as the rare pulls needed? like if you get a rare at 60-70 pulls that means if u do 70 free pulls u will get a rare?

Yep each free draw counted

This post was last edited by Kuro하돌 on 2017-10-30 22:16:16.
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On 2017-10-31 05:50:58Show this Author Only

Basically do all available daily events and activities, sealed ninjas twice a day, check hot topics if there are scrolls as redeemables. As for events itself, almost every week there are events, that award seal scrolls (sometimes 1, sometimes more for jsut participation), also lucky board, stars event tend to give quite nice ammount of seal scrolls as an addition when u use coupons. GNW packs are also one of the best sources of seal scrolls. After that, once you decide you want to pull from X treasure, ALWAYS wait for seal scroll rebate that awards permament scrolls. After using 300 seal scrolls you get 66 for free, thats crazy high ammount. It's an equivalent of 120$ recharge if you actually wanted to buy seals from the shop.

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On 2017-10-31 06:01:32Show this Author Only

Well, I can list a few ways.

Great Ninja war packs provide 5,8, or 10.

Monthly sign in-2 (5 and 17 days)

Monthly event can provide up to 10. (Except in Feburary, since no extra days will be present.)

Survival's lv 12 and breakthrough can give 1 at a time

You can get 2 from 3k frag point refine, 8 from 15k. But you could also end up with summon scrolls. 4/16 respectively.

Ninja test rarely gives 1.

Various events, such as Lunatic Halloween (up to 5 scrolls) are a good source.

Sage world can give as little as .3 if you're on the winning side.

Weekend events can give some to. (3 if you're lucky enough for TI one, 1 from chase mission, a total of .6 from ninja puzzle. 1-6 very rarely in dice...*sigh*)

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