Just got this dude and I saw some top players in china server having him in their list. Is he any good? if so with what main and any viable lineup ?
Pain - Ningendo is a pretty good ninja in some part of the game. Other said that you're lucky if you have him and you could finish Ninja Exams 100+ easy (And its true, worked with me). Another use of Pain - Ningendo for me is in Fighting Matsuri, I run him with Lightning Main, Kimimaro and Ginkaku (Credits to Jori), which is pretty * effective against the Water Mei-Tenten-Mabui, Ginkaku shuts Tenten's mystery and gives +20 chakra points for me to use other skills like Sealing Slash or Lightning Armor .. I also use Ningendo in Sage World or Group Support for Convoy/Plunder or Team Instances, running him with Lightning Main, Darui and Chojuro (Credits to Kira with korean characters) or with the solid F2P Lightning lineup with Kimimaro and Sasuke (Ningendo for Control, Jugo for Full-Offense).. Pain - Ningendo is a good ninja to have and worth it.. I got mine from the Lucky Star event in the past and I'm using him until now.
I do have pain shurado, maybe i build a team with him
Yes! He can make a great team too with Pain - Shurado, tho I never tried it .. I have other Pains too, except for Chikushodo and Gakido but I'm nearing getting them .. Goodluck building your team bro, and don't forget to share :D hehehe ..
right now im using gnw tenten, masked man, pain shurado and fire main, with monkey king, i get 11 combo with tons of fire buff, debuffs and basically i can one shot anyone that is not a tank in the first round. so idk if i should add ningendo in there or just stay like that.
right now im using gnw tenten, masked man, pain shurado and fire main, with monkey king, i get 11 combo with tons of fire buff, debuffs and basically i can one shot anyone that is not a tank in the first round. so idk if i should add ningendo in there or just stay like that.
Well, if that's the case bro, just stay like that.. :D But try to discover other combinations of ninjas, maybe there's better team you can build.. or if you got bored with your team .. :D
Is it really that good ? I mean I have it but never used as it doesn't do much damage. Should I use it?
He's more of a control unit then a damage one if anything.
Double combo that causes immobile
Chakra absorbing+chaos mystery
Rinnegan buff...meh
Standard's pretty decent
And debuff reflection is pretty handy.
He's just mainly utility, he's not terrible, but mainly utility. Which can be really helpful if used right.
I do have pain shurado, maybe i build a team with him
He also goes well with Kimimaro.
Back in the day before Roshi and Han were out.;
I used to have Kimimaro, Darui, Ningendo and Kabuto for ranked team. It's quite a solid team.
4 Pain team ie. Ningendo, Shurado, Jigokudo, Gakido. They were really annoying back in the day. Too many buffs in 1 team.
Damage, Reflect debuff, cleanse, and heal. :/
Is it really that good ? I mean I have it but never used as it doesn't do much damage. Should I use it?
The mod should have put a disclaimer since people can't figure out a good character in a team doesn't have to do the most damage. For example, like what Resilliance said, he is meant to be played as a control character due to having the deflect passive and chaos. Same goes for another characters like killer bee samehada and chiyo ten puppets as they did not give out a strong damage but is meant for chakra build.
Plus it depends where you are in the game. If OP is below level 70 where most people are still running lineups with basic ninjas except for p2ws, he'll have a good lineup if he put ningendo with a main and 2 other ninjas that complement each other. If he was above level 70 and played and past a certain timeframe, the lineup becomes weak since other lineups can be much stronger.
I like ningendo, and he pairs very nicely with tendo if you have Rhino. He is meant to control and is useful for stopping mysteries like others have said, meant as more of a control/support character which works nicely for my play style
not every character is made for blitz guys lol
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