Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome & Mini client
Server ID: S193 Rasengan Barrage LA
UID (You can find your UID here): 200000092720099
Character name : Jason
Time Zone : PST
Country: U.S.A.
Internet Provider: Charter Spectrum
Event you did before disconnection: Couldn't do 9 tails and didn't get to fnish fighting matsuri challenge. Also missed the group summon that was suppose to happen right after 9 tails.
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Mini client
Server ID: S739: Long distance healing-LA
UID: 300046494461184
Character name : Potato
Time Zone : Pacific standard time
Country: United States
Internet Provider: Comcast
Event you did before disconnection: Rescue the Jinchuriki
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome / Mini Client
Server ID: S625 S*les Stakes
UID (You can find your UID here):300066498887033
Character name : Flippyforeman
Time Zone EST
Country: United States
Internet Provider: Xfinity
Event you did before disconnection: Decisive Bond DC'd at the start of a match and could not log back in then DC'd During Nine Tails Invasion and didn't try Matsuri due to the issue.
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Mini client
Server ID:S1 Naruto
UID (You can find your UID here):200000082636879
Character name :Silver
Time Zone :+7 HaNoi
Country:Viet Nam
Internet Provider:Viettel
Event you did before disconnection:Hot spring and arena
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) :Firefox
Server ID:s647 Kusarigamajutsu
UID (You can find your UID here): 200000102572157
Character name :Riviera
Time Zone :HKT
Internet Provider:Axis- XL axiata
Event you did before disconnection: matsuri, hotspring, jinchuriki plunder, GNW mostly when i do nothing for few minutes
Platform: Client/kongregate
sever: 362
UID: 200000099097751
time zone: NY
Character name: jazz
Country: America
Internet provide: AT&T
Event: pretty much every 10 minutes no matter what i,bond arena,arena,rescue jinchuriki,hot tub,plunders.matsuri
I tried different browsers,mini client,,etc all the same.
I even tried a different account ,just to be sure i wasn't *ed or anything ,but same problem continued.
it seems the problem has something to do with IP as it kicks you out no matter what account you're playing at the same time.
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome and Miniclient
Server ID: S869: Monkey King
UID (You can find your UID here): 300043672281478
Character name : sun
Time Zone : Amsterdam Time
Country: Netherlands
Internet Provider: Tele2
Event you did before disconnection: Mainly "Ninetails invasion", I went in, used coins and coupons for the buff, and then I was logged out, I tried both chrome and miniclient again, both didn't work. After 3 or 4 mins finally worked, I got 3rd place in that "Ninetails invasion", but I had to spend extra coupons for revive in between, and me and second place dealt literally the the same percentage of damage.
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome and Miniclient
Server ID: S662: Flowing Whip
UID (You can find your UID here): 200000099804872
Character name : Azura
Time Zone : -5
Country: US
Internet Provider: Comcast
Event you did before disconnection: I hadn't done any events before it just started randomly disconnecting me every few minutes. I think it started around 7:30pm-8pm EST
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Mini client
Server ID: S122
UID (You can find your UID here): 200000088247641
Character name : Joker
Time Zone :US WEST
Country: India
Internet Provider: ACT fibernet
Event you did before disconnection: Nine tails invasion,resuce the jnchuriki
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) :Miniclient
Server ID: S31 Asuma
UID (You can find your UID here):200000085130732
Character name :Szeth
Time Zone :+8 hongkong
Country: Philippines
Internet Provider: Sky broadband
Event you did before disconnection: when im trying to participate in decisive bonds it hangs at 100% then need to refresh so i can move again
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome and Miniclient
Server ID: S296
UID (You can find your UID here): 200000090623139
Character name : Quazar
Time Zone : HK server
Internet Provider: XL
im always stuck on loading screen 14% WHEN try loggin after got dc
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Miniclient
Server ID: S625
UID (You can find your UID here): 300030820267220
Character name : 212
Time Zone : US Server
Country: Indonesia
Internet Provider: Telkom Indihome
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome/Mini client
Server ID: S005
UID (You can find your UID here): 200000082906601
Character name : Hotaru
Time Zone : US East
Country: United States
Internet Provider: Verizon Fios
Event you did before disconnection: I was in arena trying to complete the Shinobi Feast and it stopped working. This occurred around 12-3 am Sept 30, 2017.
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : mini client
Server ID:S455
UID (You can find your UID here): 200000106068564
Character name : crytek
Time Zone : central
Internet Provider: Wow way
Event you did before disconnection: pretty much everything was messing up couldn't do anything.
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) :miniclient and chrome
Server ID: 588
UID (You can find your UID here):200000085202745
Character name : Byaukran
Time Zone : GMT
Country: England
Internet Provider: Sky
Event you did before disconnection: the problem started during fighting matsuri event and stayed till i gave up with the mc, i then used chrome to play the game and thought it seemed better untl after nine tails when the problem came back
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Maxthon
Server ID: S151-Chameleon
UID (You can find your UID here): 200000089970693
Character name : ♥Shiroe♥™
Time Zone : UTC+02:00
Country: Romania
Internet Provider: UPC
Event you did before disconnection: when i attack and SS convoy fight didn't load for 5-10 min after refresh i didn't get any reward and someone fro my group attack that player and got i lost my attempt and reward ...
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome
Server ID: 243: paper blizzard
UID (You can find your UID here): 200000096977853
Character name : Mamimi
Time Zone : Pacific
Country: USA
Internet Provider: Charter
Event you did before disconnection: It wont let me load the game at all.
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Opera , Chrome and Mini Client
Server ID: 588
UID (You can find your UID here): 200000084465221
Character name : Nine
Time Zone : GMT +7 Jakarta
Country: Indonesia
Internet Provider: XL Axiata
Event you did before disconnection: Convoy (just now i had this issue when i log in again i cant)
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome and Mini client
Server ID: S721
UID (You can find your UID here): 300024598915063
Character name : SeiKai
Time Zone : UTC+08:00
Country: Philippines
Internet Provider: PLDT
Event you did before disconnection: plunder/convoy, rescue jinchuriki, team instance and Sage battlefield
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Mini Client
Server ID: server 736 Stone Fist Jutsu
UID (You can find your UID here): 300034315401540
Character name : Storm
Time Zone : GMT, same time as my server time.
Country: England
Internet Provider: BT
Event you did before disconnection: no event, just tried to login this morning to do dailies, and i couldnt access my account through facebok on mini client as i usually do.
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