In the transfer between the old and the new forum, all the pictures in my argument got messed up. So I'm gonna repost it here for convenience's sake. It's been slightly edited though for various reasons...
(If this is in the wrong section and should be in "General", my apologies.)
Well, it's June 12, which means that it's Dosu Kinuta's birthday. Perfect timing for what I have to say.
A while back (August 23), it was suggested that Team Dosu were to be implemented into the game as playable. (Original thread here) The development team should know about this suggestion, but they have not responded concerning its status for more than half a year. Within that time, we've gotten two new treasures (and a third one coming up), about 35+ish other new characters, and all sorts of other new features (like the Bond system, Space-Time, monthly event), but still no news on Team Dosu's status.
So I've decided to expand upon my argument on why Team Dosu should be added to the game, even just as collector-type ninjas like Konohamaru Corps et cetera. I'm first going to point out the most obvious reason: in at least one other version of the game, Zaku and only Zaku is playable, albeit as a collector character. Adding just one of the three as a playable character seems downright incomplete; why just add one and not the other two?
I’m going to focus solely on Dosu for my next couple points.
There are several clues that Dosu was programmed in a similar or identical fashion to a playable character. The first of these clues is his in-game sprite.
Seems pretty normal, right? There’s one important thing I noticed here, and it’s that Dosu’s bandages cover the wrong eye. On the sprite, his left eye is covered. But if you look at a photo of Dosu from the anime or manga, it is evident that his right eye is the one that the bandages cover, not the left.
So what does this mean?
In the 2.0 update, Oasis fixed the “ambidextrous sprite” problem. Before, whenever a player fought an asymmetrical enemy, the enemy’s sprite would just be the flipped version of the regular sprite. However, after 2.0, this was corrected, as Oasis added different sprites for asymmetrical characters such as Kakashi or Deidara. (See below)
This leads me to believe that Dosu was initially intended to be playable in the game. The only sprite we see of him - as an enemy - is a flipped version of what should have been his playable sprite, where the correct eye is covered by the bandages.
Why this wasn’t fixed in 2.0, I have no idea.
“But Dosu, what if the game got it wrong? What if the devs accidentally thought that Dosu’s left eye is the one that’s covered?”
This is clearly not the case. In his Plot Instance profile sprite, he has the correct eye covered. The programmers and artists clearly weren’t careless with their details here; they even got the cracks on Dosu’s Melody Arm correct, which is really quite commendable. (I would know since I tried to draw the Melody Arm, to limited success)
There’s one other clue that hints towards Dosu being originally programmed as a playable character. In the Plot Instances and the Kabuto Wanted Mission, Dosu has a full set of abilities. By a full set of abilities, I mean a mystery, a standard, and two to three passives or chases.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Dosu is the only Plot Instance enemy who has a full set of abilities that we CAN'T recruit or play. Almost every other character with a full set of abilities is recruitable, from the two different Zabuzas to the Sound Four to the Akatsuki, and so on. The only exception here is the first Animal Path, but since his skills are identical to the second Animal Path, I’m not going to count him.
So what is Dosu’s full skillset?
Mystery: Resonating Echo Drill (40 chakra, 3-round cooldown, either 0 or 1 Battlefield Cooldown)
Causes slight damage and chaos to one enemy. Ninjutsu damage (I even tested it with Tendo and he ignored the damage)
Interestingly enough, this Mystery has no Prompt in the Plot Instances but has Prompt in the Wanted Mission.
Standard: Taijutsu Attack
Attack the front enemy and cause 2 combo, chance of High Float.
Passive: Substitution Jutsu
Increase evasion and has a chance of avoiding the enemy.
Passive: Unyielding
When you die, there's a chance of resurrection and returning to battle.
There was one other thing that I noticed, either Dosu or Kin could have this one. I bet Kin has it, though, since Team Dosu seems to only have 4 total abilities instead of the usual 5 (similar to collector characters such as Boy Kakashi/Boy Obito)
Passive: ???
At the beginning of the battle, increase 10 Chakra points for your own team. (Sounds useless xD)
Now there are two possible arguments that I thought about that would be AGAINST adding Team Dosu as playable:
Reason 1: "Those guys? They're too minor. They're insignificant characters!"
So, uh... you're saying Enma the Monkey King isn't minor? Enma, who only appeared in the Third Hokage vs. Orochimaru fight during the Konoha Crush, and then one more time again when Edo Tensei Hiruzen summoned him to free Naruto from the Ten Tails? He only appeared in two fights, and he only actually fought in one of them. I'd say he's pretty insignificant, and yet he’s still a playable character.
What about Hanabi Hyuga, who is playable in one of the other versions? She started out as motivation for Hinata to grow stronger, and then practically spent all of her screen time as a background character marveling over Hinata's progress as a ninja. If I remember correctly, her only fight was a sparring match against Hinata... in a flashback.
What about Road to Ninja characters like Make Out Paradise Shikamaru and Playb0y Sasuke? So Alternate Universe characters are being prioritized over Team Dosu, who are in the normal universe?
Since these characters got changed, this point is slightly different. But still - why do characters like Sasuke, Sakura, and Shikamaru get multiple renditions of themselves, some of which are just joke/collectors, when Team Dosu isn't even playable at all? That's just plain unfair.
Then there are the Hebihimes. To be honest, I'm still really bitter over this one. As far as I understand, the Hebihimes have never actually appeared in the Naruto series, yet they are still playable while Team Dosu is not. So why does Oasis prioritize the non-canon characters over the canon ones? This was advertised as a Naruto game, not a "Naruto plus random non-canon characters" game.
Technically, I could also make this same argument for Fukurokumaru, who is also a non-canon character. Or some of the other characters, like Swimsuit Ino, et cetera et cetera.
So what does this mean?
The argument that Team Dosu is too minor to add is void. Clearly, the developers are fine with adding minor characters. This is actually one of my favorite parts of the game, since few other Naruto games give the same character variety. Even Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing, a mobile character-collector game which covers almost every single minor character (even characters like Mahiru, Taiseki, Gozu and Meizu, Zori and Waraji, and Team Oboro are playable... can any of you recognize those names at all?), doesn’t have Enma as playable.
(This argument was so big that it went over the character limit and had to be split into sections. Please bear with me!)
Reason 2: "They didn't get enough screen/fight time, so they don't have enough skills to become playable characters!"
Okay, I really hope this isn't a legitimate argument, but I'm gonna address it anyways.
What I noticed is that if the devs want a character to become playable, they WILL figure out how to fill in their extra abilities. For example, Mabui's "Secretary Fight" chase. What the heck is that? I don't ever remember Mabui stomping on people in the anime. (correct me if I'm wrong though.)
Another example would be Karin's "Kick flying" chase. Sure, Karin did punch Suigetsu a lot. But I don't think she really kicked that much. (once again, correct me if I'm wrong.)
Then there are the Defender/Protector/Guardian/Power Of skills, the ones that characters like Mabui, 5 Kage Conference Temari, Cee, Ao, Fu Yamanaka, et cetera have. I’m not sure if that’s supposed to represent these characters’ wisdom and insights empowering their allies or something like that… but Fu Yamanaka wasn’t particularly wise (or if he was, he didn't show it, mainly because he had no personality whatsoever).
Then there’s Iruka’s “Demon Wind Shuriken” and “Double Shuriken” attacks. I guess the devs wanted Iruka to be a character so badly that they just came up with something on the spot. Many of Iruka’s attack abilities involve large shuriken. Despite this, I don’t remember Iruka ever actually using a shuriken in the anime. The closest thing would be Iruka getting impaled by one of Mizuki’s shuriken in Episode 1.
In fact, the shuriken he uses in game are much more reminiscent of Mizuki’s. As far as I can tell, the devs took Mizuki’s skill set and gave it to Iruka, just so he could be playable in game.
There are a bunch of others I could cite as examples. Tenten’s Critical Hit Tips. Killer Bee’s Yo. Enma’s entire skillset. Deidara’s Art of Blasts, which makes no sense lore-wise. Hanzo’s Poison Eliminating. (is he like sharing his gas mask or something?) Wind Blade Asuma’s Pose of Invincibility. Kurenai’s Genjutsu: Mirror Return. Many of the barrier moves, including Darui’s. And so on and so forth.
None of these make sense when you try to line them up to the Naruto lore. It’s pretty clear that the devs are willing to pull some strings to add characters into the game, so what’s stopping them from adding just a few more?
"So... so what?"
Honestly, I actually really like that the devs did this, because it added a lot of interesting effects in the game that we couldn't see otherwise. Things like Killer Bee's "Yo", or Kabuto's "Human Experiment" combined with the "Curse Mark" p@ssive. This kind of idea gap between the anime and the game lets the developers get really creative with their builds. If they want to add/remodel Dosu, Zaku, and Kin as legitimate characters, it would give them new opportunities to experiment with more interesting and creative chases and p@ssiives, like the kind of stuff we've been trying to come up with in the fanmade character thread.
One of the core aspects of the game that make it appealing to me personally (and probably to numerous others) is the multitude of characters and abilities, leading to a potentially diverse me
(none of the li
Okay, I've written a lot so I'll try to wrap it up.
One aspect of the game that I really enjoy is the huge character variety. Characters such as Anko, Iruka, and the Sound Four, despite having secondary and tertiary roles in the plot, are still playable characters. I really like that the devs did that - it’s one of the things that makes this game stand out from other similar games, like Unlimited Ninja. (To be honest, I'm still extremely bitter that Unlimited Ninja replaced Team Dosu with generic Sound ninja, but that's a story for another time.) All I'm trying to ask for here is a slight expansion of one of the good aspects of the game.
I understand that there are some other, more important things that should probably be changed first, like Mood Scrolls in the lucky wheel, Mystery Treasure for Jonin Medal users, server merges, et cetera. But please at least consider implementing these characters.
Also, if you do implement Team Dosu as playable, please DO NOT PUT THEM AS SIGN-IN REWARDS LIKE HEBIHIME. In my opinion, a sign-in reward character should be someone who’s moderately powerful, enough so to be at least somewhat hard to get. That would be motivation enough for people to sign in every day. Putting in collector characters (like Team Dosu in this instance) would just be a *n opportunity for players.
I think that’s why people were so disappointed by Sannin War Jiraiya, and Hebihime [Amber] as signins.
I personally think it’d be best if Team Dosu's fragments were buyable in the Shop, just like what you guys did when the Hebihimes first became playable. After all, I don’t think anyone would want collector characters in events either.
So that’s my appeal. Thanks for reading.
TLDR - Add Team Dosu as playable.
- Zaku's already playable in CN (and even Germany now), so why aren't the other two?
- There are many subtle clues that hint that Dosu was originally intended to be a playable character.
- For those complaining about Team Dosu being too minor to add, there are several other characters arguably more minor than them who are playable, such as Enma, Hebihime, Hanabi, et cetera.
- For those who say they have too little screen time, one may notice that the developers will often come up with something on their own. In fact, adding Team Dosu as a legitimate character instead of a collector could open an opportunity to add more interesting game mechanics.
- Adding Team Dosu is an opportunity to expand one of the game's most prominent and best aspects: the wide variety of interesting skills that creates a diverse game.
That's all I've got. Once again, thank you for reading and I hope both the mods and the devs consider this.
You put too much time into these kind of things.....and I like it! I agree witch each and every reasoning and argument you stated! If a non-cannon character can make it in, what about a minor cannon-character?
But I feel like that there is at least only a 15% chance of happening. Well, we c*ways hope
If they've added Zaku, it won't be long until they add Dosu and Kin too. They will eventually run out of characters so I bet they'll be added. I'd say they're trying to stretch it now that there are so many of them out, so they always have a new release from time to time. I don't see the point of releasing Zaku on its own, but that might be the reason. Although, story wise, they should have already been added, since they're from the early chapters of the story and were one of the first villains that the genins fought on their own. There are a lot of characters that only appear in half an episode during the GNW, or filler lol, like most of those seven swordsmen of Kirigakure. I kinda agree with the Mabui thing, and I'm sure when Rin is added, she'll have some decent taijutsu chase, even when she couldnt even avoid getting kidnapped. Twice. Mind you, I dont want Rin but I guess eventually they'll add her too.
If they've added Zaku, it won't be long until they add Dosu and Kin too. They will eventually run out of characters so I bet they'll be added. I'd say they're trying to stretch it now that there are so many of them out, so they always have a new release from time to time. I don't see the point of releasing Zaku on its own, but that might be the reason. Although, story wise, they should have already been added, since they're from the early chapters of the story and were one of the first villains that the genins fought on their own. There are a lot of characters that only appear in half an episode during the GNW, or filler lol, like most of those seven swordsmen of Kirigakure. I kinda agree with the Mabui thing, and I'm sure when Rin is added, she'll have some decent taijutsu chase, even when she couldnt even avoid getting kidnapped. Twice. Mind you, I dont want Rin but I guess eventually they'll add her too.
Interesting theory. I'll have to think about that.
I honestly don't mind characters like Rin or the Seven Swordmen since it helps bring this game more personality and uniqueness... but I feel it's just plain unfair to prioritize them over Team Dosu, who logically (if we're following the story chronologically) should've been available a long time ago.
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