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[ Strategy Share ] Breeze Dancer - Rasengan Rekt


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On 2018-08-19 01:51:20Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Introduction and Premise of Team

The team created here is a blitz team. This blitz team utilizes Minato (Fourth Hokage) and Sage Naruto. The damage output from Sage Naruto is incredible and pairing that with an element boost from Breeze dancer and an AOE TAG from Minato just destroys teams.

Required Ninjas:

Sage Naruto, Minato (Fourth Hokage), Killer Bee (Seven Swords), Breeze Dancer


Required Summons:

Lightning Tiger King

Unit Placement Order:

1. Minato. Boost Resistance

2. Naruto. Clone Jutsu

3. Breeze Dancer. Wind Boost

4. Bee. Create Shields

Video Demonstration:

Talents and Ninja Choices Explained:


For our Breeze Dancer, the talents are pretty self-explanatory. The mystery skill can either be Giant Rasengan or Dance of Impetus. Giant Rasengan provides more consistent damage, while Dance of Impetus is more forgiving if Minato doesn't land an AOE Tag the first try.

The standard attack is used to create low float, which starts the combo chain.

As for the two p*ives, we choose Wind Style Enhancement to boost our three Damage Ninja, thus we maximize damage.

As for Harem Jutsu, we use this to mitigate the standard attacks the enemy dishes out on Minato, because he's very squishy.

The overall strategy relies on Minato tagging as many people as possible, and then have Naruto and Breeze Dancer follow up with their own AOE Rasengans.

On the first turn, Killer Bee allows Minato to gain an extra Standard attack. Due to Minato's p*ive, he essentially gets 4 Attacks here, and Can potentially tag 3 different targets.

On the second turn, we have Naruto use his mystery. Once Naruto gains his 20 Chakra, we use Minato's mystery first on someone that's Tagged to do AOE tagging and Interrupt. Immediately after Minato tags everyone and cancels out the enemy Jutsus, Naruto follows up on Tagged targets to do M*IVE AOE damage that's boosted by the tagged targets.

Overall, this team relies heavily on Sage Naruto and Minato. Breeze Dancer is someone just a bonus, and Killer Bee is only there to maximize Minato's combo rate

This post was last edited by ProtoZero on 2018-08-19 01:51:20.
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On 2017-09-26 04:10:46Show this Author Only

You don't cause acupuncture you just interrupt

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On 2017-09-26 04:37:27Show this Author Only
  • Kamui37 On 2017-09-26 04:10:46
  • You don't cause acupuncture you just interrupt

thanks i'll correct that, i forgot there were 2 different forms

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-26 22:45:03Show this Author Only

ehm... Do you know in this game there are debuffs, true? Acupuncture, Immobile, Paralysis, Blind, Chaos, Sleep... It's surely a fun team to try but it's enough one single debuff like them to shut down wholly the team and i fail to see a team that doesn't run at least one of them.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2017-09-26 22:45:21.
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On 2017-09-26 23:42:36Show this Author Only

Yeah, kinda agreeing with Garv but if you want to play more on the defensive, I guess replacing Killer Bee with Gakido should be good and run the same Rasengan chase but with Dog of Hell summon instead.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-27 00:05:57Show this Author Only

I don't get why people has a problem with these recent minato teams, this team can survive some * meta stuff like mabui 1010 and Han sailor sakura mei etc, the thing is there are ninjas like rasa and sussano itachi and masked obito that can seal whole teams but those teams cost 1k+ dollars. In this team you have wind main impetus dance plus minato can doge 1 mystery and killer bee is immune to debuffs etc, I think alot of players think that lower BP players are ''noobs'' and don't know how to play but that's just silly just because someone has low BP doesn't mean they don't know how to play, plus those players spreading the rumors that low BP players get minato mostly are not helping the situation either, in my server atleast 3 players got minato from free draws and they have 50k+ power.

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On 2017-09-27 00:41:58Show this Author Only

guess that's the downside of so many minatos,still better than events you barely get anything

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On 2017-09-27 08:18:37Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-09-26 22:45:03
  • ehm... Do you know in this game there are debuffs, true? Acupuncture, Immobile, Paralysis, Blind, Chaos, Sleep... It's surely a fun team to try but it's enough one single debuff like them to shut down wholly the team and i fail to see a team that doesn't run at least one of them.

Its a glass cannon team... besides... as seen in the video, it's good enough to get Six Paths on S1. and i only have about 27k power outside of arena... Plus i think i kinda know how to play this game considering how many "decent" and "in-depth" strategies i've put out...

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On 2017-09-27 08:19:43Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-09-27 00:05:57
  • I don't get why people has a problem with these recent minato teams, this team can survive some * meta stuff like mabui 1010 and Han sailor sakura mei etc, the thing is there are ninjas like rasa and sussano itachi and masked obito that can seal whole teams but those teams cost 1k+ dollars. In this team you have wind main impetus dance plus minato can doge 1 mystery and killer bee is immune to debuffs etc, I think alot of players think that lower BP players are ''noobs'' and don't know how to play but that's just silly just because someone has low BP doesn't mean they don't know how to play, plus those players spreading the rumors that low BP players get minato mostly are not helping the situation either, in my server atleast 3 players got minato from free draws and they have 50k+ power.

Yea, i've actually done well against Roshi teams and the typical Mabui/Tenten/Mei teams...

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On 2017-09-27 08:21:53Show this Author Only
  • qPhreak On 2017-09-26 23:42:36
  • Yeah, kinda agreeing with Garv but if you want to play more on the defensive, I guess replacing Killer Bee with Gakido should be good and run the same Rasengan chase but with Dog of Hell summon instead.

This team is meant as a Blitz team not a stall/defense team. Your objective is to dish out more damage and kill the enemy healers and damage dealers before you go down.

Besides, i think this team has a really solid Defensive side as well...

Minato dodge

Naruto Clone to protect from Standards

Bee is immune to debuffs, and heals Naruto a little, and tanks most of the standards with people having lineups in the middle.

Dance of impetus to help reduce debuffs

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-27 21:38:46Show this Author Only

my friend , In*ames here. i would like to sincerely thank u for this lineup cuz i finally got to beat the cancer team for the first time ever even i used to lose to this team while having more ini and power that team consists of mei , roshi, salor and obviously water main

all thanks to u :) much appreciated

btw guys dont be hating on this team just by lookin at it , try it first . it really can step up the challange and meet ur highly respected expectations :D

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-27 22:03:21Show this Author Only
  • ProtoZero On 2017-09-27 08:18:37
  • Its a glass cannon team... besides... as seen in the video, it's good enough to get Six Paths on S1. and i only have about 27k power outside of arena... Plus i think i kinda know how to play this game considering how many "decent" and "in-depth" strategies i've put out...

Sorry for the tone, i hope you didn't think i was offensive, didn't mean to.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-27 22:10:12Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-09-27 00:05:57
  • I don't get why people has a problem with these recent minato teams, this team can survive some * meta stuff like mabui 1010 and Han sailor sakura mei etc, the thing is there are ninjas like rasa and sussano itachi and masked obito that can seal whole teams but those teams cost 1k+ dollars. In this team you have wind main impetus dance plus minato can doge 1 mystery and killer bee is immune to debuffs etc, I think alot of players think that lower BP players are ''noobs'' and don't know how to play but that's just silly just because someone has low BP doesn't mean they don't know how to play, plus those players spreading the rumors that low BP players get minato mostly are not helping the situation either, in my server atleast 3 players got minato from free draws and they have 50k+ power.

EDIT: i had two tabs opened and made a mistake XD

This post was last edited by Garv on 2017-09-27 23:32:47.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-28 18:30:39Show this Author Only
  • INFAMOUS 99 On 2017-09-27 21:38:46
  • my friend , In*ames here. i would like to sincerely thank u for this lineup cuz i finally got to beat the cancer team for the first time ever even i used to lose to this team while having more ini and power that team consists of mei , roshi, salor and obviously water main

    all thanks to u :) much appreciated

    btw guys dont be hating on this team just by lookin at it , try it first . it really can step up the challange and meet ur highly respected expectations :D

im glad it worked out for you, good luck in future battles as well

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On 2017-09-28 18:31:14Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-09-27 22:03:21
  • Sorry for the tone, i hope you didn't think i was offensive, didn't mean to.

im just defending and clarifying some points of the strategy, that's what forum discussions are about. I didnt take anything offensively

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On 2019-07-31 22:23:24Show this Author Only
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