Is it true PB Sasuke, Sailor Sakura and RTN Hinata's models were changed?
I'm not a CN player but I just found this vid earlier:
It says Sailor Sakura, Playboy Sasuke, Hinata Road to Ninja and Shikamaru Make-out Paradise got their models changed. Also added skillbreaks for them. If you wanna see the skillbreaks for them (in Chinese though) look here:
note: change the * in the above li
Jib Edit: Just to note that the information for the Youtube video and the li
Well they just added winter cloaks im sure when spring hits they will take them down lol btw my friend skill broke sailor and * she is broken.
She needs less time to get OP, she has double chase, 10 percent more damage on her slags that ignore everything...double passive healing every round and mystery with 32% healing of their total health...very OP character.
You should know that Sailor breakthrough is recent, meaning that you will obtain her breakthrough via the future breakthrough system, not fragment exchanging. But then again, it's Sailor, so get her frags and 5-star her anyway.
It's simple , you guys remember how pb sasuke and sailor sakura are being removed from events rotation recently ?
I suspect it has to do with their models skins, meaning they show too much skin / *ual inuendo for a chinese operated game suposedly for children.
To do this re-skin they used the skillbreak system as an opportunity to remove all those elements that could lead to possible censorship or legal problems.
Buffing them through skillbreak i supposed is to counter the way they look now all bland and boring.
You do know it was a copyright issue since the designs of playboy sasuke, sailor sakura, hinata road to ninja, and make-out shikamaru were all either in the road to ninja movie and/or part of the ninja storm game series. Heck, some of the animations from ninjas on Naruto Online are from ninja storm. Two weeks ago, someone asked about it on the forums that if sailor sakura would be out in events ba
Also,sailor i believe,was just in one of endings of Naruto,like suit Sasuke,there isnt RtN Sakura
You do know it was a copyright issue since the designs of playboy sasuke, sailor sakura, hinata road to ninja, and make-out shikamaru were all either in the road to ninja movie and/or part of the ninja storm game series. Heck, some of the animations from ninjas on Naruto Online are from ninja storm. Two weeks ago, someone asked about it on the forums that if sailor sakura would be out in events ba
Hi! You are absolutely right. I did confirm it was a copyright issue, but it did show up again in Great Tree. I am not sure what happened and it might be because it was not removed properly. Terribly sorry if it might have seemed I mislead anyone. That was not my intention and would like to express my apologies for the random appearance of Sailor Sakura in Great Tree.
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