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40 mil coins in 8 gates ...


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On 2017-09-19 22:32:03Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So I havent used coins towards this system in 3 months so I used today all my coins cause I dont really need them cause our group was upgraded to 12....anyway the problen was that I didnt get not one red rune and I got only one gold(sand) which I have plenty off...i know this is based on luck but this must be very bad luck or am I wrong?

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On 2017-09-19 22:37:21Show this Author Only
I call it luck,seen ppl get reds back to back.Interesting thing is,when someone get red,chances are bigger you to get too,if start draw right after(personal experience)

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On 2017-09-19 22:56:34Show this Author Only

my friend who has barely 3k points in eight gates got red chakra...thats why i stopped wasting coins,all i got was some green blue and rarely purple chakras.

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On 2017-09-19 23:05:52Show this Author Only

I know how you feel, it is heavily influenced by random chance and sometimes you get lucky while other times you don't. I would first invest coina in group contribution for group skills and Group Lucky wheel for coupons, then whenever I have enough coins I would throw it into eight gates, sometimes I get lucky. I wish you the best of luck!!


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On 2017-09-20 03:25:16Show this Author Only

To bad man but still thats a part of the game so we kinda have to do it sooner or 85k right now and trying to get BP everyway I can...btw Jib yes you are right about the group skills but I get 530 group contributions everyday due my ranking in ninetails-top 3...but asked around and feel kinda robbed I didnt even get more gold runes...anyway about the group wheel well I don't spend much so I have 27k points unused I guess...but guys thx for the replies and hope ull get better luck then me at least for that event alone.

This post was last edited by S.H.I.E.L.D on 2017-09-20 03:26:31.
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On 2017-09-20 03:37:02Show this Author Only

RNG&law of large numbers.

For small sized spending, results can be EVERYWHERE.

But generally speaking, once you spend a lot of coin in it, it will equalize.

40m? 3k pt? those are all pocket change. Come back when you have 100k pts at least.

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On 2017-09-20 03:49:06Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-09-20 03:37:02
  • RNG&law of large numbers.

    For small sized spending, results can be EVERYWHERE.

    But generally speaking, once you spend a lot of coin in it, it will equalize.

    40m? 3k pt? those are all pocket change. Come back when you have 100k pts at least.

Lol 3k...nah probably got more than 8k either way I already have 4 initiative runes so im good now? Cause I have 30k points right I good enough lol ...just messing around the problem was that pocket change of mine should have been good enough for few gold runes but hey if u think 40mil coins arent enough for at least 1 red or 2 gold well you must have really bad luck urself.

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On 2017-09-20 04:01:08Show this Author Only
  • S.H.I.E.L.D On 2017-09-20 03:49:06
  • Lol 3k...nah probably got more than 8k either way I already have 4 initiative runes so im good now? Cause I have 30k points right I good enough lol ...just messing around the problem was that pocket change of mine should have been good enough for few gold runes but hey if u think 40mil coins arent enough for at least 1 red or 2 gold well you must have really bad luck urself.

You don't seem to understand how statistic works.

Let's theorize that each 1k pt give you a 7% chance of getting a red, so that on average every 14k pt will give you a red.

Say you are at 50k point, is it unlucky if you don't have one? Yes, yes it would be. But it's not unlikely. Because at this point, the chance of not getting one is 2.7%, a small number but given the large number of players, nothing.

Why? because standard deviation. While the "average" at 50k pt would be 3.5, the standard deviation at this point is 1.8, which is over 50% of the mean, so "0" is less than 2 standard deviation away.

On the other hand, if you are at 200k points, the mean is 14. The standard deviation is 3.6. It is a larger standard deviation, but now it is only 25% of the mean. And therefore, on average, the result will be closer to the mean in term of %, by half.

So you see, it's not a matter of whether a person usually gets or expects to get something at the low amount. It's a matter of low amount is simply unreliable data and doesn't mean anything.

And besides, 40m or 8k is slightly below average for getting a red anyway. Thou yes, on average there would be 2 gold. But as you can see from above, that's meaningless, because there is probably a >5-10% chance that one would get nothing.

This post was last edited by PraiseLuka on 2017-09-20 04:01:23.
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On 2017-09-20 05:56:24Show this Author Only

Over the course of acquiring over 250k practice points i find that on average you get a red rune every 40 - 50 million coins spent. But that's an average over a very long time. Just yesterday i had to spend 68 million coins before i got a red rune, and a few weeks ago i went over 75 million before a red rune. On two separate occasions i got red runes less then 5 million coins apart. So in small sample sizes it is very RNG dependent.

I do feel that they lowered the rate of gold runes awhile ago though. When the system first came out I really feel like i was getting a lot more gold runes then I do now, but i have nothing but my gut feeling to back that up.

This post was last edited by Placeholder on 2017-09-20 05:57:52.
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On 2017-09-20 07:17:10Show this Author Only

Red Runes are roughly every 20k points gained in 8 Gates, which I suppose adds up to about 50m more or less (I actually forget). But as always that's not absolute.

On my first 100 million dumped into gates at 65 I got a ton of golds and I think 2 Reds, on my next 50 million dumped in a few levels later, I got nothing noteworthy, then on my most recent 50 million I got a bunch of useful golds and a red (Which I sold).

So in my experience I feel like Gates only feels worthwhile when spending at least 50 million or more.

This post was last edited by Immortal Utsuro on 2017-09-20 07:18:58.
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On 2017-09-20 13:58:49Show this Author Only

73k points = 2 red chakra here

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On 2017-09-20 16:22:22Show this Author Only

260k practice pts

11 reds

154 golds

*I actually do*ent my drops as crazy as it sounds

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On 2017-09-20 16:52:44Show this Author Only
  • s177 Kira On 2017-09-20 16:22:22
  • 260k practice pts

    11 reds

    154 golds

    *I actually do*ent my drops as crazy as it sounds

Wow so I am unlucky lol 132k points all around and I have 3 red and dont know exactly but I think 24 gold.

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On 2017-09-21 02:59:58Show this Author Only
  • S.H.I.E.L.D On 2017-09-20 16:52:44
  • Wow so I am unlucky lol 132k points all around and I have 3 red and dont know exactly but I think 24 gold.

I wouldn't consider myself lucky at all.

There's a free player in our group that rarely does 9 tails and still in the lower L90s, and he has almost 20 red runes.

I don't think he even spent half of what I put into 8 gates...f2p accs got some luck eh

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On 2017-09-21 03:15:43Show this Author Only
  • s177 Kira On 2017-09-21 02:59:58
  • I wouldn't consider myself lucky at all.

    There's a free player in our group that rarely does 9 tails and still in the lower L90s, and he has almost 20 red runes.

    I don't think he even spent half of what I put into 8 gates...f2p accs got some luck eh

Maybe ...i think some accounts have more luck def..its not about super rare in kages was from 1220 pulls without free draws but got roshi in 90 pulls so its weird...anyway it doesnt matter too much about the 8 gates.

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On 2017-09-21 04:58:30Show this Author Only

I got my first red rune around 20k points (give or take 2k)

My 2nd Red Rune was 8k

And I already bought 2 Quick Runes and currently have 2.3k points.

Take it as you will :x

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