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[ Updates ] Event Feedbacks - 14th September


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 25
On 2017-09-14 13:06:43Show All Posts

Server: 15

Region: NY

Current BP: 88K

Event: Mount Myoboku Wheel

Opinion: If the goal is to make it easier for players to obtain or 3 star their Edo Treasure super rare (Rasa/Gengetsu), alternate the ninja on the Myoboku Wheel.

Reasoning: Ever since this event was introduced, Gengetsu has been the reward ninja on the Myoboku wheel, making it somewhat easier for players to obtain or 3 star him. Because Gengetsu and Rasa are super rares in the Edo Treasure, there should be equal opportunity to obtain or 3 star both Gengetsu and Rasa.

Suggestion: Alternate between Gengetsu and Rasa as the reward ninja in the Myoboku Wheel event.

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