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[ Updates ] Event Feedbacks - 14th September


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 22
  • Posts: 835
On 2017-09-15 00:04:10Show All Posts

Server: 393

Region: UK

Current BP: 65K

event: treasure of the sages

opinion: good event that lets players buy what they currently need with a neat discount

suggestion: remove common, medium and advanced CLOTH from it. Those are filler items that are easily accessible through SA, everybody and their dog (unless playing on a new server, but even then they will get it soon) has battle armor at level 27. No need to change those items for anything, just straight up remove them to increase % of getting other, good items.

event: jonin medal renewal

opinion: good event that gives players incentive to prolong their medal

suggestion: allow players, that never bought medal before to also get coupon rebate after buying. Goal of this event is to sell as many jonin medals as possible, allowing never-had-a-medal players to benefit from rebate will benefit both sides.

event: time limited shop, slot machine, myoboku trial, cave exploration rebate, konoha gift shop

opinion: good events

suggestion: no suggestion, its fine as long as it is provided the rates in slot machine actually allow people to get 1st prize, because i havent seen any lucky winner in my server neither pre nor after merge. Forum seems awfully quiet with screenshots of 1st prize as well, and we all know that when somebody hits a jackpot, a thread pops up.

event: battle armor panic buy

opinion: discount for threads is nice, but many, many more players would benefit if there was a coupon option for medium and advanced thread

suggestion: make medium and advanced threads available to buy for coupons, with any discount between 20% and 40%

event: konoha great trees

opinion: event for heavy spenders, requires at least 15k ingots to get to level 5 where it starts to become somewhat good investment. Last time this event was up, we had time limited shop (present as well right now) and daily spending event (spend up to 3k ingots daily), which synergized really well with it. Also we have only 1 recharge event from last week (slot machine) and no other recharge event. Most of spenders would be happy to have a good recharge-spend synergy, when theres a big spending event available, this week however its only 1 recharge and 1 spend. Its not enough incentive for people to use it.

suggestion: add another recharge and spending event as soon as possible to allow people to have multiple gains from spending (tip: more people will recharge for you this way)

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2017-09-15 00:05:40.
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