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[ Updates ] Event Feedbacks - 14th September


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-14 22:11:50Show All Posts

Server: 291

Region: UK

Current BP: 73k

Event: Konoha Great Tree/ Time Limited shop

Opinion: Following ninjas (Ay third raikage, Omoi, Samui) should be in treasure first before placing them in events

Reasoning:In my opinion new ninjas that are new for our servers (Ay third raikage, Omoi, Samui) should be in treasure before you make put them in some events, because they arent "elite" ninjas such as jonin minato or masked man and even more than that over pricing Ay(third raikage) quite a lot when he is just a rare ninja that you get in about 200 seals from treasure that should've been released instead of just putting them in quite pricey...well heavily over pricey event when its kind of gamble to get those Fortune coins.

Suggestions: Add treasure of following ninjas (Ay third raikage, Omoi, Samui) before placing them in events and not place giant prize tag on them as they aren't really that worthy.

This post was last edited by Cociemonster on 2017-09-16 01:18:07.
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