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[ Updates ] Event Feedbacks - 14th September


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 49
  • Posts: 1169
On 2017-09-14 21:09:42Show All Posts

Server: 291-306

Region: UK

Current BP: 70k

Event: Ninja Breakthrough (un-relatable to current events)

Opinion: Ninja breakthrough allow players to explore new combination with old ninjas.

Reasoning: Since the latest 2-3 treasures added to the game, the old ninjas has been losing the relevancy in the game, ninja breakthrough allow old ninjas to be more relevant with the current meta.

Suggestion: Add more ninja breakthrough; (my personal preferences Hinata, Haku, Tsunade sannin war, Gaara (shippuuden), Yamato, Kabuto)

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