This is a general topic that many people know about and probably have something to say about, but here is a question I want to ask you all:
Why do the posts that include CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM or ADVICE get deleted (most of the time )????
I know the answer is obvious, and I myself already know some of the reasons (some people may not agree with it), but I want to hear the different answers from a lot of people and what they think about it.
P.S Hopefully this topic doesn't get deleted.
I guess you missed this post as it should give you an answer:
Honestly, I see more rage rants from players than players providing constructive criticism.
Alas, most threads, deleted or not, are not constructive criticism. Here is a rough breakdown of complaints player file. Note the portions are estimations.
~25% are non-bug false-positives. This includes TI limit running out on Friday, arena reward for player who have not been six path etc. Where the game is working perfectly fine (note whether arena reward should be changed is another issue altogether, it's NOT a bug). But because players don't bother to verify and are hasty to complaint, those threads are made almost every week. Is it a wonder that sometimes mods are dismissive?
~15% are related to the user's network/computer. There are variety of things that can go wrong on the client end (note, I don't mean mini-client. Client end refers to the interface and machines used by users). And while sometimes the issue does rest with server, most of the time when there is a connection issue, it is something to do with the user. (Granted, poor packet loss handling etc is a problem, but again, different discussion). No, you are not "fine" just because you ran a random internet speed test. Did you know that most of those don't measure pocket loss? Did you know those test averages more than minimal? Did you know there are hundreds if not thousands of things that can be wrong despite a good test result? If less than 20% of your server population (minimal of 5, i.e. 20% of 25) is having the same issue, it's probably you. (I say probably because, again, it could be the server that have issue)
~20% are real issues, but merely cries of "fix dis" without understanding how things work. For example, masuri matching. I do agree that it is... sub-optimal. But people rarely think about the underlying causes. All they want is for the game to "fix" it, when quite frankly is impossible unless there is MECHANIC fix. The underlying problem is the low participant count in the matching pool at anytime due to the bracketing and length of event. So for the matching to be better, the event must be changed in and of itself. But no, most player don't care, they will just complain that it's bad and demand a fix.
~15% are subjective matters, such as water is OP. Subjectively speaking, I too believe they are. ob
~5% are stuff that player believes are a problem that mods don't. For example, nin/tai pent stat and advanced thread drop rate in SA. It's an uphill battle here when the mod already believe something firmly. For the former, I guess a 5-hour long video log of all sort of tests would be required. For the latter... I'm not sure if we can ever convincing them. But considering, as far as I know, NOBODY have gotten one in an entire month after the update.... Mind you, I don't blame the mods for this. I believe they are being lied to by the devs. And frankly, given that devs make the game, it makes sense for mods to trust devs more th*.
Then we have random pure rage that aren't any of the above. For example, this thread. Those maybe make up 10% of the total. Mind you, some of the previous category could be filled with rage and no substances as well, but at least the pertain to specific issues.
Then we have ~10% constructive criticism. The most frequent of those are on convoy/plunder topic. Where players actually offer up solutions. And that's what makes them constructive--solution proposals. Oh, and by the way, solutions must be reasonable and be backed up by rational. Random demands of "two free SS for everyone" is not a constructive criticism, not until you provide a reasoning for them. And certainly not, from a week or two ago, where someone flat out came out and asked for more free coupons, because why not?
So yeah, that is, unfortunately, where we are as a whole on this forum. Most players don't take sufficient time in constructing their threads and merely sprout them out when they are unsatisfied about some feature. And as a result, mods become antagonized and dismissive. It's not entirely their fault, they are people too. It makes sense that they grow tired and annoyed of people wasting their time and insulting them. This is why there are rarely people who have a career in customer support. The lackluster pay(usually) is one thing, but it's also because customers tend to be *beeps*. It's not just the forum users here either, it's people in general.
And for the record, no, not only 10% of the issues posted are valid issues. It's the matter of approach. For example, the "fix dis" ones. If properly constructed, those could ALL be constructive criticisms. But nope, most people doesn't go beyond the effort of crying "fix dis". As it were, probably up to 40-50% of all threads can be turned into proper constructive criticism if people spend the time and effort to properly back up their arguments and offer solutions without changing the subject matter. But.. well... we have about 10%.
Is anyone aware of the definite limits/restraints that Oas has on changing things? Are they only allowed to translate, or can they do more than that?
The definite boundary seems kinda unclear.
The only thing I'm aware that Oasis can change is the prices on items/ninjas. For example, the German server has certain items such as lucky dice at 50 coupons while we have it at 20. In terms of game content, it is up to Oasis if they want to add their own events in Hot Topics. Even Taiwan added their own events in Hot Topics yet still have the same content as China (they currently have the bond system). It seems like game content like ninjas and system features (ultimate training, summon cultivation) on all servers follow China. In terms of nerfs and buffs, you have to figure out whether previous servers did it as well (for example: did China nerf tobi in between 1.0 and 2.0?) or is this the first time in all servers.
The only thing I'm aware that Oasis can change is the prices on items/ninjas. For example, the German server has certain items such as lucky dice at 50 coupons while we have it at 20. In terms of game content, it is up to Oasis if they want to add their own events in Hot Topics. Even Taiwan added their own events in Hot Topics yet still have the same content as China (they currently have the bond system). It seems like game content like ninjas and system features (ultimate training, summon cultivation) on all servers follow China. In terms of nerfs and buffs, you have to figure out whether previous servers did it as well (for example: did China nerf tobi in between 1.0 and 2.0?) or is this the first time in all servers.
Oasis c*so change Plot Chapter Rewards
In China Chapter 10 is Killer Bee 7 Sword Style while here it is Pain - Chikashudo
Can a mod please explain the difference between getting muted and getting banned?
Being muted is only in affect in the forum sections you are muted on and only applies to your ability to reply to threads and posts. Being banned means being restricted from the forum entirely.
Constructive criticism and advice do not get deleted most of the time, unless they do not fall in line with the forum rules. There are rules the forum are bound by to keep the forums clean and toxic free, by using the forums you accept these terms and rules. This means that anything that breaks those rules can and will be deleted with reason. Quite a number of posts are made in order to incite drama or to be toxic to other players and our job is to make sure that those actions are not left to continue and in more extreme cases; making sure those players take responsibility for their actions.
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