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[ PVP ] PSA Susanoo Sasuke Is...


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-21 06:15:35Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I got Susanoo Sasuke as a free ninja in Arena, and I noticed that he dies very quickly, because I tried using him as a tank. I tried to even use him with Water Main, Hokage Tsunade, and Sailoe Sakura and he still was close to dying. His damage is okay maybe airing on the side of good and one of his chases causes ignition that lasts 3 rounds which is great.His Super Armour is good because he has the added benefit of stopping ninjutsu damage, but this is on of those scenario where you are putting a band aid on a person having a heart attack. For example normal Conan and dodge 1 standard attack each round, but that doesn't mean she should be in your front line. The fact that Sasuke dies so easily, super armour is a lot less useful on Sasuke then a real tank character. For example Mist 7 Swordsmen Zabuzza is better than normal Zabuzza "ignoring mysteries", Mist 7 Swordsmen Zabuzza's Bloodthirsty talent is a lot more useful than normal Zabuzza because Mist 7 Swordsmen can launch 2 standard attacks.

He is still a good ninja, but I think he is over hyped. After this experience in arena, I probably will not be pulling Kage Treasures anymore to pull Sasuke. For all the people who have Susanoo Sasuke, telling me if you are experiencing the same thing as me or am I just insane....XD

This post was last edited by Jiburiru on 2017-09-21 06:15:35.
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On 2017-09-10 09:39:56Show this Author Only

Basing a ninja's worth over arena is practically *ed. Yes it provides a similar experience but it doesn't factor in all the other benefits you get from actually owning the ninja, for example increased defensive stats from magatama etc.

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On 2017-09-10 09:51:12Show this Author Only
  • s636 d1namic On 2017-09-10 09:39:56
  • Basing a ninja's worth over arena is practically *ed. Yes it provides a similar experience but it doesn't factor in all the other benefits you get from actually owning the ninja, for example increased defensive stats from magatama etc.

I feel like with bonuses like magatamas, gear, mood, and inner gates they would cancel each other out... at high levels people have the same gear and the same level magatamas. Sasuke's defence and resistance is increased by some amount amount by magatmas, gear, mood and inner gates, but the attacking ninja's ninjutsu and attack is also increased. With that being said, if feel that what i experienced in arena should be similar to what i would experience in events like Matsuri and Sage Worlds.

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On 2017-09-10 10:08:09Show this Author Only
  • TsugakaYamata On 2017-09-10 09:51:12
  • I feel like with bonuses like magatamas, gear, mood, and inner gates they would cancel each other out... at high levels people have the same gear and the same level magatamas. Sasuke's defence and resistance is increased by some amount amount by magatmas, gear, mood and inner gates, but the attacking ninja's ninjutsu and attack is also increased. With that being said, if feel that what i experienced in arena should be similar to what i would experience in events like Matsuri and Sage Worlds.

the attack/defense numbers end up balancing each other out, but then u need to remember that u get life as well, so your ninja become tankier and tankier as u progress. as was said above, arena is a horrible way to judge a ninjas worth, my hokage tsunade heals 3x as much outside the arena as inside it and my ninjas have double the health outside arena, so she becomes alot better out of the arena than she is inside it since she effectively heals 50% more when you compare the heal to max health.

sasuke is also not meant to be sued with water, use him with lm and root, root gives him 100% resistance for 2 turns which makes him much tankier.

plus sasuke is not a tank, he is a damage dealer, he has 2 damage chases and an aoe nuke mystery, no cc no shields no defensive abilities besides super armor.

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On 2017-09-10 11:15:57Show this Author Only

i dont think free ninjas on arena have ur gears , magatama , charms , n caves runes . that y it's weak

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On 2017-09-10 13:27:45Show this Author Only

yea sasuke is just cannon with ability to be not nuked by AoE nin attacks and useless to try start combo at - so like 2move/ row is his perfect place :D

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On 2017-09-10 19:44:30Show this Author Only

SSasuke is a good ninja but not a game breaker ninja. He needs a strong lineup to be of use and he is no tank.

If you take a look at the space time battles you will see that SSusanoo is almost never used, the only times ive seen him is when players wnat to test a lineup aganst an opponent.

The current meta offers ninjas who are much more versatile with better skill sets such as Roshi, sailor, Minato jonin, 9 tails naruto or kage tsunade. Although SSasuke is very expensive he is not a ninja that will alow you to win in PVP.

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On 2017-09-10 21:23:28Show this Author Only

Can take dying attack from hirusen and take no damage. Can take tailed beast from 9 tails with 0 damage. Can ignite 3 teams after 4.0. Looks good to me.At the end of the day,power and initiative matters than ninjas.Currently he is used with itachi susanoo,danzo,Lm or iruka,danzo, LM. There are some cursed hidan,masked man and tsunade 5th hokage teams.

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On 2017-09-19 17:02:57Show this Author Only

Cool I was thinking about getting him but now what he *s what other ultra rare should I go for?

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On 2017-09-19 17:14:12Show this Author Only

lets make him more op just because he is a p2w ninja amirite?and he is op,any ninja is op in the right situation,u just have to know how to use it better

This post was last edited by Reawr on 2017-09-19 17:18:12.
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On 2017-09-21 00:55:58Show this Author Only

you sir are mistaken if you think you c*e sasuke to build a cancer team. Each ninja has its roles, eg. you can build a cancer team around kimimaro and you do that for a reason since he is a tank. Susanoo sasuke was never meant to be a tank. He is that one annoying ninja that just stands there and stops combos for a short duration of time while nuking your opponent R2 or as the wish of the user. I have a tendo and i know that even if tendo just negates all ninjutsu damage i cant build a cancer team arounf it for a reason, since its original ability is to come in the battle and Nuke everyone R1 while his buffs are still up, he *s in long fights. Susanoo sasuke is great ninja if you know where to place him. Heck i have him as a trial ninja and i use beefed up version of team 7 and it works out fine mostly.

Water Main Sage Naruto Sage Naruto's Clone

Sailor Sakura Susanoo Sasuke X

Has worked fine for me, of course there are times when you'll lose but having just one ninja dosent mean you'll win automatically, it depends on the Team synergy and the the team roles given to each ninja.

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On 2017-09-21 05:57:31Show this Author Only

susano is an attack tank, he does damage and hes survivable enough to not get 1 rounded, put him behind a proper tank and you are set

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On 2017-09-21 11:22:23Show this Author Only

Of course saskue not gonna work in arena with 3 healing. Healing is *NERF* in arena. Plus of course Saskue gonna die fast to tai attack. Since he can't be combo and can't be hurt by nin. He need to have a fell somewhere

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