Well, you read the title. Right now I am at a point in the game where I don't know what to go for.
Lightning and Fire Main are the only mains I like so I was hoping you guys could give me ideas for OP teams for them end-game.
I didn't post ninjas I currently have cause I don't think they're end game :d, even if someone tells me a good team with Madara who didn't come up yet, I'd save seal scrolls and go after him for example, I could go for Susanoo Sasuke, Han, Roshi, whatever works best with Fire or Lightning teams.
Oh I see what you mean now. Terribly sorry about that. There are numerous ninjas you could go for, one of the good ninjas that many players covet and like especially in the "end-game" scene is Roshi. I highly recommend saving seal scrolls and using them during a seal scroll rebate to maximize your rewards.
P.S. Your ninjas are quite good, especially Mei which from what I heard and experienced is an end-game ninja currently.
The main issue is that you own a lot of good ninjas that work best with azure fang but you don't want to be azure fang. To be able to choose what main be is a luxury only p2w have. If you go on with this mentality, sadly, in the close future you'll be left a ton behind your enemies that pays to win in your bracket. To be able to stay on par with your enemies by being f2p is fundamental to change main depending on the ninja you got and select the one that best suits them. Currently you have both the chance to go for chojuro, ao, mei and mei, mabui, tenten gnw lineups that both are me
Obviously you can try to go for the main you like the most but just beware that by being f2p you can't have both the main you like and being top place unless you get the luck of the devil. Will come the moment where you'll have to make a choice between power and ninjas.
Well, getting one or two ninjas in time it's pretty easy, unless it's Susanoo Itachi, I was just curious what competitive long term end game teams are out there for Fire or Lightning.
Yes is pretty easy, but the point is: how much will it cost to you?
Lets say you want a viable fire main team. You need danzo and sage naruto or hashirama and sn or han and hanzo. You don't own currently any of them, so to get them you need or to invest tons of scrolls in 'old' treasures and/or a ton of coupons and what you get is something that gives you the same outcome as the azure fang team you can just now run for free because that's what you got. What happens on long term is that people that accepted to change mains ba
Anyways, if you plan on the very long term you should gather about 1000 scrolls for gnw treasure and make a team ba
Just got Naruto Sage Mode in just 40 scrolls! Gonna use him with Mei, Ao/Iruka and Fire Main.
Can anyone tell me best mood for him?
So far so good. If you can give me any directions on a better team than this for the far future please do so. :D
end game ninjas for fire man are Roshi,danzo,Hanzo,sage jiraiya. if you get lucky and get danzo as your next kage rare use him as danzo goes well with both light and fire mains, also the current Roshi ''me
Well, so much for Han/Roshi being end game...
she/he also had more initiative
I literally did mystery too early and didnt interrupt Roshi, and also didnt interrupt Sakura 25% heal, but SN still gave me the win.
The only people I have trouble with are those with tremendous power over me, and Lightning Blitz with Asuma Wb, Darui, Iruka... cause I cant do anything first round, just interrupt nothingness with Iruka, cause LM is first. But that team gets rekt by Hinata anyways, so not many people use it.
Well, so much for Han/Roshi being end game...
she/he also had more initiative
I literally did mystery too early and didnt interrupt Roshi, and also didnt interrupt Sakura 25% heal, but SN still gave me the win.
The only people I have trouble with are those with tremendous power over me, and Lightning Blitz with Asuma Wb, Darui, Iruka... cause I cant do anything first round, just interrupt nothingness with Iruka, cause LM is first. But that team gets rekt by Hinata anyways, so not many people use it.
Guess this was a joke?
Even if he/she had Roshi and Han, your team is a good counter to that specific lineup. Lots of ignition, immobilize and interrupt.
As for endgame ninjas you may want to aim for: Roshi, Han, Itachi Susanoo, Flack jacket Minato, Masked man
Guess this was a joke?
Even if he/she had Roshi and Han, your team is a good counter to that specific lineup. Lots of ignition, immobilize and interrupt.
As for endgame ninjas you may want to aim for: Roshi, Han, Itachi Susanoo, Flack jacket Minato, Masked man
Yep and i see more mistakes on the water main team side and still he won by luck (look at how low sage naruto hp is, one more stack of roshi or a crit from han/roshi mysteries and he would have lost).
btw, for the OP, i use in arena your enemy team too and i can tell you the only fire team against whom i lose have itachi susano'o in it. I can see the major mistakes your enemy made were to not use wisely han mystery. After round1 he was sure you had shield mystery so in the following rounds he had to use han first part of the mystery after you used main mystery, maybe together with roshi's, at the cost of waiting one more round to move. Very likely he used the mysteries as soon as possible, also healing ones, while that team wins by waiting the right moment to move since you are compelled in using your main mystery on the round the mystery is available, otherwise you have to endure 3 stacks of sailor sakura poison + roshi eventual ignition. If he uses han cleaning and roshi mystery after cleaning removed the shield immunity you had no way to win. Remember also that that team doesn't actually need to use the healing mysteries as soon as possible and wise people prefer to endure one round of hits if needed without using healing mysteries.
This is the end game team ill be using shortly... 2 frags from Susano'o Itachi currently
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