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[ Events ] Event Feedbacks - 31st August


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-06 03:48:26Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-09-06 01:49:45
  • Server : 2

    Region : LA

    Current BP : 125K

    Events : Lucky Board

    Opinion : The current Lucky Board is outdated and has poor value

    Reasoning : Multiple items on the board are worth less than the cost of the dice themselves, other items have no practical value for certain groups of players. The current best redeem reward for the cost to get it is medium refines, you get 5 for 7 rolls of the die, 7*20 = 140 to roll for 5 which costs 28 each and 5*28 = 140 so you basically buy the medium refines and get whatever you spin for free.

    Suggestions :

    1) Increase the coupons given on the coupon grid spot to 20, then it gives the same return as the cost to roll onto that spot. Which will cause people to feel like they are getting their money's worth from the spot

    2) Remove the Flying Raijin Kunai (FRK) and replace it with Purification Protection Runes (PPR), most players don't use the FRK that they currently get I currently have 247 and I rarely use them because its easy enough to afk while my character to auto run to whatever i'm doing. PPR on the other hand are needed by everyone when they get enough Purification Runes (PR) and they start to get gold purifications on all of their gear.

    3) Remove Stamina potions, we get enough of these for free already and even when events come out that use stamina they give so little rewards for the stamina pots that they aren't worth much. Replace it with an optional tactic page pack, we have almost no events that give tactics and having a chance to get one here and there would let free players get more levels, my tactics that I didn't buy are level 2, my tactic that I bought is level 8, its not worth buying the 975 more tactics pages to level but if i was able to build them slowly then i would be willing to buy a few hundred when i was closer to level 9.

    4) Remove Medium Refines, high level players like me don't need them anymore, most of my server doesn't need them anymore and they are already available as a redeem reward on the lucky board. Change it to a Random Rune Stone lv. 3 Pack. Rune stones require much larger numbers to finish and we get fewer of them then we can medium refines for free currently.

    5) Remove Medium Threads, high level players like me don't need them anymore, replace them with Rainbow Magatama which we get less of and need more of.

    6) Put the 5 lv 2 magatama into a random pack, yes we need lots of magatama but i'm at the point where it costs 2430exp or 7290exp to level one magatama, the 15 exp gained by these means very little and having to roll onto them so much feels like the dice i used was wasted. Replace 2 of them with 20 Unbound runes and 2 Summon contracts, keep 2 of them as 2 random packs per space, and change the last space to 5 ingots so that some day those free players might be able to participate in spending events and who knows once they are only a few dollars away from a monthly pack or medal they might recharge for it instead of just saying its not worth it spending $40.

    7) Increase PR, Mood Scrolls, and Cave Keys to 2, that way all the spaces give value for the dice that were spent on them

    8) Change the Medium Refine Rune in the redeem rewards to a pack that lets us choose between 8 Low/4 Medium/3 Advanced Refine runes for 30 points, that way new players and old players alike can see an item they want to get and that will benefit them.

You and your group arent the only ones that play the game. Apparently people like you have a hard time understanding this. Stop telling them to remove items that you personally do not need. Everyone on my server but 1 person needs Medium Refines still and there are 200 servers behind mine

Quicky Post

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