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[ Ninja Profile ] Character Summaries


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On 2017-08-28 03:03:52Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So I found this on the Naruto Online reddit. It seems like someone took out the time to do a quick tl:dr of almost every character. I'd like to see exactly how accurate this is, so... does anyone agree or disagree with how this was done?

**Note: it was sent in response to someone who was a Fire Main looking for team help, so the responses are kinda Fire Main-oriented.**

(This was not written by me, just copy-pasted)


Naruto: good until around level 60, then he's just too easy to counter

Sakura: usefulness lowers after level 60

*Sasuke: thanks to his chases he can fit into many teams. If you have a late game team with Sasuke, you'll survive, but there are better teams.

Kakashi: decent early game, but after you get 3 star Sasuke you'll find that Sasuke can do almost everything Kakashi can but better

Sai: good in Strong Approaching, meh in a normal team. Works well with Kakashi though.

Yamato: only good in for Earth Mains

Ino: mainly good for high level Ninja Exams

Shikamaru: Works well with certain teams but is kinda hard to use

Choji: just plain * right now ; o ;

Asuma: He's decent, but there are better options. When he gets a Skill Breakthrough he'll become better.

Shino: I thought he was gonna be good... he's not. No chases.

*Hinata: One of the best Free Characters in the game, can basically make your team invulnerable to most standards every few turns.

Kiba: not worth it. outclassed by GNW Kiba

Kurenai: I never used her so I'm not sure. But Genjutsu Mirror Return is really useful.

Rock Lee: When skillbooks come out for Rock Lee, you can upgrade him so his mystery lets him attack 3 or 4 times. Until then, he's nothing special.

Neji: A really good utility character if you get stuck in plot instance thanks to his acupuncture. Meh usefulness otherwise.

Tenten: good in Nine Tails, meh everywhere else

*Might Guy: a pretty solid character, has good damage buffs and leech. His chase is kinda awkward though.

Gaara: if you upgrade him he's strong early game but grows less useful late game. Best for Wind Mains

Temari: not really worth it late game

Kankuro: not worth it simply cause GNW Kankuro outclasses him

Baki: only worth using on a Wind team

Chiyo: probably your first reviver. She sounds good, but isn't really unfortunately. Kinda tanky, but supports usually shouldn't be tanky... if you can get Jigokudo he's better.

Haku: not worth using since you're not a Water Main

Zabuza: not worth it since you're not a water main

Zabuza (Mist Seven Swordsman): has a low cooldown Mystery, but high chakra cost for an Immobile. I have no idea how good he is.

Anko: good in Nine Tails as a Fire Main, struggles in most other areas.

Choza Akimichi: you can get really creative with him, but he only works well if you have a team suited for him.

Enma: a joke lol

Shizune: good in Debuff teams, meh everywhere else

*Iruka: a GREAT support character. Get him while you can - he’s around 800 coupons in Treasure of the Sage. He buffs Konoha characters which is quite useful

Jirobo: only good with Earth Mains

Kidomaru: a pretty good underrated tank, kinda like a budget Gaara if you didn't buy him. Really good at countering Narutos since he can kill all the clones on turn 1. Bad damage though.

Ukon Sakon: one of my favorite under-rated characters, though hard to use in a team. His Mystery can do a lot of damage when done well. Also one of the only characters who can attack 4 times with help from a Killer Bee.

Tayuya: decent utility character, good in Strong Approaching. Not as good in regular teams since she doesn't start combos well.

*Kimimaro: Basically Kidomaru, except with a bit more damage and defense buffs instead of shields. Most people prefer him over Kidomaru thanks to his overall bulkiness and damaging mystery but either one works for me

*Kabuto: one of the best healers, really good synergy with Kidomaru/Kimimaro and pretty much all of the sound 4; excellent for survival trial

Jugo: nice in a Curse Mark team, not as good elsewhere since his mystery is hard to use. I can't decide whether to use him as a Damage character or a Tank character...

Karin: bad healing in exchange for high damage for a healer. I don't like her though.

Suigetsu: great assassin, he can cause Tag which lowers defense. Easily countered by Hinata though.

Hebihimes: Not really worth using lol

Orochimaru (Sannin War): they nerfed him in 2.0 and now he *

Jiraiya (Sannin War): I dunno but I heard he *s. If you wanna use him just use Sage Jiraiya

Tsunade (Sannin War): One of the best healers along with Kabuto. Tsunade c*so KINDA be used as a tank since her Mystery practically heals herself a huge amount, usually fully I think.


This post was last edited by Do I life on 2017-08-28 03:03:52.
  • Registered: 2017-07-27
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On 2017-08-28 03:03:29Show this Author Only

Deidara: difficult to use since you kinda hafta make a team that suits him.

Sasori: has a high power Mystery and is kinda tanky, but if you want to use him you NEED to keep that puppet alive somehow

Tobi: good utility character, has a lot of uses.

Itachi: like Deidara, he only works if you have a team that fits him

Kisame: Works best if you use him in a team that fits. If you can find a good team with him, he'll be really powerful.

Hidan: really scary character - can lower defense with Tag etc. Unfortunately he has kinda low health because of his immortality so he shouldn't be counted on as a Tank.

Kakuzu: Extremely similar to Kakashi. Kakuzu synergizes well with Hidan, interestingly enough. I wouldn't recommend using him since by the time you get him, you don't need Kakashi anymore.

Konan: really good with Akatsuki teams, especially with Hidan

Chikushodo: *s right now, though Skillbooks will make her better

Ningendo: a solid utility character

Shurado: another decent Utility character, has an interrupt mystery and a good Rinnegan buff. However, he's a lot like Kakashi in playstyle which makes him a bit less useful

Jigokudo: a really solid support type, better than Chiyo

*Gakido: another quite useful support character, can remove debuffs and add shields - nice.

Tendo: Works best in a Pain team where all the other Pains give him buffs. I've heard that he's only really good with lightning main though but idk. You get 76 or so frags of him from ultimate training.

Wind Blade Asuma: great in Nine Tails, solid everywhere else. I’m not 100% sure how to use him though.

Beheading Sword Kakashi: meh. You can get him as a common from Edo Tensei treasure.

Sage Jiraiya: decent. Has a hard hitting Mystery and can chase off himself but is kinda fragile otherwise.

Orochimaru [Konoha’s Traitor]: I used to think he was really OP - he kinda is if he can get his mystery off. But like the other orochimaru he was nerfed a while back so he’s okay at best.

Ao: you can get him as a common in Kage Treasure. He’s kinda like a less tanky Neji. Best with Fire or Water teams

*Sage Naruto: One of the best/most solid characters in the game. Tanky, versatile, fits into most teams, and deals a lot of damage. Do NOT PULL FROM SAGE NARUTO TREASURE TO GET HIM THOUGH. He shows up in events a lot so get his fragments from those events. I was able to recruit mine just from events.

Hashirama: I don’t have him but fighting against him is a huge pain. So he’s probably good

100 Puppets Sasori: I don’t know. Heard that the puppets he spawns are really easy to kill tho

10 Puppets Chiyo: Very reliant on her chases, which lowers her usefulness

Yugito: okay character, could be better

Yagura: Depending on what your opponent team is, Yagura could be really potent. Just clone your opponent’s Kage, and it’ll even reset the barriers by shutting theirs down and making one of your own.

Samehada Bee: I don’t know

Roshi: I’ve heard that he’s good, but I don’t know. Some people called him a “meta breaker” but I don’t think that’s true.

*Han: A good character, can remove opponent buffs. Useful, unless you’re fighting someone like me who doesn’t use any buffs in their team XD

Utakata: really solid in a Debuff team or a Water team

Fu: some think that she *s, but in a team that fits her she can actually be really annoying to fight.

Ginkaku: Mediocre

Kinkaku: kinda like a mini GNW Tenten, except GNW Tenten does it better than him.

Kabuto [Snake Cloak]: Really good with characters that have the Ambition passive (the one where when someone dies they get Chakra and Health) and a good waller. His revive isn’t that good though.

Mu: A really good character actually, has a pretty tanky build, can cause immobile, and hits hard. Would be better if you could get him to 3 stars though.

Rasa: interesting guy. I don’t know much about him, but I’ve heard that unless he’s 3 stars, he’s too squishy to use

Gengetsu: has fun abilities but I think he has the same problem as Rasa and Mu

GNW Hinata: Has a bit more offensive power than regular Hinata, but at the price of tankiness. It’s your playstyle choice whether you want to use her or regular Hinata.

GNW Temari: Really good at getting High Combos and has good damage. I don’t know much else about her.

GNW Sai: He actually might be worse than regular Sai because his Standard Attack is now making lions, which means he never attacks on Turn 1. However, his Mystery is good although it has a high battlefield cooldown

*GNW Sakura: She’s actually a pretty solid character overall; she’s a great healer and can even kindasorta tank.

GNW Shino: Good in arena and Ranked Battle. Mediocre in a main team. Poor Shino is just generally less useful in this game...

GNW Neji: compared to regular Neji, he has more acupuncture but is less tanky and less prone to dodge. Again a choice of playstyle.

*GNW Kiba: one of the best tanks, always starts a combo with his standard and has a hard hitting Mystery. I really like him, but I feel like Sage Naruto does everything he does, but better. Nevertheless he’s a good character to use otherwise.

GNW Ino: has a more impactful Mystery but higher cooldown. Use if you want an Inoshikacho team for funzies

*GNW Tenten: Has a REALLY hard-hitting Mystery and is prone to getting a lot of Critical Hits. Outclasses the regular Tenten in almost every way.

*GNW Kankuro: Has a slightly tankier puppet. Great at dishing out Debuffs and pretty useful as a Damage Dealer. Just don’t let his puppet die.

C: don’t use him, only good with lightning and even then he’s hard to use

Kurotsuchi: a great asset in Earth teams, good support-type

Akatsuchi: a great tank, but doesn’t excel in anything else

Temari [Five Kage Conference]: good in Wind teams, not as good anywhere else

Torune Aburame: A pretty good tank, he basically has 200% of his HP. Works well with Utakata in theory

Fu Yamanaka: really useful in Fire and Lightning teams, works well with Danzo. His Puppet is practically like a Naruto clone though, it’s real easy to kill. Luckily he spawns another one every turn. He’s also good in Exams since he has a Turn 1 Chaos

Mabui: the best provider of Chakra, but is mediocre in every other aspect. She’s really good in certain teams though, notably the Mei-Mabui-GNW Tenten cancer team

Onoki: I heard he *s but idk

*Mei: One of the hardest-hitting characters in the game. Her Mystery hits hard, deals a lot of damage and leaves the enemy team with ignite. Also deals extra damage to male characters... most characters are male.

Kazekage Gaara: Pretty good upgrade over regular Gaara. His Mystery has a cool animation and can be pretty potent, but he doesn’t have the debuffs like Mei.

*Darui: Really solid. He can dish out Paralysis like nobody’s business, which is really nice.

*Danzo: useful in general, a good utility character. Has ambition, so is good with Fu Yamanaka

Mifune: only good with sword teams

*Killer Bee [Seven Sword Style]: He can enable characters like 8Gates Lee and Ukon Sakon to pull off 4 attacks every turn, thanks to his Mystery that gives others extra attacks. Great synergy with Jinchuriki, especially Sage Naruto.

Chojuro: Best if used with other Water types, not as good alone.

As for the super rares idk

Hanzo: especially good in GNW, though still pretty nice elsewhere

Edo Tensei Haku: mostly good for Water and Air teams

Edo Tensei Nagato: I don’t know, but I heard he’s good

Edo Tensei Deidara: really scary in theory, but since he hasn’t come out yet idk

*Kill-Yourself Hidan: A decent long term investment; he’s a VERY scary character to fight against.

Make-Out Paradise Kakashi: can possibly be used as a utility character since he basically has a free acupuncture and provides chakra to allies and debuffs to enemies. idk how to use him though

*Eight Gates Lee: A really good damage character. One of the only characters who can attack 4 times. His mystery isn’t as good as Ukon Sakon’s, but it’s easier to make a team around him than it is to make a solid Ukon Sakon team, so he’s the better choice if you don’t have the resources.

Playboy Sasuke: I don’t know

Naruto [Nine Tails Chakra]: only worth it if you can get him to 3 stars or 4 stars... then he becomes really op. ultimate long term investment

*Sakura [Sailor Uniform]: nice character, but usually only available to paying players I think. Great damage, great healing, just good in general.

Make-Out Paradise Shikamaru: he’s a joke

Swimsuit Ino: I’m pretty sure she’s also a joke


So yeah... any thoughts on this?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-28 04:08:50Show this Author Only
  • Do I life On 2017-08-28 03:03:29
  • Deidara: difficult to use since you kinda hafta make a team that suits him.

    Sasori: has a high power Mystery and is kinda tanky, but if you want to use him you NEED to keep that puppet alive somehow

    Tobi: good utility character, has a lot of uses.

    Itachi: like Deidara, he only works if you have a team that fits him

    Kisame: Works best if you use him in a team that fits. If you can find a good team with him, he'll be really powerful.

    Hidan: really scary character - can lower defense with Tag etc. Unfortunately he has kinda low health because of his immortality so he shouldn't be counted on as a Tank.

    Kakuzu: Extremely similar to Kakashi. Kakuzu synergizes well with Hidan, interestingly enough. I wouldn't recommend using him since by the time you get him, you don't need Kakashi anymore.

    Konan: really good with Akatsuki teams, especially with Hidan

    Chikushodo: *s right now, though Skillbooks will make her better

    Ningendo: a solid utility character

    Shurado: another decent Utility character, has an interrupt mystery and a good Rinnegan buff. However, he's a lot like Kakashi in playstyle which makes him a bit less useful

    Jigokudo: a really solid support type, better than Chiyo

    *Gakido: another quite useful support character, can remove debuffs and add shields - nice.

    Tendo: Works best in a Pain team where all the other Pains give him buffs. I've heard that he's only really good with lightning main though but idk. You get 76 or so frags of him from ultimate training.

    Wind Blade Asuma: great in Nine Tails, solid everywhere else. I’m not 100% sure how to use him though.

    Beheading Sword Kakashi: meh. You can get him as a common from Edo Tensei treasure.

    Sage Jiraiya: decent. Has a hard hitting Mystery and can chase off himself but is kinda fragile otherwise.

    Orochimaru [Konoha’s Traitor]: I used to think he was really OP - he kinda is if he can get his mystery off. But like the other orochimaru he was nerfed a while back so he’s okay at best.

    Ao: you can get him as a common in Kage Treasure. He’s kinda like a less tanky Neji. Best with Fire or Water teams

    *Sage Naruto: One of the best/most solid characters in the game. Tanky, versatile, fits into most teams, and deals a lot of damage. Do NOT PULL FROM SAGE NARUTO TREASURE TO GET HIM THOUGH. He shows up in events a lot so get his fragments from those events. I was able to recruit mine just from events.

    Hashirama: I don’t have him but fighting against him is a huge pain. So he’s probably good

    100 Puppets Sasori: I don’t know. Heard that the puppets he spawns are really easy to kill tho

    10 Puppets Chiyo: Very reliant on her chases, which lowers her usefulness

    Yugito: okay character, could be better

    Yagura: Depending on what your opponent team is, Yagura could be really potent. Just clone your opponent’s Kage, and it’ll even reset the barriers by shutting theirs down and making one of your own.

    Samehada Bee: I don’t know

    Roshi: I’ve heard that he’s good, but I don’t know. Some people called him a “meta breaker” but I don’t think that’s true.

    *Han: A good character, can remove opponent buffs. Useful, unless you’re fighting someone like me who doesn’t use any buffs in their team XD

    Utakata: really solid in a Debuff team or a Water team

    Fu: some think that she *s, but in a team that fits her she can actually be really annoying to fight.

    Ginkaku: Mediocre

    Kinkaku: kinda like a mini GNW Tenten, except GNW Tenten does it better than him.

    Kabuto [Snake Cloak]: Really good with characters that have the Ambition passive (the one where when someone dies they get Chakra and Health) and a good waller. His revive isn’t that good though.

    Mu: A really good character actually, has a pretty tanky build, can cause immobile, and hits hard. Would be better if you could get him to 3 stars though.

    Rasa: interesting guy. I don’t know much about him, but I’ve heard that unless he’s 3 stars, he’s too squishy to use

    Gengetsu: has fun abilities but I think he has the same problem as Rasa and Mu

    GNW Hinata: Has a bit more offensive power than regular Hinata, but at the price of tankiness. It’s your playstyle choice whether you want to use her or regular Hinata.

    GNW Temari: Really good at getting High Combos and has good damage. I don’t know much else about her.

    GNW Sai: He actually might be worse than regular Sai because his Standard Attack is now making lions, which means he never attacks on Turn 1. However, his Mystery is good although it has a high battlefield cooldown

    *GNW Sakura: She’s actually a pretty solid character overall; she’s a great healer and can even kindasorta tank.

    GNW Shino: Good in arena and Ranked Battle. Mediocre in a main team. Poor Shino is just generally less useful in this game...

    GNW Neji: compared to regular Neji, he has more acupuncture but is less tanky and less prone to dodge. Again a choice of playstyle.

    *GNW Kiba: one of the best tanks, always starts a combo with his standard and has a hard hitting Mystery. I really like him, but I feel like Sage Naruto does everything he does, but better. Nevertheless he’s a good character to use otherwise.

    GNW Ino: has a more impactful Mystery but higher cooldown. Use if you want an Inoshikacho team for funzies

    *GNW Tenten: Has a REALLY hard-hitting Mystery and is prone to getting a lot of Critical Hits. Outclasses the regular Tenten in almost every way.

    *GNW Kankuro: Has a slightly tankier puppet. Great at dishing out Debuffs and pretty useful as a Damage Dealer. Just don’t let his puppet die.

    C: don’t use him, only good with lightning and even then he’s hard to use

    Kurotsuchi: a great asset in Earth teams, good support-type

    Akatsuchi: a great tank, but doesn’t excel in anything else

    Temari [Five Kage Conference]: good in Wind teams, not as good anywhere else

    Torune Aburame: A pretty good tank, he basically has 200% of his HP. Works well with Utakata in theory

    Fu Yamanaka: really useful in Fire and Lightning teams, works well with Danzo. His Puppet is practically like a Naruto clone though, it’s real easy to kill. Luckily he spawns another one every turn. He’s also good in Exams since he has a Turn 1 Chaos

    Mabui: the best provider of Chakra, but is mediocre in every other aspect. She’s really good in certain teams though, notably the Mei-Mabui-GNW Tenten cancer team

    Onoki: I heard he *s but idk

    *Mei: One of the hardest-hitting characters in the game. Her Mystery hits hard, deals a lot of damage and leaves the enemy team with ignite. Also deals extra damage to male characters... most characters are male.

    Kazekage Gaara: Pretty good upgrade over regular Gaara. His Mystery has a cool animation and can be pretty potent, but he doesn’t have the debuffs like Mei.

    *Darui: Really solid. He can dish out Paralysis like nobody’s business, which is really nice.

    *Danzo: useful in general, a good utility character. Has ambition, so is good with Fu Yamanaka

    Mifune: only good with sword teams

    *Killer Bee [Seven Sword Style]: He can enable characters like 8Gates Lee and Ukon Sakon to pull off 4 attacks every turn, thanks to his Mystery that gives others extra attacks. Great synergy with Jinchuriki, especially Sage Naruto.

    Chojuro: Best if used with other Water types, not as good alone.

    As for the super rares idk

    Hanzo: especially good in GNW, though still pretty nice elsewhere

    Edo Tensei Haku: mostly good for Water and Air teams

    Edo Tensei Nagato: I don’t know, but I heard he’s good

    Edo Tensei Deidara: really scary in theory, but since he hasn’t come out yet idk

    *Kill-Yourself Hidan: A decent long term investment; he’s a VERY scary character to fight against.

    Make-Out Paradise Kakashi: can possibly be used as a utility character since he basically has a free acupuncture and provides chakra to allies and debuffs to enemies. idk how to use him though

    *Eight Gates Lee: A really good damage character. One of the only characters who can attack 4 times. His mystery isn’t as good as Ukon Sakon’s, but it’s easier to make a team around him than it is to make a solid Ukon Sakon team, so he’s the better choice if you don’t have the resources.

    Playboy Sasuke: I don’t know

    Naruto [Nine Tails Chakra]: only worth it if you can get him to 3 stars or 4 stars... then he becomes really op. ultimate long term investment

    *Sakura [Sailor Uniform]: nice character, but usually only available to paying players I think. Great damage, great healing, just good in general.

    Make-Out Paradise Shikamaru: he’s a joke

    Swimsuit Ino: I’m pretty sure she’s also a joke


    So yeah... any thoughts on this?

they censored play-boi lol

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On 2017-08-29 17:37:36Show this Author Only

I agree with these

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On 2017-08-30 09:31:00Show this Author Only

"Kill-Yourself Hidan"? xD

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On 2017-08-30 13:16:22Show this Author Only

i=I sort of agree with every thing except for ukon sakon. I full heartedly agree with that. Before i got good ninjas, his mystery round 1 let me destroy high pay to win players with him shurado fire main and danzo.

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On 2017-08-31 12:50:28Show this Author Only

This is nice I guess, but I feel like there are a few ninjas here who are a bit overinflated.

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On 2017-09-05 10:31:55Show this Author Only
Any other comments?

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