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[ PVP ] double and triple healer water teams


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On 2017-08-28 01:21:13Show this Author Only

Shadowblaze is completely right in every aspect. He just gave a DETAILED description on how these teams are and he is NOT exaggerating at all. I personally i have lost to cancer teams with 20K less power than myself, and Mysticblade lost to someone with 40k less than him in space time tourney a little while back.

No matter how many times we come on here and say something needs to be done about it two things happen. #1: There is no action whatsoever on the part of developers to remedy the problem, and #2: People who use these cancer teams come on to whatever thread they are being discussed and defend the cancer thats spread through the servers and slowed pvp fights to a crawl.

I'll tell you one thing: They are a huge contributor of whats killing the game (besides all of the shady tactics of the devs and oasis) These teams are THE MOST boring teams to fight, there is nothing interesting or clever about them whatsoever. The degree to which they heal is so unbalanced and you lose to poison that just eats you away round after round while there's nothing you can do.

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On 2017-08-28 01:38:41Show this Author Only
  • JushinUchiha On 2017-08-28 01:21:13
  • Shadowblaze is completely right in every aspect. He just gave a DETAILED description on how these teams are and he is NOT exaggerating at all. I personally i have lost to cancer teams with 20K less power than myself, and Mysticblade lost to someone with 40k less than him in space time tourney a little while back.

    No matter how many times we come on here and say something needs to be done about it two things happen. #1: There is no action whatsoever on the part of developers to remedy the problem, and #2: People who use these cancer teams come on to whatever thread they are being discussed and defend the cancer thats spread through the servers and slowed pvp fights to a crawl.

    I'll tell you one thing: They are a huge contributor of whats killing the game (besides all of the shady tactics of the devs and oasis) These teams are THE MOST boring teams to fight, there is nothing interesting or clever about them whatsoever. The degree to which they heal is so unbalanced and you lose to poison that just eats you away round after round while there's nothing you can do.

so what u balance the game and the p2w ass**** wont buy 100$/ninja anymore ? You really think Oasis will do that ?

But more fun, i think they have no idea how to balance this game which is very difficult anyway.

Next time, you will play those type of team

And dont say me "Its not fun, boring team"

Guess WHAT, faceing people with 40k pow less then you is fun ? Oneshoot your ennemies turn one is fun ?

You are the exemple of why this community is so *ty ....

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On 2017-08-28 04:03:59Show this Author Only

Just make healing tips have diminishing returns if 2 ninjas on the same team has it. Reduce the 2nd ninja's buff to 20% instead of 40%. 3rd ninja 10%.

I'm not even sure how they calculate it, is it additive? or multiplicative?

No one enjoys playing 10 rounds, except the winner which 90% of the time will be the cancer team. I find it even amusing some suggest blitz because 90% of the time you will fail. There is just too much margin for error for the cancer teams.

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On 2017-08-28 04:21:29Show this Author Only

Cancer Teams are called so for a reason, which is basically...... yeah they are completely jack and sh1t to deal with. i mean before the introduction of roshi there were cancer teams but you could take them out using Huge Aoe damage(in which can i just say i love the Aoe of normal gaara, give me them skillbooks already) and it was quite balanced. but after Roshi came out it is like an early christmas for these teams, all i see in spacetime at the top ranks of 100-50 are these *ty teams just sitting there for no reason with a roshi now to boot. earlier they had kimimaro who could be controlled and stuff now they have a tank that is immune to everything, increases def. and ninjutsu on being hit ( which is quite masochistic can i please say that and not get banned) and the cherry on top is that if you touch him he'll ignite you. So yeah Oasis my question to you guys is How do we beat this Nightmare? i mean it has poisons, its got heals,ignite and God forbid that roshi somehow triggers his chase on you. The lineup in itself is pretty F2p (except the hokage Tsunade Part), i mean after the last event everyone's got a sailor.
So tell me guys, earlier you had a b0ner for Earth

then you guys got a b0ner for Lightning main teams ( that Sword slashing H@ck that can kill anything almost)

now you have a b0ner for water main and her posion tai.
when are you guys planning to make this a Balanced game?

This post was last edited by Nyte on 2017-08-28 04:26:14.
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On 2017-08-28 08:05:01Show this Author Only

If you own initiative on par power mei mabui tenten gnw always beat roshi triple healer teams. In general you beat those teams if you are able to control two of their healers every round (with ninjas like fu, rasa or gnw ino) or to apply ignition multiple times per round (roshi, edo deidara, full skillbreaktrough sasuke, etc... ), but yes, is hard.

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On 2017-08-28 08:07:44Show this Author Only

Want to Cure Cancer?? The game put out 1 of the cures ,his name is Minato Namikaze (Jonin) and im sure as the game goes along there will be more and more better ninja that come out.

Go youtube that name , and look at his work,, then come on here and complain

Lets say just to shut people down, Max heal u could ever do is 900, i mean u people are complaining about heals that seems fair. Max poison hit for is 500 a hit, which caps at 4 hits so 2k max dmg. Keep those number in mind

It would be a Game of Lighting blitz /Fire with whoever went 1 and had the highest attack, with also who ever spent the most money would win..Wait wait.. I remember this. That how the game use to be, when water main was completely USELESS

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On 2017-08-28 13:57:42Show this Author Only
  • Karissaa On 2017-08-28 08:07:44
  • Want to Cure Cancer?? The game put out 1 of the cures ,his name is Minato Namikaze (Jonin) and im sure as the game goes along there will be more and more better ninja that come out.

    Go youtube that name , and look at his work,, then come on here and complain

    Lets say just to shut people down, Max heal u could ever do is 900, i mean u people are complaining about heals that seems fair. Max poison hit for is 500 a hit, which caps at 4 hits so 2k max dmg. Keep those number in mind

    It would be a Game of Lighting blitz /Fire with whoever went 1 and had the highest attack, with also who ever spent the most money would win..Wait wait.. I remember this. That how the game use to be, when water main was completely USELESS

do you realize that you are saying that a ninja thats only avialable to players with huge amounts of coupons/ ingots is the way to counter cancer lineups? hmm thats nice considering most cancer lineups arre nearly F2p

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On 2017-08-28 15:49:06Show this Author Only

For me, double healers, not so much. I've played Azure for far too much and too long to know how to deal with.

Triple could be problem when the enemy team has Kage Tsunade.

Kabuto is meh now, since he got nerfed. Shizune is in the same row as Kabuto. But if she was Water, PHWOAA! She will be hella stronger than this.

Arena base

Max heal from Azure with 40% healing tip in arena gives 1200 hp. (Not including Tsunade healing tip 45%)

Sailor 900

If triple with Tsunade, she gives 45%. Therefore only Azure heals almost up to 1800 hp per round.

As f2p the only team so far i beat triple healers in arena (ONLY) I've played with was.


AF - x - Roshi

Yugito - Sailor

Trumpet, Chamelon.

Yugito will hit last this will trigger Roshi ignite chase.

Replace Yugito with Yagura for better CC and combo.

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On 2017-08-28 16:58:35Show this Author Only

lol want to nerf cancer water but when someone said to nerf blitz all of you complained, we just found a counter for you so you are crying like a baby because your blitz can't win anymore

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On 2017-08-28 21:22:13Show this Author Only
  • The Almighty On 2017-08-28 16:58:35
  • lol want to nerf cancer water but when someone said to nerf blitz all of you complained, we just found a counter for you so you are crying like a baby because your blitz can't win anymore

Excuse me Who is the 'We' here. all you guys did was jump on the bandwagon from kirra's cancer team, then when roshi came out and u guys saw that he was a good tank u just put him in your lineup, there was no 'we'. before Kirra all the water mains ever used was Mabu mei GNW tenten teams, or the chojuro Ao Mei meta. thre was no We. you guys just took it cuz it looked cool that it could beat a higher Bp blitz team.

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On 2017-08-28 23:40:14Show this Author Only
  • The Almighty On 2017-08-28 16:58:35
  • lol want to nerf cancer water but when someone said to nerf blitz all of you complained, we just found a counter for you so you are crying like a baby because your blitz can't win anymore

i dont run blitz, i've never been lightning on the na servers either. i didnt complain about lightning because it was actualy balanced and i knew with time it was going to get weaker, even back in 1.0 lightning blitz was a thing, the easy counter was wind main with iruka to shield clones and eat the blitz, hell naruto with iruka used to work(probably still does considering 4k+ iruka shields). now there is an easier counter to blitz teams, its called han, and he works well vs more than just blitz because of his dodge and super armor hes *l around excellent tank in any scenario. hell, even without han lightning blitz cant beat me since i win barrier and run tsunade so i can survive and start cc locking them the next round

water cancer isnt a counter to lightning blitz, its a counter to EVERYTHING. if it just countered lightning blitz i would say it was fine, i wouldnt care, but it counters everything besides other water cancer teams. im the highest power on s2, but healers heal more than i can hit for when i crit with a mystery, crits are chance heals are static.

my current team tries to control heal teams, but vs 3 healers there isnt enough control to go around for long enough to kill things even with my susano itachi and hokage tsunade. if they run 3 heals and a gakido then there is no way to out control them so u have to just nuke them to death(which requires a huge power advantage) or play another cancer team to out survive them, which if u have to play a copy of a team to counter that team its not balanced its op.

all of you who cried over lightning saying it was op just couldnt figure out a team we used back in 1.0 to survive it, as fire b4 tobi became the norm i used naruto and iruka to survive lightning blitz teams just like every1 else, in 2.0 i didnt need them once i won the barrier, because our health pools have increased so much that blitz has a hard time killing anything of mine turn 1 without that extra 40% damage. when i lost the barrier i had a manual barrier team i used to reduce lightning blitz damage.

there were many counters to lightning blitz that werent op. all of u people playing water cancer r just crying that you cant win without having something op to use and ur being sure to abuse it as much as u can b4 its nerfed, which if u look at the cn version water was nerfed in a few ways, so congratz u c*e an op team, when it gets nerfed ill be sure to look for all of u in swb and any other cross server event and we can see how good u realy are :)

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On 2017-08-29 00:39:39Show this Author Only
  • Nyte On 2017-08-28 21:22:13
  • Excuse me Who is the 'We' here. all you guys did was jump on the bandwagon from kirra's cancer team, then when roshi came out and u guys saw that he was a good tank u just put him in your lineup, there was no 'we'. before Kirra all the water mains ever used was Mabu mei GNW tenten teams, or the chojuro Ao Mei meta. thre was no We. you guys just took it cuz it looked cool that it could beat a higher Bp blitz team.

lol I never used a single seal scroll on any jinchu treasure, I'm using basic ninjas against new teams

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On 2017-08-29 00:42:03Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-08-28 23:40:14
  • i dont run blitz, i've never been lightning on the na servers either. i didnt complain about lightning because it was actualy balanced and i knew with time it was going to get weaker, even back in 1.0 lightning blitz was a thing, the easy counter was wind main with iruka to shield clones and eat the blitz, hell naruto with iruka used to work(probably still does considering 4k+ iruka shields). now there is an easier counter to blitz teams, its called han, and he works well vs more than just blitz because of his dodge and super armor hes *l around excellent tank in any scenario. hell, even without han lightning blitz cant beat me since i win barrier and run tsunade so i can survive and start cc locking them the next round

    water cancer isnt a counter to lightning blitz, its a counter to EVERYTHING. if it just countered lightning blitz i would say it was fine, i wouldnt care, but it counters everything besides other water cancer teams. im the highest power on s2, but healers heal more than i can hit for when i crit with a mystery, crits are chance heals are static.

    my current team tries to control heal teams, but vs 3 healers there isnt enough control to go around for long enough to kill things even with my susano itachi and hokage tsunade. if they run 3 heals and a gakido then there is no way to out control them so u have to just nuke them to death(which requires a huge power advantage) or play another cancer team to out survive them, which if u have to play a copy of a team to counter that team its not balanced its op.

    all of you who cried over lightning saying it was op just couldnt figure out a team we used back in 1.0 to survive it, as fire b4 tobi became the norm i used naruto and iruka to survive lightning blitz teams just like every1 else, in 2.0 i didnt need them once i won the barrier, because our health pools have increased so much that blitz has a hard time killing anything of mine turn 1 without that extra 40% damage. when i lost the barrier i had a manual barrier team i used to reduce lightning blitz damage.

    there were many counters to lightning blitz that werent op. all of u people playing water cancer r just crying that you cant win without having something op to use and ur being sure to abuse it as much as u can b4 its nerfed, which if u look at the cn version water was nerfed in a few ways, so congratz u c*e an op team, when it gets nerfed ill be sure to look for all of u in swb and any other cross server event and we can see how good u realy are :)

well my water cancer team counters most teams specially lightning, as I use it to hunt lightning blitz in space time and SWB. I still win against other teams when using lightning or wind main, my lightning is not blitz and my wind is pure nuke, I know how to use mains properly. I don't rely on healer all the time, I know how to counter my own teams so I can adapt easily when I face similar teams

This post was last edited by The Almighty on 2017-08-29 00:47:53.
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On 2017-08-29 00:53:00Show this Author Only

i face a 3 heal team in the battlefield, i got a blitzteam, i got his ass... so u can win a 3 heal team with a blitzteam

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On 2017-08-29 01:06:14Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-08-28 23:40:14
  • i dont run blitz, i've never been lightning on the na servers either. i didnt complain about lightning because it was actualy balanced and i knew with time it was going to get weaker, even back in 1.0 lightning blitz was a thing, the easy counter was wind main with iruka to shield clones and eat the blitz, hell naruto with iruka used to work(probably still does considering 4k+ iruka shields). now there is an easier counter to blitz teams, its called han, and he works well vs more than just blitz because of his dodge and super armor hes *l around excellent tank in any scenario. hell, even without han lightning blitz cant beat me since i win barrier and run tsunade so i can survive and start cc locking them the next round

    water cancer isnt a counter to lightning blitz, its a counter to EVERYTHING. if it just countered lightning blitz i would say it was fine, i wouldnt care, but it counters everything besides other water cancer teams. im the highest power on s2, but healers heal more than i can hit for when i crit with a mystery, crits are chance heals are static.

    my current team tries to control heal teams, but vs 3 healers there isnt enough control to go around for long enough to kill things even with my susano itachi and hokage tsunade. if they run 3 heals and a gakido then there is no way to out control them so u have to just nuke them to death(which requires a huge power advantage) or play another cancer team to out survive them, which if u have to play a copy of a team to counter that team its not balanced its op.

    all of you who cried over lightning saying it was op just couldnt figure out a team we used back in 1.0 to survive it, as fire b4 tobi became the norm i used naruto and iruka to survive lightning blitz teams just like every1 else, in 2.0 i didnt need them once i won the barrier, because our health pools have increased so much that blitz has a hard time killing anything of mine turn 1 without that extra 40% damage. when i lost the barrier i had a manual barrier team i used to reduce lightning blitz damage.

    there were many counters to lightning blitz that werent op. all of u people playing water cancer r just crying that you cant win without having something op to use and ur being sure to abuse it as much as u can b4 its nerfed, which if u look at the cn version water was nerfed in a few ways, so congratz u c*e an op team, when it gets nerfed ill be sure to look for all of u in swb and any other cross server event and we can see how good u realy are :)

I totally agree man, i run an anti Lightning Blitz (full F2p) team and it works fine aginst most of the LM Blitz but mostly fails against other meta teams which is understandable but these cancer teams are basically too darn strong. with the poisons and stuff.

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On 2017-08-29 01:13:03Show this Author Only
  • TheFlorentino On 2017-08-29 00:53:00
  • i face a 3 heal team in the battlefield, i got a blitzteam, i got his ass... so u can win a 3 heal team with a blitzteam

if you kill the main tank in 3 healer team in round 1 you will have at least 90% cance winning

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On 2017-08-29 02:08:52Show this Author Only
  • The Almighty On 2017-08-29 01:13:03
  • if you kill the main tank in 3 healer team in round 1 you will have at least 90% cance winning

pls come to server 2 so u can see how wrong u r, the main tank for some of these teams is just a meat shield to protect the wm who has 25k hp, using all ur damage just to kill the meat shield does not mean u will win, when the main damage is poison and the 2 healers r the only things they need to stay alive killing a meat shield is pointless

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On 2017-08-29 02:52:17Show this Author Only

This is only about Shadowblaze post. This is him thinking cause he spent more money then most people,, he should win 100% of the time. Come to S2 u will see there are over 100 AZURE Fangs, just cause 1 or 2 of us gives him trouble and can sometimes beat him he comes on here to complain.

I DARE him to come on here and claim right now at 8/28/2017, 11:45 game time that he cant beat 99 of the people listed on that list, theres only 1 person that has a slight chance at beating him

So all his post is about him not able to beat Azure fang 100% of the time, cause theres only 1 person on that list, that once in a while can beat him, and thats why he comes on these water post to complain about it

The person with the Strongest Water Title on our server, Shadow can beat very easy so no idea why he even post on these

This post was last edited by Karissaa on 2017-08-29 03:30:57.
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On 2017-08-29 03:08:29Show this Author Only

Roshi, Utakata, Yagura, SB for example should let you beat that team with sb as the 4th prompt move with shield mystery, high combo chase and 10 combo standard attack and clone in front of sailor sakura, so that is your 4th move that makes both utakata and roshi chase proc and you copy on round1 their water main so that you have both healing tips and poison tai and you use the shield mystery after you summoned water main clone.

This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ on 2017-08-29 03:12:45.
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On 2017-08-29 03:14:15Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-08-29 02:08:52
  • pls come to server 2 so u can see how wrong u r, the main tank for some of these teams is just a meat shield to protect the wm who has 25k hp, using all ur damage just to kill the meat shield does not mean u will win, when the main damage is poison and the 2 healers r the only things they need to stay alive killing a meat shield is pointless

I mean Shadow you literally have ninjas that can completely shut down double healers (Susano'o Itachi, Masked Man) and you have the best tanks and dps around. Don't complain about something they cant fix because they have no power to fix it when you have easy solutions to your problems right in front of you my dude.

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