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[ PVP ] double and triple healer water teams


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-28 08:07:44Show All Posts

Want to Cure Cancer?? The game put out 1 of the cures ,his name is Minato Namikaze (Jonin) and im sure as the game goes along there will be more and more better ninja that come out.

Go youtube that name , and look at his work,, then come on here and complain

Lets say just to shut people down, Max heal u could ever do is 900, i mean u people are complaining about heals that seems fair. Max poison hit for is 500 a hit, which caps at 4 hits so 2k max dmg. Keep those number in mind

It would be a Game of Lighting blitz /Fire with whoever went 1 and had the highest attack, with also who ever spent the most money would win..Wait wait.. I remember this. That how the game use to be, when water main was completely USELESS

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 02:52:17Show All Posts

This is only about Shadowblaze post. This is him thinking cause he spent more money then most people,, he should win 100% of the time. Come to S2 u will see there are over 100 AZURE Fangs, just cause 1 or 2 of us gives him trouble and can sometimes beat him he comes on here to complain.

I DARE him to come on here and claim right now at 8/28/2017, 11:45 game time that he cant beat 99 of the people listed on that list, theres only 1 person that has a slight chance at beating him

So all his post is about him not able to beat Azure fang 100% of the time, cause theres only 1 person on that list, that once in a while can beat him, and thats why he comes on these water post to complain about it

The person with the Strongest Water Title on our server, Shadow can beat very easy so no idea why he even post on these

This post was last edited by Karissaa on 2017-08-29 03:30:57.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 04:28:18Show All Posts

Its like u people are being Fooled by Shadow LIES..If that one person who is water switch class, There would be NO water mains on the server that could beat him, If im wrong

PLZ shadow or anyone else on S2 give us 4 names out of the 100+ water mains that can beat shadow, theres only like 1 or 2 names maybe , His post is a DAM JOKE

He make it seems like he losses, but in fact he wins most of the time. I just feel cause he spent a Ton more money, he think he should win 100% of the time

He wants a Nerf to a class where 99 out of the 100 people that play it, cant beat him, and only that 1, has a very small chance at winning

He wants it so nobody has a chance to beat him and thats wrong to me

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 09:37:27Show All Posts

Again Shadow with your Dam LIES, So lets address them, I asked u to come on here and name, 4 Azure Fang players that can beat u right now and all u do is bring up the past

Everything Dien did since u like to bring up his name so much he did in 2.0, where to me he quit water on top , as the best water player in 2.0 . You need to GROW UP, WE ARE IN 3.0 NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You bring up Mystic and any other name u want, that didnt have ITACHI and Jonin Minato,They have these ninja NOW!! They didnt before, its a whole new game

I mean whats next u going to bring up stuff that happen when the game 1st came out ???? But 1 step at a time. Name the 4 water players now playing water that can beat YOU!!!!!, and enough with the Dam Bull crap and LIES, we both know its about u spending more and feeling u need to win all the time

This post was last edited by Karissaa on 2017-08-29 09:39:51.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 10:51:14Show All Posts


This post was last edited by Karissaa on 2017-08-29 11:44:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 11:45:25Show All Posts

Maybe he had him maybe he didnt, But 1 NINJA I know he didnt have is Jonin Minato who tears through water teams like a hot knife and *er. I ask u to come on here and name 4 water players that can beat u and all u do is Come up with more BS

Dien Won in 2.0, Stop bringing up stuff that happen in another version, everything u bring up happen mostly in 2.0. We are in 3.0 what about that DONT U UNDERSTAND

We have been in 3.0 long enough for u to bring up stuff thats happening NOW!!!!!!!!, Not stuff in 2.0

Since u decide not to read or u are too * to understand, i will point out how 2.0 and 3.0 are different

1.Reserve seal – was 2rd row 4th column. Now is 3rd row 4th column..U bring up Dien, no longer can his setup work as before u could have poison and seal, now u can only have 1 or the other... STOP BRINING UP STUFF THAT HAPPENED IN 2.0!!!!!!!!!

2..Lvl cap increased to 95...STOP BRINING UP STUFF THAT HAPPENED IN 2.0!!!!!!!!!

3.New Cloths and Summons update that 2.0 didnt have..STOP BRINING UP STUFF THAT HAPPENED IN 2.0!!!!!!!!!

4.*Ninja tools now require 3 five nature stones (up from 1), however matching nature bonus increased from 10% to 30%

*several ninja tools got their base stats reduced: sword of totsuka(70/65 -> 40/35), paper shuriken(60/50 -> 40/30) , shura's broadsword(75/60 -> 55/40). Changes are retrospective, they applied to already existing ninja tools in the inventory.STOP BRINING UP STUFF THAT HAPPENED IN 2.0!!!!!!!!!

5. im sure if i think about it or read that post, i could find other things that 3.0 brings that 2.0 didnt have but the most important thing is STOP BRINING UP STUFF THAT HAPPENED IN 2.0!!!!!!!!!



and if u get tired of your BS, name those 4 water players on S2 playing today that can beat u!!! u CANT which is why u will write another BS post

This post was last edited by Exvius on 2017-08-29 13:01:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 12:20:10Show All Posts

THANK GOD ,u wont post anymore, and this will be my last post as well, U said nothing about water change from 2.0 to 3.0, i just listed some of the things that did, go back and read your own words

The stuff that Dien did in 2.0 he would not be able to do in 3.0 yet u keep bringing up 2.0

You REFUSE to name 4 water players that can beat u playing now on S2 , cause there are NONE, that u cant beat, yet u made all these post about how water is OP, yet u can beat 99 out of the 100 Azure Fang players on your server. You are a JOKE

Nerf, i could care Less, people are able to lock down my heals .my main will still be hard to kill, , You of all people should know i will just go earth, and im sure u remember how that fight went, only reason im not earth now is cause of poison and Hanzo, So when that nerf happens, i will go Earth, and i then look forward to your BS then

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