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[ Strategy Share ] Group Summon, 9 Tails/Obito's Ambush


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-23 03:33:36Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Group Summon, 9 Tails & Obito's Ambush

With the introduction of the 3.0 update, we've all seen the changes that have occurred in Group Summon & 9 Tails Events. Below is a list, which is by no means exhaustive, of potential team line ups recommended for the Group Summon & 9 Tails Events.

Group Summon

The changes 3.0 brought with it introduced a number of phases in the event.

Firstly you have to singlehandedly contend with a number of Sealed Ninja teams, now, these are in no way as powerful as those you experience in the World Map, however, its still highly recommended to run your Main Team prior to doing battle with the Summon proper. Defeating these teams will grant you various bonuses, which must be manually activated, to your team when fighting the summon.

One all the Seal Ninja have been vanquished, you move on to engaging the Summon itself. This is where you switch to a dedicated Team for Group Summon/9 Tails.

9 Tails/Obito's Ambush

Unlike Group Summon, you start the event with your dedicated 9 Tails team active, ploughing headlong into battle against the Kyuubi before he devastates Konoha & destroys the much beloved Ramen Ichiraku.

Generally speaking, within the 1st battle of the event, Obito will appear & attack you,

Whilst engaged against Obito, he'll use his mystery against you & immobilise one of your team. If you're running Barrier Ninja like Hashirama, Sasuke, Yamato etc, you're going to need to bait him with another ninja, other wise you're going to get locked down & the fight will take longer than you'd like.

On top of this, Obito will, rather annoyingly, dodge the 1st attack that would hit him & on his own action, will immobilise someone with his chase. The best way to counter the chase is with Clones.

Once you've defeated the Ambush, its time to get back to doing what you do best & protect Konoha from the invading 9 Tails.

If you've got suggestions for line ups, please leave them in the comments!

Line Up Suggestions:

Midnight Blade

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Azure Fang

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Crimson Fist

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Breeze Dancer

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Scarlet Blaze

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  • Registered: 2017-08-22
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On 2017-09-08 20:05:46Show this Author Only

kalahinya dalam lvel berapa

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On 2017-11-12 00:02:16Show this Author Only

And what about the people who have low level and do not have many ninjas ?, I am level 75 and I do not have iruka or gara

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On 2017-11-12 01:12:24Show this Author Only
  • Luka kobayashi On 2017-11-12 00:02:16
  • And what about the people who have low level and do not have many ninjas ?, I am level 75 and I do not have iruka or gara

iruka is a free to gain ninja (you get 10 fragments every 3000 points refinement in ninja refinements). Anyways, the point is that against World Boss you want ninjas with more than one standard attack per round (like suigetsu), ninjas that boost other ninjas (like guy) and ninjas that owns high combo chases (10, 20, 30 triggering ones, like iruka or tenten gnw chases).

what are your current ninjas? for a while, when i was low level, i used with azure fang haku, suigetsu, guy for example.

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On 2018-10-23 05:27:01Show this Author Only
  • Luka kobayashi On 2017-11-12 00:02:16
  • And what about the people who have low level and do not have many ninjas ?, I am level 75 and I do not have iruka or gara

i use Team 7 if you up your power depending on how many players you should be good

  • Registered: 2019-10-29
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On 2020-06-11 20:59:54Show this Author Only

i use fire with anko p1, Ukon sakon p3 and guy p4. myth: phoenix fire, att: flame jutsu, chase: phoenix fire, fire style enhancement and clone. pakkun and tonton.

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