If we were to agree that getting plundered was such a detrimental idea to the playerba
No, after level 70 almost nothing different in anything expect survival trail and skill. You can keep your level low but not about your power. After all you get so many BENEFIT for keep your level down:
-The chance to get plundered get lower since the gap level 15.
-You also c*e support from your group mate, since your level low then the one who CAN plunder you is also a low level players then you can ask your groupmate with top rank player or high rank player and get a high chance to counter the plunder and get rid of their 50 coupon.
-Low chance to get someone with high level in matsuri (more chance to win then).
-Sage (same as above).
You guys need to play smart after all.
"Playing smart?" That's not even smart, mate.
You also get a lot of benefit from gaining levels that you miss out on if you're sandbagging and your end game suffers.
Sage would benefit you, sure... but Sage isn't even worth it. Fighting Matsuri actually benefits power and levels that contribute towards power.
Levels help you have power on your server. That's important.
Sandbag? Decent chance your Group is less inclined to give you best rewards for Great Ninja War. That ALONE is detrimental to your end game.
But things like Ninja Exam give you a constant stream of value that adds up over time. Incremental advantages is what it's all about. Again, Fighting Matsuri actually is easier for higher levels. Group summons and 9 Tails? Higher levels.
But, you know what? None of that really even matters because at the end of the game we shouldn't even be talking about whether or not it's possible to work around the plunder system in the same conversation we're discussing whether or not it's good game design. Because games that encourage people NOT TO PLAY THE GAME (which sandbagging does, if you consider "the game" to be in large part story mode like many would) are flawed in some aspect.
You suggesting people need to sandbag (which I think you're wrong about, but whatever) would still be a case for the system not being a good one. That's just very simple principles of game design.
Well to me not many benefit with high level and you will not suffer after all. To me level up to fast its not even smart mate.
Well about sage isn't worth??? Of course it was worth mate since you will get seal scroll and others reward.
Fighting matsuri actually benefits power and level??? That was true but fighting matsuri actually is easier for higher level??? Its not true, you will meet level 95 with 90k power or more at the end game(if you are f2p it will be hard for you and if you are f2p you will be become a punchbag).
"But things like Ninja Exam give you a constant stream of value that adds up over time. Incremental advantages is what it's all about." Who said you cant beat that??? I'm still low level but already fini* until 180.
Group summons and 9 Tails? Higher levels??? Big NO, like i said i am still at low level. Im still in the top ten with nine tails with out hokage support and jonin medal. Group summon, i'm still in the top five while top three power still in my group.
Decent chance your Group is less inclined to give you best rewards for Great Ninja War??? It was up to your group leader mate. If your group leader is a wise person, all people in your group will get the pack equally for join the war.
For convoy is very benefit if anyone don't plunder you you can get the maximum reward 35 coupon everyday which mean 35*30 = 1050 coupons, if no one plunder you. This is the reason i say you need to be smart (smart to survive from plunderer).
"But, you know what? None of that really even matters because at the end of the game we shouldn't even be talking about whether or not it's possible to work around the plunder system in the same conversation we're discussing whether or not it's good game design. Because games that encourage people NOT TO PLAY THE GAME (which sandbagging does, if you consider "the game" to be in large part story mode like many would) are flawed in some aspect." But you know what??? you are the one who make THAT game design(which actually a play style) not oasis. People who play this have their own personality, who like to win, who just to have fun, who just love naruto, etc. And I PLAY LIKE I WANT TO, NOT YOU WHO DECIDE THAT even oasis cant decide that so you cant say "you must follow my play-style" and i still continue the story too even i late.
You suggesting people need to become high level (which I think you're wrong about, but whatever) and "That's just very simple principles of game design" you even don't know what are you talking about. You talking about play style not game design mate. Game design is like the system of the game, example if naruto sage chase repulse and cause knockdown, you need ninja that chase knockdown to continue the combo but you talk how to play, its not game design.
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